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Chapter 166: Three questions for quality!

"That's not the end~" Chen Yuan smiled playfully, "If I do this, won't this kind of trouble be eliminated, and Xiaoxue often tells me to look after you! So that you don't get stuck outside!"

"She really said that?" Chen Yefeng was a little depressed.

My girlfriend actually didn't believe in herself, and asked the little girl to look at her. What kind of joke, is Chen Yefeng the kind of person who is always in trouble?

"Of course, so, I can do this with one stone and two birds with one stone!"

"You are such a clever ghost!"

"Of course, you don't see whose sister I am!"

The sweet appearance of the two people whispering made everyone in the audience even more heartbroken.

It's so sweet, it looks like I must be out of play!

Oh shit!

It seems that Lu XUN has something to say that is simply too right.

The good cabbage is so special that the pigs are going to smash it! ! !

No, it's not a pig either. It simply makes people unable to give birth to the slightest dissatisfaction.

The two are clearly golden girls and jade girls, a perfect pair! ! !



Aoki also encouraged Yamazaki, "At this time, Yamazaki-kun, you should boldly rush to confess it!"

"Then I'm going..." Yamazaki looked at the young lady who was wearing a pink shirt, and couldn't help clenching his fists.

"What are you afraid of? Huaxia has a good saying, love must be said bravely and loudly!" Aoki encouraged Yamazaki.

"Then I really went?"

"Go, all of us will cooperate with you!"

"Okay!" Yamazaki nodded vigorously, and then bravely stepped out of the exchange student exchange team, walking towards the stage step by step.

Looking at the slowly coming Yamazaki, Chen Yefeng, Chen Yuan, and Song Haoran looked dazed.

What does this guy want?

Didn't the friendly match start later?

Moreover, what happened to his shy face?

Take the wrong medicine?

When the three of them were a little confused, they walked onto the stage and came to Yamazaki next to Song Haoran to speak.

"Introduce myself. My name is Yamazaki. From the first time I saw you, I couldn't help but fall in love with you.

I want to implore you to give me a chance, and I will treat you well forever! "

Song Haoran was speechless after hearing it: "..."

Next to him, Chen Yefeng and Chen Yuan were also suffocating a serious smile.

And offstage.

"Damn, the little devil dared to hit our Miss China sister's idea? Damn, as a man I want to stop him!"

"Wait a minute, this person is the vice president of our Cos club, a man!"

"Man? Women's clothing boss?"


"Damn, then I will raise my hands in favor of this marriage!"

After learning about Song Haoran's gender, everyone in the audience shouted slogans gloating.

"Promise him!"

"Promise him!"

Yamazaki, who had made sufficient preparations for this exchange student, naturally understood the meaning of all the voices from the audience.

There was a smile on his face, such a big battle, coupled with such a bold pursuit of his own, I believe he will definitely be able to embrace the beauty.

"Please promise me, I will prove it to you, I will treat you better than anyone in this world!"

In order to increase his confidence in courtship, Yamazaki added one more sentence.

On the other hand, Song Haoran didn't even mention how much she felt in her heart.

If you were an island country girl, you might agree with it all by yourself.

But you happen to be a man, what's the matter?

With the gloat of everyone in the audience, and the expectation of exchange students in Yamazaki and the island country.

Song Haoran spoke softly.

"Do you have a house or car with a deposit?"

"Who do you save first when your mother and I fall into the water?"

"Suppose I have a dystocia, and your mother forced you to keep you small, how would you choose?"

Yamazaki was a little dizzy when he heard a series of soul questions.

He had never experienced the cruel baptism of a problem like China, so after hearing it, he was a little confused on the spot.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

The important thing is...

This sound... a bit...

Yamazaki looked at the young lady who made her heart fascinated in front of her with a look of astonishment, and Song Haoran also took off her wig at this time.

Although she looks a little delicate and wears light makeup, she looks like the little girl next door, but she is still very recognizable, especially the prominent Adam's apple.

It impacts Yamazaki's vision all the time, causing him a double blow to his mind and vision!

"What do you look at!" Song Haoran didn't mention how responsive he was, "I, Song Haoran, pure man!"


The audience urged Yamazaki to go up and confess Aoki boldly.

What's the situation?

Why did the little sister just now suddenly become a pure man?

Could this be the legendary oriental magic?

At this moment.

After holding back the wish for a long time on the stage, after seeing Yamazaki’s little look nowhere to be placed,

The whole person finally couldn't help it, holding Chen Yefeng's arm, buried his little head in front of his cousin's chest and laughed wildly.

"I..." Yamazaki stopped talking.

"What am I?" Song Haoran became decisively stiff, "I'll tell you again, I, Song Haoran, pure man!!!"

Yamazaki can be said to be riding a tiger. He who was still in love just now has no idea what to say.

Is it male to male, or to know male?

No matter that, it is impossible for him to accept it. The most important thing is, where did the young lady who made her heart beating just now?

I heard that Huaxia Magic is particularly developed. Is it possible that there is a secret stage under this stage, and the two secretly exchanged without paying attention?


A farce finally ended under the reassurance of the school leaders.

After the performances and farce are over, the well-known friendly match will naturally begin soon.

For this friendly match, Ying Yingying specifically rented a custom server.

In order to deal the heaviest blow to the little devil, the e-sports club only sent 30 people on the grounds of insufficient manpower.

Of course, Yingying actually planned to let Chen Yefeng fight ninety-nine by herself.

But then I thought about it, this was too unfriendly, so 30 people were sent back to beg.

"A Feng, come on! Give a lesson to these little devils!" Before going on the court, Ying Yingying cheered Chen Yefeng.

The little girl is also addicted to acting, and she still brings herself into the role of cousin and girlfriend, "Boyfriend, you have to come on~"


With a decisive black face, Chen Yefeng knocked Chen Yuan's forehead fiercely with a knock on Chen's head, causing the little girl to close her mouth obediently.

"Brother Feng, you beast, my cousin has done it all!" Although he knew it was Chen Yuan's prank, Wang Genji couldn't help crying and wiping away his tears.

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