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Chapter 142: The same surname is Chen, so why is the gap so big? (2)

Seeing the knockdown or kill prompts appearing from time to time in the upper right corner, he was really hungry and thirsty.

No way, he had no choice but to continue driving towards the airdrop.

After the people in the official live broadcast room saw this scene, the barrage also followed.

"Who is on the sophomore team? It's typical to be stunned. In the game, it's obviously better to avoid airdrops!"

"I've seen such an arrogant person for the first time! Who does he think he is?"

"Uncle Douyu, you don't even know how you dare to watch the live broadcast? Someone dragged me out and shot me for five minutes!"

"Uncle, wake up, this is a game, not a live broadcast!"

"Brothers, enter the king of pretense, cheer for my uncle!"


"The sophomore team seems to be fighting for the airdrop?"

At the commentary, Zhou Yutong muttered aloud when he saw this scene.

"Well, depending on their intentions, it looks like they were rushing for an airdrop!" Su Liyang echoed, "Although this is a game, for the current black sky, I believe it will not be too risky."


Seeing that it had landed and the red mist was slowly emerging in the direction, Chen Yefeng stomped the accelerator to the end and rushed forward.

Soon, the airdrop appeared in sight.

The location is in the wheat field east of P city.

Although Chen Yefeng is confident, he is not blind, especially with the time bomb of his cousin.

Where, he first drove around in a circle, and after making sure that his surroundings were temporarily safe, he got out of the car and replaced all the items in the airdrop on his body.

The third level A, the third level head also has an AWM! ! !

"This can be said to be a perfect airdrop!" Zhou Yutong sighed when he saw the materials in the airdrop.

However, Chen Yefeng, who had finished the airdrop, did not leave here immediately, but took Song Haoran and Chen Yuan to find a place to hide!

"What is he doing? Why didn't he just lick the airdrop and leave?" Zhou Yutong was very puzzled.

"He should be... waiting for the fish to take the bait?" Su Liyang said uncertainly.

"Brother, be careful!"

Just as Chen Yuan was following Chen Yefeng, preparing to quietly be a cute girl lying down, but suddenly saw a figure in front squatting up from the grass!

The situation can be said to be very sudden, a Voldemort appeared so abruptly, no one expected it.

After all, Chen Yefeng deliberately drove around just now, but failed to draw him out.

But Chen Yefeng didn't panic at all, and his expression was as steady as Mount Tai.

There must be someone jumping at such a large resource point in P City, and it is now a safe zone, no one will have a ghost!

Therefore, seeing Voldemort who suddenly appeared, Chen Yefeng quickly took out the AWM he had just picked up, and at the same time tilted his body slightly.


AWM shot down Voldemort who appeared suddenly.


[ShangDa, Feng used AWM headshot to knock down ChuangDa, Jie]


"This shot..." Zhou Yutong looked at it for a moment. She thought about the words she wanted to praise for a long time, but she didn't expect a good adjective.

In the end, he could only say with difficulty: "Great!!!"

Su Liyang was also taken aback for a moment. At such a close distance and such a quick response, he didn't seem to regress in any way?

But that's okay. When he defeats him personally, he will be more speechless! ! !

"Brother, you're so amazing!" Seeing Chen Yefeng shot Voldemort in seconds with a backhand shot, Chen Yuan suddenly cried out happily.

You know, if you change to her, it is estimated that you will drink hate in all likelihood.

Worthy of being my cousin who wished to be a male god, is amazing! ! !

"Let me make up for him!" Chen Yuan excitedly held the submachine gun in his hand and walked up, preparing to open the meat.

But at this moment!

Behind a tree not far away, another person sprang out in an instant!

"Da da da da da da..."

A series of AKM gunshots sounded, the muzzle was spitting out hot flames, and the bullets were also shot over.

There was no cover for the three of them. It was just a blink of an eye. Chen Yefeng, who was in the front, had his blood volume dropped by about half!

"It's over!!!" Zhou Yutong sank upon seeing this.

The timing of the opponent's appearance was very precise, and it happened to be in the neutral position of Chen Yefeng's AWM pull bolt change.

According to Chen Yefeng's current blood volume, as long as he was shot a few more shots, he would have to fall to the ground even if he was in Grade 3 armor.

"You underestimated him!" Su Liyang next to him was disapproving.

If this kind of Chen Yefeng is really knocked down in this situation, then he is not worthy of being my Su Liyang opponent!

Faced with this sudden crisis, Chen Yefeng was still very calm.

"Papa Papa!!!"

The keyboard made a crisp sound under Chen Yefeng's percussion.

Of course, he doesn't have any support. He still knows that all behaviors that despise opponents are irresponsible to the team.

Chen Yefeng dodged like a ghost, and quickly cut his gun.

After switching the other M416 into his hands, Chen Yefeng immediately counterattacked!

"Da da da da da da..."

After a series of counter-attack shots were annihilated, the whole wheat field suddenly became quiet.


"ShangDa, Feng used M416 to headshot ChuangDa, DiYa"


And Chen Yefeng's blood volume was only a trace left, and he could be knocked down with a fist.

Although it looks a little weak, but he still stands tall, like a **** descending to the world!

"Oh... why bother, why do I need to force me to do it?" Chen Yefeng sighed as he pretended to be forced while holding his first aid kit.

Song Haoran and Chen Yuan looked at each other. They also shot back at the first time, but they didn't expect the head to be snatched by Chen Yefeng.

Especially Chen Yuan, thinking back to his body stroke marksmanship just now, he didn't know what to say.

Why is his cousin so good, but his own is so unobvious?

The same surname is Chen, why is the gap so big! ! !

"Haoran, thanks to your help for taking two shots, or it's me who fell to the ground!" Chen Yefeng said with a smile.

"Brother! What about me! What about me!" Chen Yuan also eagerly invited the credit, "I shot just now!"

"Hmm..." Chen Yefeng glanced at his cousin, "You are also very good, and you almost scared the other side to death!"

Chen Yuan: "..."

Why do I always feel like you are suggesting that I am using birds?


"This wave is so dangerous!"

At the commentary, Zhou Yutong sighed as if he was on the scene.

"However, player Chen Yefeng completed the counter-kill and successfully eliminated the last player from Sichuan University!"


After Chen Yefeng finished the first aid kit and drank a bottle of painkillers, Chen Yuan's surprise voice came from the headphones.

"Brother, there is a 98K here!

Anyway, you have an AWM, I will take this gun! "

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