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Chapter 159: Good luck bad luck


"Uncle brother did a beautiful job, this is the real man of my generation!"

"I think if the eldest brother bends a little bit, if not so straight, maybe the child will be able to use soy sauce!"

"God **** it, look, Brother Brother, is this what a man said?"

"Who can tell me, why is this big straight man so popular?"

"Being handsome means you can do whatever you want!"


Xiao Tuanzi and Xiao Damei were slightly stunned.

As expected of Brother Ye Feng, he has such a personality!

Although it is correct to say that, the two of them are still somewhat lost in their hearts.

After all... who doesn't want to be well protected.

But at this moment, they heard Chen Yefeng’s roar in all their voices: "Garbage hunters, you are just a bunch of rubbish, a bunch of colored pens, and you have the ability to jump to school with me. I will show you what is called cruel!"

The reason why Chen Yefeng chose the school was of course because the school environment was more suitable for him, with fewer enemies and more enemies.

As soon as these words came out, the members of the hunter organization who matched Chen Yefeng in the same round were angry.

In the YY channel.

There was already a scolding at this moment.

"Damn, this person is so arrogant? Who does he think he is? Lu Qingkong? Su Liyang? Let him know how good we are later."

"This is the first time I encountered an anchor who dared to provoke our hunter organization. This time we will teach him a little lesson. How about letting him kneel and sing Conquest?

"The newcomer anchor has never heard of our name, it is understandable, but I hope he won't cry then."


On the other side, Xiao Tuanzi and Xiao Damei were so moved, Chen Yefeng would definitely attract the hatred of the hunters.

As we all know, hunters never show mercy to provocative people!

How could he deal with so many people alone?

It's over. If you really offend the Hunter Organization for yourself, the live broadcast career can be said to be over!

As the three silly betta fish, cooking is a live broadcast style, but Ye Feng is different. He is famous for his skills.


What I look like is his looks...


When Xiao Tuanzi and Xiao Damei were moved in various ways, when the hunter organization was amused by Chen Yefeng's ignorance.

Chen Yefeng spoke again.

"I'm not targeting anyone in this room, I just want to say that everyone here is rubbish!

If you refuse to accept it, you will jump to school. I punched Beihai Kindergarten, kicked Nanhai Nursing Home, stomped in the morgue, and there was no one who dared to breathe!

Come if you have the ability!

It's a brother, come and chop me! "


"Damn! Uncle brother is starting to pretend to be forceful again!"

"I just like the way my brother pretends to be forced, and I feel uncomfortable if I don't watch it all day!"

"Wait for the eldest brother to kill!!!"


How many people have not scolded anyone who played the game?

Chen Yefeng was so arrogant that he immediately scolded for not deceiving others.

"Grandma Cao Li! School is school, I think it was in sixth grade that year, and there was no rival in first grade!"

"If it's a man, jump to school, **** you!"

"I drafted a star coin, your star...beep beep..." (manual silence)


Ever since, a group of people began to scold Chen Yefeng!

All kinds of sayings that anyone who doesn't jump to school is a grandson, all kinds of greetings to each other's ancestors for the eighteenth generation all came out.

The positive energy in the live broadcast room is directly full! ! !

"Big brother is such a positive anchor, brothers, don't you hurry up and pay attention?"

"The only positive energy anchor on the entire network, Brother Douyu, don't miss it when you pass by!"

"Brothers, isn't this the light of the right way?"


A group of people got on the plane cursingly.

After a while.

At this time, the plane came over the school, Chen Yefeng jumped down decisively, and dense black spots could be seen behind him.

And listening to Chen Yefeng's words, the two small dumplings and little sisters who jumped nearby looked at the dense parachutes in the distance, as if they could cover the sky and the sun, and they were stunned.

This hunter organization seems to be facing Brother Ye Feng?

of course.

The fans in the live broadcast room did not panic at all, because many people have watched the college league, but they know the true identity of Chen Yefeng.

"The ending of this game is predictable. My elder brother is definitely the only survivor!"

"They really dare to jump to school, for fear that they don't know how to write dead words!"

"I think these kids would cry if they knew who the eldest brother is!"

"There were nearly a hundred people in the chicken game, and I had to lower my eyebrows when I saw my elder brother!"


When Chen Yefeng opened the parachute, he also saw the sky full of people.

It seems that the ominous premonition in his heart is indeed correct, this hunter is not at the second fool at all, but himself!

But... I don't seem to offend anyone, right?

Damn, someone must be jealous of their looks, and the analysis Xiaoqing gave is correct.

This person is handsome, and he is targeted everywhere!

of course.

This sky full of figures can't affect Chen Yefeng in the slightest, in his opinion these are all his own kills!

This time it will definitely be a fun!


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, a special reward for the host's good luck card and one bad luck card!"


"Good luck card, bad luck card..." Chen Yefeng looked at the effect slightly and used it directly.


As the name suggests, a good luck card is to bring good luck to oneself, and a bad luck card is to turn the enemy into a non-chief.

For the current situation, it is simply not too perfect!

at this time.

In the YY channel, the people of the hunter organization frantically complained.

"Is this guy aware of it? So he deliberately provokes so many people, wanting to fish in troubled waters?"

"Follow him, let's solve him first!"

"This B has no shirt and explodes. It's easy to recognize!"

"I saw it, right in front of me!"


at the same time.

The people in the live broadcast room watched Chen Yefeng's slow parachuting, and they also sent barrage to tease.

"I suggest that brother and Xiaoyuan learn skydiving skills, this skydiving is simply rubbish!"

"That's right, Big Brother and Xiao Yuan don't always be dead babies at night, it's useful to learn more!"

"When I see my elder brother, I will have fun. If I really learn skydiving, I still have to look at the magical girl Chen Xiaoyuan!"


at last.

A group of people landed.

In addition to the hunter organization, there were also many people who had just confronted Chen Yefeng.

But after landing, the people of the hunter organization were mad.

"Damn, I don't even have a gun on this rooftop, you guys quickly find a gun!"

"Nima, these passers-by are really annoying, it's not too late to teach them when the anchor is resolved!"

A bunch of people jumped to the school and didn't pick up the gun in the first time. The campus, which should have been shot loudly, was actually quiet and terrifying.

Chen Yefeng smiled knowingly. After jumping into the school, he casually entered a room and saw a handful of M416 with some bullets on the ground, as well as a third-level A and a second-level head lying quietly. There.

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