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Chapter 162: My stupid little apprentice!

the next day.

Chen Yefeng returned to the academy, and after having breakfast with a few roommates, Fan Tong, Chu Sheng, and Jiang Zhu gathered together with a look of envy.

"Good boy, I didn't expect to have a leg with Zhou Yutong, the goddess of the nation!" Fan Tong patted Chen Yefeng on the shoulder, particularly envious.

Although the hot search was removed yesterday, many people still knew about it.

Alone men and widows live in the same room, facing the goddess of the nation, a man has to run away!

"We are just friends." Chen Yefeng twitched and explained quickly.

"I understand!"

Chu Sheng showed a mean smile, which made Chen Yefeng's face dark.

You know your sister!

"If I were as handsome as Afeng, I might be able to spend a little time alone with the national goddess..." Fan Tong exclaimed.

"Hey, look at the little white face of our Afeng, the goddess of the country, and then look at me..." Jiang Zu looked up to the sky and sighed.

"By the way, didn't you mean that your girlfriend is about to have her 60th birthday? How are things going?" Chu Sheng asked with a smile.

"If you talk too much, it's tears!" Jiang Zhu patted Fan Tong's shoulder, "help me, my legs are a bit soft and sore."

"Then you just sit in your seat and take a good rest, isn't it over?" Chen Yefeng asked in doubt.

"Afeng, don't you know?"

"what do you know?"

"Our college has exchanged a group of foreign students with Tokyo College. They should be here today!"

As several people were talking, they heard loud and noisy sounds coming from outside.

"It looks like it should be here, take a look!"

A few people crossed their backs and walked towards the noisy place. After waiting, you can also see the school leaders talking with the transferee of the island nation with a smile on their faces.

"I don't know if there is any good-looking island country lady!" Chu Sheng started to fantasize accidentally.

"But then again, why don't they have that little beard on their lips? They don't have a knife on their waist!!!"

"I don't know if they are still slaughtering themselves!"

"Keep your voice down, it is not good for people to hear!" Chen Yefeng reminded with a dark face as he listened to the discussion of the three people.

"Don't worry, they may not understand our Mandarin!" Chu Sheng motioned Chen Yefeng to rest assured.

"It's hard to say, as an exchange student, you will be familiar with the language in advance!

At this kind of moment, let's not be ashamed, and we must show our great power! "

"Why didn't you choose me as an exchange student?" Fan Tong was a little envious of those people.

"Do you speak Japanese?" Chen Yefeng asked.

"Why wouldn't I!" Fan Tong said solemnly, "Mosimosi! Bageya Road!"

"..." Everyone was speechless.

But at this time, Chen Yefeng clearly saw that among the nearly 100 exchange students from island countries, a young lady who walked out like a cartoon was frowning and looking at him.


It must be these guys who have wretched smiles, which made people notice!

Chen Yefeng quickly reminded a few people.


Nearly a hundred exchange students from island countries talked in unintelligible words. After a series of handovers, the school leaders sent people to arrange accommodation for these international students.

And Chen Yefeng and the others saw that there was no excitement, so naturally they returned to the classroom.

At noon, after eating.

Chen Yuan holding Chen Yefeng's arm, the two brothers and sisters strolled on the bluestone road of the college.


A few people came to face each other, it was the island country exchange students.

"Yamazaki-kun, you see, I have never seen such a handsome person! I may not find one in our place. I think he may be half of our blood, otherwise it would not be so good!!!"

"Aoki-kun, I think you are right, but I am more interested in the women around him!"


"What are these two people whispering?" Chen Yefeng asked casually, without expecting his cousin to understand.


Love the second dimension, and often follow Chen Yuan, but just understand.

"Brother, they are saying you are handsome!"

"They are very discerning."

"They said you might have a peninsula descent!"

"The devils are the same as the sticks, everything originated from them." Chen Yefeng smiled and shook his head.

"Brother, that person also said that he is interested in me!"


If you talk about yourself, Chen Yefeng may smile broadly and ignore it.

But if they dare to hit their little princess's idea, it would be unbearable!

"What are you whispering about?!" Chen Yefeng stepped forward decisively and questioned loudly.

Although Aoki and Yamazaki didn't know what Chen Yefeng was talking about, they believed from the bottom of their hearts that Chen Yefeng's temperament was definitely half of their blood.

Therefore, they also showed a friendly smile.

The so-called not hitting the smiley person with his hand out, and seeing a few people smiling at himself, Chen Yefeng also had a direct attack.

I see.

After Chen Yefeng frowned slightly, he used an international gesture for greeting, and then said solemnly.

"Hello, I'm doing Li Liang~"

Naturally, Aoki and Yamazaki didn't understand them, but the first sentence hello understood.

Since the first sentence is a greeting, the second sentence must have the same meaning.

"Oh! Hello! You?are?very?beautiful!"

"Three grams of oil! Three grams of oil!"

Chinglish against Japanese English, Chen Yuan beside him could not stop rolling his eyes.

Just when Chen Yefeng talked to you and me with two little devils, no one knew what the other said.

Not far away, Qianying trot over with a hint of joy on her face.

"Like a wife!?"

Listening to the crappy Chinese spoken by a little girl like a doll, Chen Yefeng was a little surprised, and immediately said with a little surprise.

"Are you 柰子?"

"Like, my wife, it's me!!!"

Iguodha looked very excited. She felt a little familiar when she heard the voice just now, so she ran up and asked for a little bit. Who knew it was the daughter-in-law who didn't dislike her own food and kept teaching her!

"How did you know it was mine?" Chen Yefeng asked with a smile.

"Because I remember, the voice of my wife!"

Seeing the two chatting so happily, she secretly sighed that her cousin is too attractive, the little girl also asked with a bit of taste: "Brother, who is this!"

"This is the little apprentice I told you before. I didn't expect her to come to our college as an exchange student."

Chen Yuan looked up and down at Iguodha, and finally compared himself, a sense of frustration came from the bottom of his heart.

What did this woman grow up with? ! !

Bigger than myself!

No, it seems that I can eat more in the future, or my cousin will be robbed! ! !

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