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Chapter 167: Don't be too big, brother

"That's right, Afeng, you simply don't give your brothers a chance to survive!" Fan Tong also spit out.

"You don't understand this, right?"

It was said that Wu Liang and Gao Chao, who had a friendly match, also came. After hearing about this friendly match, the two Wolong and Phoenix youngsters said they should provide a meager strength for the University.

At first Chen Yefeng didn't want to agree, but he couldn't hold back the two of them begging, and finally he agreed.

Anyway, don’t go with them in pairs!

"Brother Liang, what do you mean by that?" Wang Genji couldn't help asking after hearing this.

"Oh..." Gao Chao sighed, "Cousin and cousin during the day, baby devil at night, do you understand what I mean?"

"Fuck you uncle, what kind of person am I?" Chen Yefeng couldn't help cursing.

"Yes!" Wang Genji nodded cautiously.

"Actually, even without me, you and my sister would not be possible!" Chen Yefeng scolded with a smile.

"That's not necessarily!" Wang Genji refused to accept, "Don't forget what we add, Root!"

"Okay, I know you are the foundation!" Chen Yefeng twitched, and didn't know what Wang Genji's parents thought of, so he named such a name.

"Okay, don't make trouble, this time you can't lose anyway, you must win beautifully!" Xia Wenxi also cheered for everyone.

"Then I won this time, Xixi, can you be my girlfriend?" Wu Liang couldn't help but said.

"Of course not!" Xia Wenxi refused without hesitation.

The result attracted a ridicule from Wang Genji.

Although the rules of the game are that the students who go to the university are a group, the exchange students are a group, that is to say, 30 students from the university school vs. 70 exchange students from the island country.

However, everyone did not panic at all, because there was Chen Yefeng, his boyfriend's old teammate, one of the highest honor winners of FPS in China.

Isn't it just a handy way to kill a few little devils?

"Don't worry, we will definitely take them!" Wang Genji promised, patting his chest.

And Chen Yefeng is also towards Xia Wenxi, and the little fan who has supported himself and the Dragon Team from the beginning to the present smiled and asked, "Did you do what I asked you to do for me?"

"It's done, it's been done long ago!" Xia Wenxi made an OK gesture, "You can go to the 30th machine later, and the Douyu live software has been downloaded for you. You can kill them while broadcasting. !"

After speaking, Xia Wenxi looked at Chen Yefeng with a chuckle, causing the little girl next to frown.

Cousin is so charming! ! !

"Damn, brother Feng, are you such a brute?"

"Huh? I heard someone call me again?" Chu Sheng, who was following his head, couldn't help but move forward.

"Go and go, there are you everywhere, and I don't know what your parents thought, I gave you such a name!"

Seeing Wang Genji teasing his name, Chu Sheng was naturally unwilling to show weakness.

"Hello, call it Genji, I think you are the foundation!"

A group of people were noisy and laughed constantly.

The island country exchange student side is a bit different.

"Damn it, it's so terrible, they actually only sent 30 people to greet us 70 people, which is obviously looking down on us!" Aoki looked resentful, "Yamazaki-kun, what do you think?"

Yamazaki waved his hand, "Stop talking, I want to be quiet..."

"Okay, well, since they are so arrogant, then we must make them pay the price they deserve!" The dog interrupted everyone's discussion, "Think about it, if we defeat them at home, why Wouldn't it give them a great sense of frustration?

To be honest, I am already a little looking forward to seeing their faces after failure!

Want to come...

That must be wonderful! "


With Ying Yingying's more heroic voice sounded on the stage.

It also represents the official start of this friendly match.

The LCD screen hanging behind Yingying Ying has mapped the custom room in it.

And Chen Yefeng quickly opened the live broadcast platform when everyone else was preparing.

"What's the situation today?"

"Uncle brother is rare in advance, I feel something strange!"

"Uncle brother, if you are threatened, you blink!"

Fans in the live broadcast room are not too comfortable.

After all, Chen Yefeng's live broadcast belongs to the type of three days of fishing and two days of surfing the Internet, occasionally live broadcast, but also bragging.

Of course, only Chen Yefeng knew that what he said was the truth, without any suspicion of bragging or pretending.

Faced with fans' inquiries, Chen Yefeng also briefly talked about the situation here.

"Damn, **** him!"

"The people of the small island nation dare to be rampant? Big brother doesn't have to give me face, and teach them severely!"

"Second, teach them how to use rockets!"



Interacting with the fans in the live broadcast room, the game started.

Since the two sides are team friendly matches, in order to distinguish them, they also deliberately made preparations.

For example, in the island country exchange students, all seventy people are in yellow clothes, while Chen Yefeng and the others are very simple. Everyone wears a red scarf.

Staring at a small yellow man in front of him, Chen Yefeng also muttered to himself: "The floor steel gun is a bit too bullying, so let's give them some time to develop is also very good.

Only then will they be convinced that they have lost! "


"Uncle brother is starting to pretend again, but I like it!"

"Uncle brother, you have to take a moment, don't kill one person accidentally, leave a few heads for other brothers!"

"That is, you can't be too big, brother, if you have the strength, you have to keep a low profile!"


One minute later.

The plane takes off, Wuhu~

Chen Yefeng looked at the route, and said softly to the fans in the live broadcast room: "Well, for the sake of fairness, I will go to City P. The terrain here is more complicated. For me, the risk factor is higher..."

As one of the few large town resources on Survival Island, P City is actually very popular.

It's just that it is actually very dangerous to jump into this kind of town alone.

There are many houses, and you never know which house which window will suddenly stick out a gun and give you a fatal blow.

Hearing Chen Yefeng's words, Wang Genji of the same team also said, "Brother Feng will be with you? You are our trump card! If you accidentally become a box..."

"Don't worry, you still act according to the plan, and I will act alone.

In fact, if I didn't want to give you a chance to make an appearance, I originally planned to challenge them all alone. "

"Brother Feng, you deserve it!" Wang Genji smiled.

Although Chen Yefeng spoke a little bit of suspicion, he didn't say much when he thought of the identity of the other person.

In short, it's done!

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