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Chapter 176: Artificial bombing zone!

"Damn, the little devil relies on the large number of people, so he doesn't treat us as human beings!" Chen Yefeng spit out, he was ready to vent all the depression just now on the little devil.

Let them know why the flowers are so red!

"Brothers, prepare to copy guys and **** them!"

"Brother Feng, wait for a while, let them taste our power first!" Wang Genbase station came out to stop him.

"Oh? How do you say?" Chen Yefeng frowned slightly.

"Second Battalion Commander, where's your Teniang's Italian cannon? Get it up for Laozi!"

Wang Genji's words can be said to be full of momentum.


What the **** is this Italian gun?

"Brother Feng, you don't understand this. I had expected such a scene to happen a long time ago, so I asked them to pick up a little more grenade in advance. Think about it, there are so many little devil people, then it will explode later. Don't be cool!?"

"Brothers, work!" Gao Chao also yelled.


Chen Yefeng saw that there were five people in the team with the third-level bag walking forward, and immediately they began to throw grenade towards the little devil.

The grenade one after another, the three-level bag on the five people, it feels like a bottomless pit!

As if seeing Chen Yefeng's doubts, Wang Genji smiled slightly, "They only have grenades on them, so I'm sure they are stupid enough to drink a pot!"

As five bombers kept throwing mines, a few seconds later.

The grenades that were thrown out rang one after another, and the sound of rumbling and explosion kept ringing.

It feels as if you are in a bombing zone!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The explosion sound continued, and an artificial bombing zone made the little devil miserable.

At a glance, many little devils had no time to react. Pieces of them were blown to the ground, and some were even bombarded twice and turned into a box.

The little stupid man who stood at the back and acted as the conductor was stupid!

Just now he was furious and forgot a very important thing!

Although there are a large number of people on the side, the fragmented grenade, a throwing item with great damage, is prepared to restrain the crowd!

"Where's mine, where's our mine, throw it to me!"

The little stupid commanded frantically, wanting to give a tooth for a tooth, but Chen Yefeng played the effect that a sniper should have, killing his thoughts in the cradle!

Whenever Chen Yefeng saw someone trying to pull the bolt and throw thunder, the 98K in his hand would turn into a sickle in the hands of the **** of death, harvesting the enemy's life!

As soon as the gun sounds, someone will fall!

Slowly, there were fewer and fewer little devils, and the little stupid knew that something was wrong, and quickly greeted the surviving people and started to retreat.

"Haha, these rookies, want to run?" Although Gao Chao didn't knock down alone, it didn't prevent him from pretending to be forced. The guy shouted in a public voice, "Listen in front, put down the weapon, Hand over the gun and not kill!!!"

"Are you a tiger, you have to speak Japanese!" Wu Liang reminded.

"Oh!" Gao Chao nodded, "You guys, die!"

Everyone: "..."

"Fight, not one can let go!"

With that said, Chen Yefeng removed the M416 behind him, opened the six-fold mirror, and started a series of shooting.

Feeling the bullets constantly passing by behind him, Xiao Duan was furious.

"Damn, a bunch of rice buckets, all rice buckets!"

"Little fool, don't worry, as long as we live, there is hope!"

As soon as this person's voice fell, he heard a pop, and suddenly the sound of a 98K shot came from behind.

Next second.

It penetrated his skull on the spot, making him kneel to the ground.

Little dumb: "..."


"It's okay, we still have people!

As long as I am alive, there is hope! "

Xiaodu didn't intend to save people, so he decided to run for respect.

As the saying goes, you can stay in the green mountains without fear of firewood!


Obviously Chen Yefeng did not give him this opportunity.

Seeing that he was hiding at the back of the team just now, and now he was the first idiot to run, Chen Yefeng decisively took out the 98K, the eight-fold mirror suddenly opened, and the quasi-centre was directly aimed at his head.

"What I hate the most is to persuade him to die!"

Thinking inside, Chen Yefeng also pulled the trigger.


Only a clear sound peculiar to 98K shot was heard in the sky, and a 7.62 bullet was also shot out of the muzzle.

The precise marksmanship, perfect prediction, directly hit the head of the little fool who was trying to escape.


"HeiTian used Kar98K headshot to knock down Ris001..."


"Help me quickly!"

The moment he was knocked down, the little stupid face turned green.

Although the situation is extremely urgent now, the little devil was beaten up and scurrying, but the people on the same team heard the stupid cry for help, and couldn't help but stop and want to save him.

All this scene fell in Chen Yefeng's eyes.

Thinking about knocking down the person who attempted to throw the grenade just now, there was no rescue, but someone who knocked down this person actually took such a big risk to rescue.

It seems that this little devil is definitely not easy!

One thought ends here.

Chen Yefeng pulled the bolt up, turned the muzzle, and fired another shot!

Snapped! ! !


at this time.

Saito, who was in the team with Xiaodu, while rescuing Xiaodu, and at the same time pleased: "Little fool, you will save you later, you run first, after I pad, I will use my body to block the bullet for you!"

Xiaodu nodded in satisfaction, just about to say something complimenting, but when the words reached his lips, he saw Saito being knocked to the ground directly.

Little dumb: "..."

If he praised his sensibility, he swallowed it abruptly, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

And after a series of assaults at the university.


All the seventy exchange students in the island country were wiped out and none were left. On the other hand, there were only five boxes on the campus of the university and only seven fell to the ground.

Compared with the huge gap in the number of people between the two sides, in this beautifully named friendly match, the college can be said to be a crushing attitude and a big victory!

"Won, yeah~"

At the moment when the friendly match ended, it was the little girl who Chen Yuan called the happiest. If it hadn’t been for the eldest sister Ying Yingying to have been prepared, she would hug her tightly in her arms, I’m afraid the little girl is now standing on the chair and cheering. .

"Don't get excited, isn't it normal for your brother to win?" Ying Yingying smiled and looked at Chen Yuan with excitement.

"It's also true!" Chen Yuan nodded, "Sister Ying, what you said makes sense, and it doesn't seem to be exciting anymore. Isn't this normal for my handsome male **** cousin?"

After the little girl finished speaking, she showed her little tiger teeth depressed.

"It's a pity, my cousin is so powerful, but as his only baby sister, it's so amazing!"

"It's not obvious?" Ying Yingying was taken aback as she listened to the muttering voice of the little girl.

"It's the vegetables!" Wang Yang said with a word from the side.

"Shut up! Women speak, men don't interrupt!"

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