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Chapter 175: Captain don't shoot!

"Huh?" When Wang Genji heard it, he said quickly: "It must be someone from the other team, who mistook you for a kid. Blame we didn't find a channel in advance to stay together at the beginning. You hurry up and shout slogans!"

Chen Yefeng nodded, and immediately roared in all his voice: "The breeze is blowing the willows!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Another series of gunfire came from the front and the rear at the same time.

"Hey, seeing Brother's mighty power, this little devil is too scared to fight back!" Gao Chao saw that Xiao Huangren hadn't fight back, thinking he was scared by himself, but he didn't know that this was his own person!

"Watch me take another shot!"

"How do I feel as if I heard someone yelling our secret signal..." Wu Liang frowned, but didn't think too much, took out his gun and continued shooting.

"Follow him, I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!"

All the fans in the live broadcast room were stunned by this scene of flanking.

"Big brother, what on earth did you do that hurts the world, and now you are going to kill you!"

"Needless to say, it must be because the elder brother is too handsome and the little sister is not fascinated, so someone took the opportunity to retaliate against him!"

"It's over, my elder brother's fame is going to be ruined!"

"Uncle, you made a small wish to me. I will help you settle this matter. Really, I am definitely not bragging!"


After Chen Yefeng shouted the secret signal, someone had stopped firing, but Gao Chao and Wu Liang didn't hear it, and they still attacked his own people with great interest.

"Your sister, what's the matter?!"

Chen Yefeng's face was so dark that he had known that he would not pretend to be an undercover agent. Now that the undercover agent did not pretend to be an undercover agent, he was beaten by his own person.

Chen Yefeng never thought that one day he would be so embarrassed!

And he was so embarrassed by his own people!

This is really depressed, his mother opened the door to Depressed, Depressed is home! ! !

In addition to the first shot on the other side, Gao Chao, who was evaded by the other shots, also smacked his tongue secretly!

"There is such a master among this little devil!?"

"Brothers, increase the firepower, you can't stay here, otherwise it will be a great disaster for us!"

"Knife in hand, follow me, kill the devil!"

Just as Gao Chao was yelling slogans, suddenly a collapse sounded with a depressed voice.

"Captain, don't shoot, it's me!!!"

Chen Yefeng was almost crying, who was the mother's brother who turned his second-level head on his firepower.

How can I sin against you?

Although the marksmanship is a bit short, the momentum is almost as fierce as seeing his father and enemy! ! !

"Damn, why is this voice so familiar?"

After Chen Yefeng roared, he also told Gao Chao to stop his body strokes.

"It seems to be Afeng!" Wu Liang said.

"Damn, how does he wear a little yellow shirt? Fortunately, I was a better player just now and deliberately didn't shoot him, otherwise he would have become a box now!"

Gao Chao's face was not red and heartbeat, and the other two of the team were also speechless.

Did you get another shot just now besides the first shot?

It's the first time I saw someone describe the strokes of the human body so tall! ! !

"Brothers, cover Afeng!"

As he said, Gao Chao shouted again, and immediately continued to shoot. Of course, this time he shot a large number of people in yellow who appeared in his sight.

Otherwise, if you attack Chen Yefeng again, I am afraid that the latter will really vomit blood and die in depression.


Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da...

Gunshots from both sides resounded over the Survival Island.

Listening to the gunshots from the team that didn't belong to him, Xiaoshu also knew that the supporters of the graduate school were here!

"They may have supported it, everyone be careful!"

"We fight slowly, anyway, we are a lot of people, they will definitely not be our opponents!"

Aoki on the side didn't want to speak when Xiaodu said this.

When he landed, he thought the same way. With twelve people here, hitting one is as simple as father hitting his son.

But in the end, the twelve people here are the sons, the kind of people who were beaten!

On the other side, Chen Yefeng yelled out: Captain, don’t shoot. It’s me. Gao Chao finally stopped firing at full power. After helping suppress the little devil’s firepower, Chen Yefeng finally returned without danger. Organization.

"Damn, you almost killed your dad, which little **** shot the gun just now!" Chen Yefeng asked very gently in the public voice.

This group of people is hardly a pig's brains. The little devil is bound to be in groups due to the large number of people. How can a person suddenly appear to act alone!

"That's right, what's the matter with you!" Gao Chao asked without blushing and heartbeat. "Afeng is the trump card in our hand. If you knocked him down just now and lost this friendly match, how can we have the face to face the classmates of the graduate school!"

Others heard Gao Chao's serious nonsense, saying they didn't want to talk.

Oh, just now you were the happiest to shoot by yourself, and you kept clamoring that you would rather kill one by mistake than let go a thousand!

Now I still have the face to say such things! ?

Are people doing things?

On the opposite side, a group of little yellow people did not rush over at the first time. Although the number is dominant, although it is true, the prestige of the Chinese Red Army is well-known in Japanese clothes.

This caused the exchange students to see the crowds of people, subconsciously a little scared.

This is the fear that was once dominated by the red army in the Japanese service, and left in my heart!

"What are you doing? What's so terrible!? We are so crowded!" Little stupid was out of anger.

Be timid before fighting!

This is a taboo on the battlefield and a very embarrassing thing!

"Don't be afraid!" Xiaodu continued to cheer for his own people, "We have an overwhelming advantage in the number of people, and we will definitely not lose if we change one!

Anyone who eliminates an enemy can come to me and receive a reward of 10,000 yen! "

Under the so-called reward, there must be a brave man. After the little stupid voice fell, the little devils rushed up like crazy with more than fifty people.

The number of people has an advantage, and there is no loss at all for one change!

And after Chen Yefeng got a first aid kit and drank a bottle of drink, he looked at the small yellow clothes and knew that the final battle was coming!

In fact, although there are advantages and disadvantages when there are more people, in general, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages!

There are too many people, and some people can act as a meat shield, so that the people behind will not shoot. If you cooperate well, it will often produce miraculous effects!

As the saying goes, more ants can kill an elephant!

More than fifty little devils rushed over aggressively, not to mention, the scene was indeed a bit spectacular.

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