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Chapter 155: Have you ever heard of helping relatives or not?

"In the gala dinner of our e-sports club, some people should be able to leave after they have finished acting?"

At this moment.

Facing the school leader Ying Yingying with a smile just now, her tone suddenly became a little sharp.

The people on the wine table raised their wine glasses, and everyone was ready to clink and celebrate together.

"I said, Miss, what do you mean?" a tall, sturdy, dark-skinned person said displeasedly.

"Do you know what I mean?" Ying Yingying smiled coldly, "Liu Jian, I think you are really cheap.

I remember when our e-sports club was just established, you secretly gave us trouble, right?

Also, last time the college league lost, you seemed to be smiling happier than anyone else.


Do you dare not recognize it? "

"Sister, what are you angry with them!" Song Haoran didn't want to make the matter a big deal, so he hurriedly came out to "persuade you to fight!"

"You know, beasts can't understand people!"

"Who do you think is a beast?" Liu Jian stood up all of a sudden, his face a little unhappy.

"Trouble you, please don't take the seats!" Wang Genji added with a smile.

As the head of the basketball club, Liu Jian, who is a big five and three rough, has a violent temper. If you say something to the three of them, he immediately asked him to slap the table and stand up from his seat.

"Do you still want to do it?" Wang Genji frowned slightly, but he also stood up slowly.

"Just make a fuss!" Mu Fan, the chairman of the student union, stood up at the right time and prepared to stop this farce.

The university is a small society, this sentence is not for nothing.

Although it is a school on the surface, in fact there are intrigues and conflicts of interests.

Just like Mu Fan now, he was not worried about other people, but worried that once the trouble broke out, it would be difficult for the school leaders to deal with each other.

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Ying Yingying smiled coldly, "Don't disgust me with such a peacemaker's posture.

Last time the basketball club celebrated their feast, when they treated us in the same way, they never saw you stand up!

So please don’t stand up and talk, but stand on the moral high ground. Do you think you are a saint?

But it didn't happen to yourself. If it happened to yourself, I think you should be more angry than me. "

Mu Fan fell silent after hearing it, because Ying Yingying said he had no way to refute.

In fact, the truth is the same. The integrity of many people on the Internet is almost always commented on the premise that it has nothing to do with them.

"Look at the solution yourself."

Mu Fan, the chairman of the Student Union who was speechless by Ying Yingying, twitched the corner of his mouth and left the private room.

"Now there are only you outsiders. Is it possible that you still have to stay here stubbornly?"

Ying Yingying glanced at Liu Jian and his group with a bad tone.

"If we don't leave, what can you do with us?"

Just when the two sides were at war and angry.

With the sound of "crunch~", the door of the private room was pushed open from the outside.

Teacher Tang Yue, the person in charge, walked in with a smile, "Sorry, the teacher was late just now. Your banquet hasn't ended yet, right?"

After speaking, Tang Yue felt something was wrong.

This atmosphere is like a celebration banquet, the Hongmen banquet is almost the same!

"You are..." Tang Yue was stunned, and immediately looked at Chen Yefeng sitting aside, "Xiaofeng, you can explain it to the teacher."

Chen Yefeng: "..."

He almost squirted out while drinking tea!

Is there any explanation for this?

Obviously if you don't come, there will be a world war in the next second!

After briefly narrating the process, Chen Yefeng certainly added a little bit of oil and vinegar.

"Really?" Tang Yue's face changed a little.

"Looking at how you both look like, I am afraid that the reconciliation will not be achieved. Since you have not refuted, it proves that Chen Yefeng should not exaggerate.

I wondered, everyone is in the same college, why can't we support each other and work hard together? "

"As the teacher in charge of our college e-sports college league this time, I was lucky enough to see that kind of scene.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as crowded.

I also talked briefly with the teacher at Kyoto Academy, and they were not too surprised by the popularity of the scene at that time.

Because each club in Kyoto Academy has some activities, other clubs will come out to help, even if they can't help, the popularity will still be full. "

"But I can't figure it out. Why can people support each other and advance and retreat together? Are you secretly authentic?" Tangyue had a headache, originally thinking about coming here for a meal, and then told Chen Yefeng one thing.

Who knows, actually encountered such a thing.

At this moment.

Ying Yingying also spoke.

"Our e-sports club does not ask you to be as unified as the Kyoto Academy clubs, but please don't always pull us back, and don't jump out to ridicule disgusting people when our e-sports club does not perform well."

"It's okay if you don't like e-sports, but when we try to protect what we love, when we win glory for the school, please close your dog mouth!"

"Although there is competition between societies and societies, I hope you will use proper means to get more honors for the college to compare us.

Instead of using that shameful little trick! ! ! "

In the last sentence, Ying Yingying almost roared, her voice exploding in the private room like thunder.

No one thought about it. In the e-sports club, Ying Yingying, who is grinning, would have such a side.

"Get out of here, what are you doing here?"

Making the elder sister angry, Wang Genji rudely pointed at the group headed by Liu Jian and cursed.

Perhaps Liu Jian and his group had a guilty conscience, or because of Tang Yue's presence here, they opened their mouths, and in the end they didn't say anything, and the group left in a desperate manner.

"Okay, okay, you should eat and drink.

By the way, remember to save me some! "

After Tang Yue finished speaking, she waved to Chen Yefeng, "Xiaofeng, come out with me, the teacher has something to look for you."

Chen Yefeng looked at the ambiguous gazes of the people around him, twitching at the corner of his mouth, and quickly walked out of the private room behind Tang Yue.

"Why are you looking for me?"

After leaving the private room, Chen Yefeng asked aloud.

"In fact, it's nothing serious. If you encounter this kind of thing in the future, call me first!

Your sister asked me to take good care of you. "

"But aren't you a teacher..."

"Have you ever heard of helping your relatives or not? And this is indeed because they did not kindly." Tang Yue smiled, "Furthermore, when your sister went to school, she did not sponsor me less."

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