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Chapter 154: Brother, you have to take the initiative as a man!

At that time, Zhou Yutong had retained Chen Yefeng, but was told that he was going back to be a student dog.

At first Zhou Yutong thought Chen Yefeng must be joking, but now it seems to be...really?

"What good is it for me to lie to you?" Although Zhou Yutong, who is known as the goddess of the nation, sat across from him, Chen Yefeng still didn't panic at all, and his actions seemed very natural.

"Actually, I think you can think about developing in the entertainment industry." Zhou Yutong hesitated for a while and said.

"On your terms, I believe it will be able to make a splash in the entertainment industry."

"But I'm not interested." Chen Yefeng shook his head gently, "Take the last time as an example, if it weren't for you, I would never be a group performer!"

"That's not a group performance!" Zhou Yutong corrected, "If you want to continue participating in the performance, I can help you say hello to the person in charge of Yuanhang Media, maybe you can be the protagonist in the second part."

"Um..." Chen Yefeng was stunned.

Yuanhang Media?

Looks like one of countless industries involved in his own?

Looking at Zhou Yutong, who was known as the goddess of the nation, Chen Yefeng thought for a while, and decided not to tell her this fact.

"Then what, are you okay?"


"Then why are you going?" Chen Yefeng waved away, "I have something to do. I don't have much time to chat with you."

Zhou Yutong: "..."


After sending Zhou Yutong away, Chen Yefeng also walked out of the lounge.

"Brother, here~"

Looking slightly, he saw that the little girl was waving at himself in the crowd, and there was Ye Shengxue with the same smile standing beside him.

After Chen Yefeng walked over, he said, "Where are the others?"

"I have already assembled and are ready to go back. I am here waiting for you, otherwise what if you get lost!"

"Do you think I'm as uncomfortable as you?" Chen Yefeng curled his lips. Although he was so lost, he wouldn't be so exaggerated.

"Hmph, brother, Xiaoxue said just now, she will go to our college in a while~"

"Are you coming to see me specifically?" Chen Yefeng said proudly.

"Not at all!" Ye Shengxue rolled his eyes at him, "It's a literary contest, held at the University of Shanghai. I signed up and was selected!"

"Then tell the truth, if the location is not in the university, would you not be able to participate?" Chen Yefeng blinked, with a handsome face, leaning in front of Ye Shengxue.

"I..." Ye Shengxue glanced at Chen Yefeng, her face flushed.

"You guessed it right..."

"Oh, sure enough, people are so charming, even girlfriends are so worried!" After speaking, Chen Yefeng smiled triumphantly.

"Brother, I'm still here, can you take care of my feelings?" Chen Yuan pouted next to him, "Besides, my birthday is coming soon. Brother, what gift are you going to give me!"

"Send you a little niece?"

Chen Yefeng's casual words made Ye Shengxue feel a little bit ashamed.

"Fuck you! How do you send this thing?"

"So it takes the two of us to work together!" Chen Yefeng replied solemnly.

"I can tell, you two seem to be bickering, but in fact you are showing affection!"

Chen Yuan smiled, "Brother, let's just say that, Xiaoxue, you have to hurry up with my brother!"


After chatting for a while, Chen Yefeng also received a call from Wang Yang.

Don't urge him to hurry up!

After Chen Yefeng smiled twice and hung up the phone, he handed over the sports car key he had signed in to Ye Shengxue.

"Brother!" The little girl Chen Yuan was shocked when she saw this scene, "This is my sister's favorite car, did you give it to Xiaoxue?"

"How many times have I told you, this is mine! Not our sister's one!" Chen Yefeng was helpless.

"Why are you giving me the car key? Even if you give it to me, I can't drive..." Ye Shengxue stared at the key in her hand, a little confused.

Chen Yefeng was right to think about it, and simply took out his cell phone and made a call to let Wang Yang and the others go first, and he would go back.

On the other side, Wang Yang also urged him not to delay too long, because there is a banquet to attend in the evening.

After the brother and sister chatted with Ye Shengxue for a while, Chen Yefeng also drove Chen Yuan onto the expressway back to the magic city.

Along the way, the little girl was particularly shocked!

"Brother, I really can't see through you more and more!"

Seeing sitting in the co-pilot, two long legs dangling non-stop making wishes, Chen Yefeng also smiled slightly and said, "Why do you say that?"

"When did you learn to drive, why didn't I know?"

"Cough..." Chen Yefeng coughed and made up a reason casually: "I studied in Hawaii before."

"With Yusaku Kudo? Conan's father learned it?" Chen Yuan said smoothly.

"What a mess!" Chen Yefeng's face was dark.

"Hey, brother, ask you something."

"What's the matter?"

"Did you talk to Xiaoxue that night?"

"Is there anything?"

"That's it! The two of you haven't seen each other for so long. Of course you have to solve the major issues in your life."

"Of!" Chen Yefeng twitched.

"Since there isn't, then... Brother, where is the confidence to give me a little niece on my birthday!"

With that said, Chen Yuan said with a look of hatred for iron and steel.

"Brother, as a man, you have to take the initiative!

As the saying goes, no matter how much you say, you are not as strong as the overlord, and dare not go to jail for her. Why do you love her! "

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Along the way, Chen Yefeng's face was black, and Chen Yuan's face was aggrieved while covering his forehead.

The two brothers and sisters finally returned to the magic city and drove the sports car into the villa that my sister helped buy.

Chen Yefeng also quickly dragged the little girl back to the Magic City Academy.

after all.

Wang Yang said on the phone before that there will be a celebration banquet in the evening to celebrate the e-sports club's honor for the school and winning the first place in the college league.


Night fell.

Chen Yefeng and Wang Yang also came to a hotel arranged by the school leaders in advance.

Since it is a celebration.

Then naturally there can be no only e-sports club, in addition to other clubs who are also here.

The school leader simply said some polite remarks and left immediately.

For a time.

The atmosphere on the wine table is somewhat subtle.

Chen Yefeng also smelled the rattling odor in the air, but he did not speak, and drank tea quietly.

"Brother, I feel that something might happen later!" The little girl who was eating a chicken leg also felt something was wrong.

She turned her head and whispered to Chen Yefeng.

"Chew your chicken legs, don't talk!" Chen Yefeng squeezed her cheek, then put a piece of fried fish on the plate in front of Chen Yuan.

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