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Chapter 156: Uncle, you are on fire!

"Sponsor you?"

"Yes, my family was poor and couldn't afford to go to school, but your sister contracted all the expenses of my academic career.

So in a strict sense, I can be regarded as the woman your sister keeps. "

"Um..." Chen Yefeng was taken aback when he heard it.

How does it feel as if something extraordinary has been discovered?

"You came to me just to talk about this?"

"Of course not. Our college will hold a national college literary competition in some time. I am going to recommend you to participate."

"Me?" Chen Yefeng twitched at the corner of his mouth, "I know how many kilograms of ink are in my stomach, it's not shameful enough to go.

I'm good at playing games, but I'm really bad at doing literature! "

"You can pull it down, I remember when you were couplet with Xiao Yang in the car, didn't you feel very energetic?

Moreover, in the last Shanghai League you came out, I just ran to ask the old professor of our college, but he was helpless.

It is estimated that his old man is still studying Xialian! "

"You can even be stumped by Professor Tao Xizhi, this literary competition is none other than you!"

"Can I refuse?" Chen Yefeng was a little bit cried without tears.

Originally, I just played with Wang Yang casually, who knew that he was being targeted?

"Of course not, I guess, the old professor may come to you in person tomorrow, you have to be prepared."

Chen Yefeng wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Tang Yue.

"Okay, if you have anything you want to tell the old professor, I'm hungry, I have to go in and eat something.

It's rare for school leaders to entertain guests. You must eat and drink with this public money! "

After speaking, Tang Yue opened the door of the private room and walked in with a smile.

Chen Yefeng followed behind, watching Tang Yue who started to feast on sitting in a chair suddenly thought of a word.

I also want to keep a low profile, but he doesn't allow it anyhow! ! !

"Brother, eat chicken legs~"

While Chen Yefeng was full of emotions in his heart, Chen Yuan held a chicken leg and handed it to him.

"You haven't eaten much since just now, eat quickly, the chicken legs are not tasty when they are cold!"

Staring at about seven or eight chicken thigh bones in front of the little girl, Chen Yefeng knew that she probably had almost eaten it, so he simply reached out and took it.

"The relationship between your two brothers and sisters is so good~" Without the outsiders, Ying Yingying once again returned to the familiar appearance of everyone.

"Poor me, no one took the initiative to pick up food for me for so long.


I remember that when I went to graduate school with someone, his dad told me to take good care of me.

But, take a look, he was happily eating by himself, completely ignoring my feelings.

It was a mistake when I filled out the same volunteer with him! "

"That's it!"

Wang Yang, who bowed his head to eat, couldn't listen anymore, "Flip it for you, hurry up and eat!

You're going to die!

There are so many things to eat for a meal, I don’t understand what damaging things I did in my previous life, how could I break your hands in this life! "

Chen Yefeng smiled and looked at the two who began to show affection again, and was also happy for Wang Yang.

If he had not failed back then, Wang Yang would not have come back to school step by step, and of course he might not develop such a relationship with his childhood sweetheart.


Is it the legendary gains and losses?


After eating, a group of people dispersed separately.

Chen Yuan, who was sitting in the co-pilot, clapped his hands in excitement, "Brother, let's go to graduate school!"

"Won't you come home with me and have a look?"

"Which home do you mean?" Chen Yuan was stunned.

"Of course it's the building that our sister just bought for us in Magic City." Chen Yefeng explained.

Chen Yuan thought for a while, and finally shook his head.

"No, I have to go back and stay with Xiao Yu, otherwise she would be too lonely, but Bai Ningxin asked me to take good care of her."

Chen Yefeng smiled slightly when she heard the cousin's words, and she reached out and rubbed her head.

"You've grown up."

"Of course!" Chen Yuan heard this, with a proud chest and a mess of clothes, "I'm not the kid I used to be, I must have grown up!"


After sending his cousin Chen Yuan back to the university, Chen Yefeng also drove to Tang Pinyichen.

In fact, he mainly wanted to park the car here. After all, it would be a bit too ostentatious if the car were placed in the college.

Parked the car, walked into the villa, Chen Yefeng looked at the luxurious decoration inside, and it was also slapped.

It seems a bit lonely to live in such a big villa alone.

He understood the feeling of Bai Ningxin and Lu Jiayu.

It would be much more comfortable if there were five hundred bunny girl nanny.

of course.

Chen Yefeng just thought about this kind of thing.

Chen Shiyi, the sister of the pet brother Kuangmo, of course knows best what her brother likes.

Looking at the luxurious computer in the bedroom, Chen Yefeng quickly sat on it and turned it on.

After downloading the live broadcast software, he also started live broadcast.

As soon as the live broadcast room opened, the barrage skyrocketed!

"Pretend to be all members of the family, welcome to force Uncle Wang to return!"

"All rise!!!"

"My Nima, I'm squatting, but when I saw my elder brother start the broadcast, I still stood up!"

"Uncle, you are on fire!"

"Uncle, to be honest, do you have a leg with the national goddess Zhou Yutong?"


Looking at the barrage, Chen Yefeng frowned slightly.

When did I have a relationship with Zhou Yutong, the goddess of the nation?

Who is telling this story?

Chen Yefeng quickly logged into Weibo and took a look. It doesn't matter whether he looked at it or not, he was shocked.

The first hot search on Weibo!

#The goddess Zhou Yutong was invited to participate in the college league for him! #


The second hot search on Weibo!


#Extra nickname! The goddess of the nation entered the lounge with a mysterious man, suspected to be her boyfriend! #


Article 3...

Chen Yefeng took a brief look. Five of the top ten searches on Weibo are related to himself and Zhou Yutong.


The evil paparazzi is really pervasive!

Most importantly, there is also a video attached to the hot search. Zhou Yutong and Chen Yefeng walked into the lounge together talking and laughing.

This really gave Chen Yefeng a sense of powerlessness that he couldn't cleanse even after jumping into the Yellow River!

The image of the national goddess Zhou Yutong has always been that although she is friendly, she rarely has close contact with other men.

And now, he actually talked and laughed so intimately with a strange man, it was hard not to make people suspicious.

Chen Yefeng took a deep breath, somewhat helpless.

And at this moment.

Chen Yefeng suddenly received Zhou Yutong's call.

"Then what, hot search didn't bother you, right?"

"What do you mean?"

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