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Chapter 160: Go to his live room with rhythm!

"Damn, brother's luck is really good, there will be a gun on the ground."

"Sure enough, he is handsome, and even the gods help."

"Sometimes I wonder if my elder brother has opened up some resources!"


In the YY channel of the hunter organization.

"Have you seen the anchor? I found the gun!"

"That exploder seems to have gone to the first floor!"

"Brothers, gather, kill this B!"


Although they also have weapons in their hands, most of them are pistols, or spray weapons that are useless at long distances.

However, the purpose of the hunter organization is to eliminate Chen Yefeng, so although the equipment is not good, it can't hold up the crowd.

When a group of people rushed to the first floor to trouble Chen Yefeng, they saw a fully armed man rushing out.

"Damn! Who can tell me, why is he so lucky?"

"Damn, I just have a pistol, he has two big guns!"


Looking at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, Chen Yefeng decisively pulled the trigger of the M416 in his hand.

"Da da da da da da..."

A series of gunfire echoed over the school.


[HeiTian knocked down LieShaZhe, 12Hao with M416 headshot]


[HeiTian used M416 headshot to knock down LieShaZhe, 15Hao]


[HeiTian knocked down LieShaZhe, 18Hao with M416 headshot]


In the blink of an eye, Chen Yefeng knocked down three people.

In the YY channel,

In the hunter organization, the downed member scolded,

"Who can tell me why this guy is so lucky?"

"Moreover, this guy hits us all with headshots. Isn't this going to hang up?"

"Damn, no wonder I was so emboldened just now, it turned out to be a hanger!"


After Chen Yefeng knocked down the three of them, he did not make up for it, but continued to attack with the gun!

[HeiTian knocked down LieShaZhe, 5Hao with M416 headshot]


[HeiTian knocked down LieShaZhe, 8Hao with M416 headshot]


[HeiTian finally eliminated LieShaZhe and 12Hao using M416]


[HeiTian finally eliminated LieShaZhe and 18Hao using M416]


For a time.

Chen Yefeng's knocking down and killing are like erupting volcanoes, scrolling directly!

Xiao Tuanzi and Xiao Damei not far away saw this scene, and their eyes suddenly showed a little red heart.

Brother Yefeng is so tired! ! !

This thigh must be hugged tightly so that you can get rid of the name of the three silly Jedi! ! !


Fans in the live broadcast room also lamented again and again.

"Damn, I feel like I am not playing the same game with Uncle!"

"Big brother, that is the Jedi Chase, the one we played is called the Battle Royale!"

"Then our little wish is not the courier Sims and skydiving simulators?"

"Shut up, don't slander our little wish, she doesn't serve food, it's just not obvious!"

"Speaking of which is really a hunter organization, how come it feels so wasteful? I remember that an anchor was tortured to death by them before and finally ran to the Huya platform!"

"Maybe the second generation of the hunter? Sure enough, the second generation is not as good as the first generation!"

"Oh, the dignified hunter organization was smoothed by my elder brother alone!"


At this time, Chen Yefeng could be said to be completely dull.

No way, these people are too good.

It can be said that there is no one who can fight! ! !

And Xiao Tuanzi and Xiao Damei, the second silly of the Jedi, still watched the knockdown or kill prompts that appeared in the upper right corner.

Almost for a while, several people were brutally murdered by Chen Yefeng.

This makes Ersha feel envious in his heart.

When will I be able to kill like this with Brother Yefeng!


at this time.

The first floor of the school has been cleaned up, and Chen Yefeng also ran to the second floor to continue the overwhelming massacre.

Looking at the knockdown prompt in the upper right corner, the fans in the live broadcast room didn't know what to say.

At any rate, it is also the hunter organization that makes the anchors afraid of the news, but they are so vulnerable in front of the big brother, it is like a joke!

When the school fell into silence again, Chen Yefeng even got a terrifying fifteen kills!

This is because many people who were knocked down by him were taken away by others.

Land fifteen kills! ! !

The barrage in the live broadcast room was rolling and flying, and the gifts were constantly flashing.

But still did not leave Chen Yefeng's live broadcast room, listening to Chen Yefeng's words of thanks for the rocket sent by B.

The person in charge of the hunter organization was going to blow up his lungs, but he sent five planes to let him play a game and taste the dangers of the world.

But now it's okay. I didn't succeed in the sniper, and I gave the gift in vain. The most important thing is that I haven't been said thank you for the gift, but I was scolded by name! ! !

"Boss, what shall we do now?"

"No hurry, we wait for him to end, and then continue to attack in the next round!"

"But didn't he say that he would just play one game and then it would be broadcast?"

"Then give him another gift and let him play another game!" The head of the hunter organization said with a black face.

The other members did not speak either, always feeling that their boss has any special hobbies?

Damn, paying to be scolded and still so happy and not tired!


"Then what are we doing now?"

"Um... Go to his live room to bring rhythm! This person is a bit unreal, I think it may be a plug-in!"

"Yes, I was blinded by watching the replay just now. Damn, he just knocked down a person, and the next second he took aim at my head. This is almost an open anchor!"

"Once we have the stone hammer, then we don't have to bother to snipe him. The pressure of public opinion can cool him down!"

The person in charge's proposal was approved by everyone.

Usually they have nothing to do, and they often do this kind of unethical things with rhythm.

They like to see the way the anchor scratches his head and wants to prove, that is, to build happiness on the pain of others.


At the same time, Chen Yefeng in the game was out of school when he was going to meet the two girls.

Just across the road, the sound of gunfire came over.


It was the people in City R who sneaked over after searching the equipment. They watched so many people in the school, so they jumped into City R, and now they are going to fish in troubled waters and pick up a few heads.

Unfortunately, they just ran into Chen Yefeng.

Seeing the kind-hearted marksmanship on the opposite side, Chen Yefeng couldn't help but laugh.

I'm afraid it's not a human body stroke hanging!

There is no less, no more, but not a single shot!

It's almost better than my cousin. Although my little princess is also good, she is quite accurate at hitting herself anyway. She missed a shot like these people.

and so.

Chen Yefeng backhanded it with a shuttle bullet and knocked him down without any accident.

After this person was knocked down, the three teammates couldn't help but rushed out, and Chen Yefeng naturally killed them all, not leaving one!

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