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Chapter 161: This man is so shameless!

"Hang...Hang b, this person is definitely hanging!"

"I saw him swiping the screen just now, and now he killed us again. This must be a hang!"

"My Ciao, I shot it first, but he shot it later. Why was it me who fell to the ground?"

The four of them ranted frantically in the team's voice, very unconvinced.

But no way.

This is the gap! ! !


Although the eliminated person was very depressed, Chen Yefeng was in a pretty good mood.

Leading Xiao Tuanzi and Xiao Damei, from start to finish, and finally won a terrifying thirty-five kills!


"Damn, is this still a human?"

The people of the hunter organization were also stunned.

"This must be a hook, the last one who killed so many people is already cold, he actually has more than that man! This iron hook is more than one!"

"Bring the rhythm!"


With an opening rhythm, the barrage also began to quarrel fiercely.

"What's a joke? What kind of status is our elder brother, who would do such low-level things like opening up?"

"Can you tell me why I get a headshot every time!?"

"I can't do classics, and others can't do it. If others have done it, they will definitely hang on, laugh to death!"

"You have the ability to expose the mouse screen and prove yourself!"


The purpose of the hunter is very obvious. It is the best thing to do, but you can also take the opportunity to engage in Chen Yefeng's mentality.

However, they are too naive!

Chen Yefeng looked at the rhythmic barrage, and after a soft cough, he also said: "Everyone who scolds people, remember to pay attention. You can continue to scold the next time you start the broadcast!

So what, as for the doubt, I admit that I did it!

I don’t know if you have heard of it?


In fact, I just opened this kind of hanging. "


After the voice fell, there were many doubtful question marks on the barrage, and the eldest brother began to pretend to be forced again!


At the end of a game, Xiao Tuanzi and Xiao Damei were naturally unfulfilled.

"By the way, I heard Xiaoyuan say that Brother Yefeng sings very well, I don't know if I have this blessing!" Xiao Tuantuan suddenly suggested.

"Yeah, Brother Yefeng, why don't you just sing one? We will accompany you!" Little Duimei also began to plead.

Obviously it was a play with three women, but these two women made Chen Yefeng a little bit overwhelmed.

no way.

With the enthusiastic encouragement of fans and the crazy offensive of the two women, Chen Yefeng decided to sing a low-key song.

"Don't dare to look back.

Looking left and right for unnaturally secretly likes;

Secretly chatting up is always restless.

Tentatively say good night,

Vague and sad.

Lower your head and mutter...

The preference for you is too blatant;

The clown who was spinning in the same place kept sad. "

Under the blessing of the angel's singing voice, Chen Yefeng's voice was as gentle as jade, like a young man.

The people in the live broadcast room were also a little fascinated.

Xiao Tuanzi and Xiao Damei showed even more idiotic expressions on their faces.

Looks handsome, plays well in games, and sings so well!

God! ! !

This is simply the male **** among male gods! ! !







One by one slowly dimmed! ! !






Turn all the joys over! ! !


Too soft

Not bold

Too rigid

Not decisive

Playing unscrupulously! ! !



Give up

Let go


Helpless and impatient! ! !


The song is over, the audience is silent!

After singing, Chen Yefeng also coughed softly.

"I didn't find the feeling, the performance was a little abnormal."

The result is after a sentence is exported.

The fascinated audience who had listened to the live broadcast suddenly became speechless.

Although music can resonate, but...

The eldest uncle is still the familiar eldest uncle, and he feels frustrated without pretending to be forced!

"My family army came to propose a marriage, please be sure to accept your sister-in-law children!"

"Damn, little sister-in-law is completely fascinated by her uncle now!

I declare that starting from today, our home army will also be under the banner of the older brother! "

"Where are the people who pretend to be the family? Come out to welcome the new brother!"

"Zhang Tian Bang Li Bai welcomes all new brothers!!!"


And the hunter organization, which is always ready to attack, is also confused at this moment.

What is swelling?

Isn't he a chicken anchor?

Why did you start singing suddenly?


It seems to be nice?


The so-called family is happy and the family is worried.

The popularity of Chen Yefeng's live broadcast room is soaring, and gifts are constantly refreshing.

On the other side, Han Yu looked gloomy.

Although the live broadcast room also has a popularity of 700,000 to 800,000, it is relatively more angry than Chen Yefeng's more than five million people, like an ant looking up at the blue dragon.

"What are the hunters doing? I took the money but didn't do it? So many people were solved by one person?"

Depressed Han Yu dialed the person in charge of the hunter organization directly on WeChat, and questioned: "What are you doing? My money is not for nothing!"

The person in charge on the other side was also depressed. He was also very atmosphere, because he didn't say anything, he even gave Chen Yefeng a gift to increase the heat.


"Brother, one more song!"

"Before my roommate is dying, I want to hear my brother sing another song!"

"My uncle's voice, I think I can make a debut!"

"You deserve to be the rumored boyfriend of the goddess of the nation, my uncle is awesome!"

In the live broadcast room, the gifts went wild again.

Rocket planes are like gorgeous fireworks, wave after wave.

Seeing that it was late, Chen Yefeng also said, "The game has been played, and the song has finished. This time it is really worth it!"

The person in charge of the hunter organization was immediately anxious.

Although sniping anchors is a long-term activity, they were disadvantaged in the first action, which undermined the prestige of the hunter organization.

The most important thing is that I didn't do anything tonight and I lost five hundred dollars!

So in order to make Chen Yefeng suffer today, the person in charge gritted his teeth and stomped two planes again and left a message: "One more round, the last one!"

After Chen Yefeng thanked this B as usual, he said very harmlessly: "No, it's really worth it, unless...cough cough, you know my principle, if you want to broadcast, just broadcast, unless you have two more aircraft!"


But thinking of the generous reward for completing the task, the person in charge reluctantly brushed two planes.


After being scolded for paying, Chen Yefeng's live broadcast room suddenly went black.

"I'm doing Li Liang!!!"

Seeing Chen Yefeng, who decisively dismissed the broadcast after deceiving himself a gift, the person in charge was so furious, how did such an unscrupulous person become such a big anchor?

As long as he has a little face, he won't be so angry!

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