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Chapter 178: Sign-in rewards!

Chen Yefeng's face is green, Shente Mo first gets on the train and then makes up for the ticket!


Chen knocked his head to kill decisively.


Looking at the little girl with a smile on her forehead, Chen Yefeng knew that he was still trying too hard, and he might have really knocked his cousin stupid.

After a brief chat with the little girl, Chen Yefeng was originally going to send her back to the double apartment.

But Chen Yuan said that he would go back to find Lu Jiayu, so Chen Yefeng had no choice but to give up. He left the university alone and took a taxi back to his temporary villa.

After taking a bath and lying on the comfortable soft bed, when Chen Yefeng was ready to rest, the phone he had left beside his pillow rang, looking at the name on the caller ID.

After answering the phone, Chen Yefeng said softly, "What's the matter with you so late?"

"That's it..." Bai Ningxin's voice came on the other end of the phone, "Tomorrow there is a competition where I want to be a singer."

"What's the matter? You don't have confidence in yourself, you need me to enlighten you?"

"Hmm..." Bai Ningxin said softly, "Also, in this final, we need to find a partner to sing in the chorus, and according to what I know, someone has asked a popular singer to help with the chorus. I want to think about it. Go, only ask you to help me."

Chen Yefeng heard this and was silent for a while, "You mean you want me to sing with you?"


"You have so much confidence in me?"

"I have no one else except you..."

"Um..." Chen Yefeng was thinking hard.

"Can you?" Bai Ningxin on the other end of the phone couldn't get a response, so she had no choice but to ask with some expectation and tension.

"Yes!" Chen Yefeng naturally agreed.

After all, I still have an international actress development task still in progress, so it is natural to help.

Moreover, Bai Ningxin will be famous by then, and she will have a light on her face.


In a hotel near Nanhu Satellite TV, Bai Ningxin showed a happy smile on her face after receiving Chen Yefeng's promise.

She, who was originally very melancholy and nervous, gradually relaxed her mind.

She didn't know why, she only knew that when this man agreed to her, all the fear of the game and the fear of failure disappeared in an instant.

She has been preparing for the finals for a long time. Although she still has some shortcomings compared with other contestants, she worked very hard.

She feels that as long as she works hard, even if she loses completely in the end, at least she will not have any regrets.

What she didn't expect was that she suddenly received a notice from the program group today that she actually needed to find someone to sing in the finals, which made her feel a little confused.

She panicked and didn't know what to do.

She knows that the rest of the contestants are more or less related and can find a good chorus partner.

Although she can also find one through her family relationship, her parents have made it clear that this is an experience for her, an experience for stepping into the entertainment circle, so her parents will not give any help, only by herself.

Bai Ning couldn't help but feel a little upset when he thought that someone could invite a popular singer to help out.

This kind of game mode, isn't it clear to cheat?

How does this bring out the players' own strength?

She protested with the program team, but was simply dismissed by a few sentences.

The reason is naturally very simple. If someone can invite a popular celebrity, it will naturally also bring huge traffic to the program's ratings.

In this interest-focused entertainment industry, the term fairness only exists in fantasy.

The finals are divided into three rounds.

One round of chorus, one round of help, one round of singing alone!

Although it seems very fair, in fact, whoever asks to help sing has a great influence, almost everyone can win the final championship!

Family members practice themselves and don't give any resources to help.

and so.

Only relying on his own Bai Ningxin thought of Chen Yefeng, a man who had helped him many times for free, causing ripples in his heart and was no longer calm.

do not know why.

After hearing Chen Yefeng agree to her request, Bai Ningxin was full of confidence in herself.

Even if the opponent invites a popular singer, it is useless!


the next day.

After Chen Yefeng woke up, he asked Tang Yue for a leave. After the latter cared a few words, he also readily agreed.

I cleaned it up briefly. In order to avoid being too sensational when traveling, Chen Yefeng put on a mask, which caused countless fans to scream.

A few hours later, he came to Nanhu and found Bai Ningxin.

at this time.

Time has come to noon, and the partners invited by the other contestants have already arrived.

Seeing Bai Ningxin trying to find his state in the rehearsal venue, Chen Yefeng was quite relieved.


"Ding! Congratulations to the host, I am a singer who successfully signed in to the rehearsal hall, and reward the host for a chorus song "Summer Blowed by the Wind"!"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host. I am a singer who successfully signed in to the rehearsal hall. I will reward the host with songs..."


"Ding! Congratulations to the host..."


Listening to Xiaoqing's gentle voice, Chen Yefeng smiled slightly.

If Bai Ningxin hadn't worked **** her own, it would actually be difficult for her to become an international actress.

But if she works hard, coupled with her own help, then the task of developing an international actress is not nonsense, it is very likely to succeed!

Beside Bai Ningxin, there was a man and a woman.

The female is this time I am a singer contestant, named Liu Nuo, and the man next to me is the popular idol singer Cai Mingjun.

Chen Yefeng remembered that Bai Ningxin mentioned to herself last night that the two people seemed to belong to the same company, and online scandals continued.

Of course, Chen Yefeng knew that this was just a means for the company to hype the two of them.

An anchor without a fan is not considered an anchor. Similarly, a star without a scandal can be called a star?

After the two sang duet, Liu Nuo whispered to Cai Mingjun: "That woman is the lack of strength I told you. If someone hadn't given her a good original song, she might have been eliminated. "

"She's the one who sang you at the same table?" Cai Mingjun glanced slightly at the table while speaking.

"Yes, it's just good luck." Liu Nuo seemed to be disdainful, but in fact very sad.

To know.

Since Bai Ningxin sang you at the same table, she has already left her behind in the I am a singer list.


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