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Chapter 165: Should he be targeted if he is handsome?

The school leaders did not expect that a simple welcoming party performance could actually arouse such a big momentum, which is comparable to the previous time Chen Yefeng attended the opening ceremony party.

But in this way, the problem is coming!

Not everyone knows that the people on the stage are Chen Yuan, only a few people who are familiar with it know, and most people are still very curious.

"I don't know what Miss Sister looks like?"

Someone couldn't help asking everyone's voice.


What does this cute little sister of Cos Kuangsan look like?

When this curiosity came up, it was like a monkey, making people scratch their heads.

Hearing the noisy discussion around, Chen Yefeng was naturally not afraid that his cousin would take off her veil and frighten everyone.

After all, my cousin knows that she is a complete little beauty, and she looks very lively and cute.

The important thing is that although the little girl is young, her pectoral muscles are a bit overdone.

of course.

This is all thanks to my cousin who is too edible and can't get enough.

at the same time.

Some island girls in the exchange students couldn't stand the look of Aoki and Yamazaki.

Although different countries, as a woman, no one likes to be worse than other women. This can be said to be a woman's nature.

"Don't dare to show your face, maybe it's an ugly monster!"

"Yes, covertly, sneaky, when the time comes, take off the veil and scare you to death!"

Igueda, the young student of the exchange student, heard the discussion from his peers, and suddenly said unhappy: "How can you say that, the students meticulously greet us with a meticulous performance of the show. It is too much for you to talk about others behind your back. Too much!"

Although the young apprentice likes friends not to talk about others in this way, the effect is not great after all.


on the stage.

Looking at the cheering people around, Chen Yuan was very happy.

It seems that I am very attractive too! ?

But... why does cousin always like to knock on his forehead?

Such a cute and charming, obedient and sensible sister, my cousin is really a straight man! ! !

Listening to the screams from time to time in the audience, Song Haoran of Cos and Quan Sagumi also whispered, "Little wish, if you can't do it, you will show your face? Anyway, I guess this group of people will have to follow our club sooner or later to ask questions. After all, otherwise you still don't want to sell it."

"It's okay, but it's okay, but in order to prevent too much trouble in the future..." The little girl turned her eyes very slyly, smiled slightly, and beckoned to Chen Yefeng.

"What are you doing in a daze, Xiao Yuan is calling you!"

Chen Yefeng tried hard to pretend not to see it, but Ying Yingying next to him directly pushed him out.

It's already reached this point, and Chen Yefeng also knew that he couldn't sit still and wait for death.

Jumped, crowded out the crowd, and climbed onto the stage.


The focus of the audience suddenly became Chen Yefeng!

It is no exaggeration to say that after Chen Yefeng stood on the stage, the scene was another riot.

"I'll go, this brother is so handsome!"

"Wow, isn't this the handsome guy from the last school opening party? What is he doing?"

"I know this person, our e-sports club!"

Looking at everyone in the audience, Chen Yefeng sighed inwardly.

I think Chen Yefeng has always flattered the principle of being a low-key person, but it is a pity that God is not beautiful and gave me a handsome face that confuses all beings.


Being handsome is really the only drawback for me.

It makes people want to be a low-key person!


Chen Yuan looked at the cousin who walked to the side and blinked playfully.

And Igueda Yuzi in the audience also shouted in surprise: "It's a daughter-in-law! He is my daughter-in-law!"

"Daughter-in-law? What daughter-in-law?" Aoki couldn't help asking.

"It's my wife who taught me a lot of things.

And the daughter-in-law is kind to me, she took me to eat a lot of good things yesterday, and said that she would take me to the West Lake in the future! "Igueda smirked, "The wife next to her must be a small wish!" "

"Who is Xiao Yuan?"

"It's the daughter-in-law's sister, super cute!"


at last.

In the hope of everyone, Chen Yuan stretched out his hand and gently took off the veil.

Everyone in the audience stared at it without blinking, for fear of missing the most beautiful moment.

Countless eyes gathered on the stage.

The smart eyes, the delicate face, and the delicate milk-white face immediately made many people shout that they were in love!

Looking at the expressions of everyone in the audience, Chen Yefeng subconsciously protected her little princess behind him.

With me here, you guys, don't want to beat my sister! ! !

But at this moment.

Chen Yuan holding the microphone suddenly spoke.

"Hello everyone, my name is Chen Yuan, Chen Yefeng's girlfriend!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Chen Yefeng, who was ready to protect her little princess just now, was stunned.

A face turned from consternation to bewilderment, and finally it went black quickly!

This little girl simply went to the house without training in a day!

A group of people in the audience looked at the happy expression of Chen Yuan holding Chen Yefeng's arm, and their hearts broke.

"No, I just fell in love and lost love?"

"Tell me it's not true!!!"

"Hey, who makes parents handsome..."

"Damn, I'm going to have a plastic surgery!!!"


After hearing this, the little apprentice in the audience felt a little disappointed.

Cousins ​​in the island country can get married, but she doesn’t know that it’s absolutely impossible in China, and it’s just a prank on Chen Yuan’s whim.

Of course, Chen Yuan did this to prevent a large number of suitors from appearing after the performance.

The poor little disciple thought it was true, and a look of aggrieved expression suddenly appeared on the porcelain doll-like face.

Seeing Chen Yuan holding Chen Yefeng's arm affectionately on the stage, the little apprentice felt as if something that originally belonged to him had been robbed.

As everyone knows.

Chen Yefeng on the stage now has the desire to die, especially the almost cannibalistic eyes of everyone in the audience. This feeling of wanting to die is even more profound!

How do you feel like you have become a public enemy of the whole college inexplicably?

Does being handsome deserve to be targeted everywhere?

What is the reason for this?

"What are you talking nonsense?" Chen Yefeng looked helplessly at Chen Yuan with a smile on his face.

"Brother, you don't understand this!" Chen Yuan whispered: "Could you hope that these people will pester you all day long with your cute and charming, obedient baby sister?"

Chen Yefeng thought for a while, and said without a word, "Of course not. My brother-in-law Chen Yefeng doesn't talk about dragons and phoenixes among people, so at least his appearance is better than me?"

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