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Chapter 179: This is the face of President Chen!

"How can she get to this point in terms of strength, she is lucky!"

Cai Mingjun smiled slightly, "Be quiet, don't be heard by others!"

"What's wrong? I'm telling the truth. Is there anything wrong to tell the truth?"

"Actually, I am not very interested in her. Compared to her, I want to meet the person who gave her this song more. If I can buy the copyright from him, the good songs will be released in the hands of the right person. Glorious, if otherwise, only jasper will be covered in dust."

"I heard that the person who sent her the song was as old as her."

"You know, talent has nothing to do with a person's age!"

"That's not her Bai Ningxin's talent!" Liu Nuo sneered in her heart.

You at the same table are indeed a memorable good song.

But... is this your Bai Ningxin's song? ? ?

If you can’t sing well, why do you advance with this top original song?

It's fine if it's your original, but it's not!

Why can a person who has no singing skills and no talent stand here?

Liu Nuo was not convinced!

At the same time, I also hate why I don't have such talented friends to help me.

"It doesn't matter, she will definitely be eliminated this time, luck can never be on her side forever."

Although the conversation between the two was small, Bai Ningxin still heard it.

At the bottom of those eyes, there was even a flash of sadness, and my heart was very uncomfortable.

But what about uncomfortable? ? ?

What the two said was the truth. If it weren't for the song Chen Yefeng gave her, she would have been eliminated.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Ningxin tried her best not to let others interfere with her.

But at this moment.

A voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Are you Bai Ningxin?"

"Are you... Ye Yuyan?" Bai Ningxin was slightly confused.

Ye Yuyan is also a very popular singer in China, with countless fans.

"Yeah!" Ye Yuyan smiled softly, "I really like the song that your friend wrote for you. It sounds so memorable. If I like you, you can take me to meet him."

Although this sentence is slightly contemptuous, it seems that if it weren't for this song, you might not have the chance to stand here at all, but even if there is something wrong in his heart, Bai Ningxin still tries to keep smiling.

"I will introduce you to you if you have the opportunity!"

Ye Yuyan smiled when she heard Bai Ningxin's words, and Xuan even took the contestants behind her to rehearse.

Seeing two popular singers helping out his opponents, Bai Ning had a panic in his eyes.

And at this moment.

Chen Yefeng walked over gently, smiled and patted her shoulder, "How do you feel?"

"Why are you wearing a mask?" Bai Ning's eyes were joyful, and Chen Yefeng's appearance made her flustered heart slowly calm down.

"No way, he looks so handsome!"

"Puff......" Bai Ningxin was amused by Chen Yefeng's serious appearance.

However, she also thinks what Chen Yefeng said makes sense!

"I heard it all just now." Chen Yefeng said softly, "I hope you will not be disturbed by them, and strive to give full play to your due strength."

"But... they were right, if it weren't for you..."

"Well, luck is also a part of strength!" Chen Yefeng interrupted Bai Ningxin, "You have this kind of luck. This is your blessing. This is something that others cannot envy."

"Don't worry, with me, any difficulty is not a difficulty, and any difficulty will be solved."

"So, do you... believe me?"

Chen Yefeng looked at Bai Ningxin with gentle eyes.

The latter was also staring at Chen Yefeng, who was as steady as Mount Tai. At this moment, she felt that there seemed to be nothing in the world that could tell the man in front of her.


Bai Ningxin nodded gently, and said slightly, "I believe you!"


"Then since you believe me, let's rehearse first. I just have a few songs here. I want to come tonight's game to help you win."

With that said, Chen Yefeng looked around for a while, "But there seems to be a lot of people here. In order to keep it mysterious, let's change the place."

"But, where do you want to change?" Bai Ningxin frowned.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me." Chen Yefeng smiled slightly, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Before long, the phone was connected, and a hearty voice came.

"Xiaofeng, why did you suddenly remember calling your brother?

Wouldn't you want me to do that? "

Listening to the voice of Fatty Yan on the phone, Chen Yefeng twitched at the corner of his mouth, "I said you have a big boss, can't you be more serious?!"

"Brother, I have been in the entertainment industry for so many years. I want to be serious, but the environment doesn't allow it!"

Fatty Yan's words made Chen Yefeng speechless.

Don't say it yet.

Rough words are not rough!

The general public basically knows everything in the entertainment industry clearly and well.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with my brother?"

"That's it..." Chen Yefeng briefly said about his needs, to see if Fatty Yan could help.

"If others say that, I will definitely refuse, but you are different. If I don't agree to you, you will complain to your sister. I can't blame her for being beaten to death.

Nanhu TV Station, right? Wait, I'll make arrangements for you! "

It can be seen that Fatty Yan still has a lot of face, and Chen Yefeng soon got a reply, everything is ready, he only needs to pass by with Bai Ning's heart.

"Thank you!"

Chen Yefeng spoke to the phone, and then he heard the voice of Yan Fatty.

"Thank me for what I do. This is what I should do. If you really want to thank you, thank your sister!"

"My sister?"

"Of course, do you think I will have such a big face?"

"what do you mean……"

"People give me this face because of Mr. Chen's face!

Okay, let's not talk about it, brother still has important things to do! "

"What's the matter?" Chen Yefeng asked subconsciously, and then he heard the excited roar of Fatty Yan on the other side of the phone: "I'm confused, hurry up and pay!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Is playing mahjong an important thing?


Bai Ningxin lowered her head and followed behind Chen Yefeng. It stands to reason that she should stay here to practice hard at this critical moment.

And here is Nanhu Satellite TV. Can ordinary people find a place for themselves to practice?

I am afraid that even my parents cannot do this.

But she didn't know why, but she was full of confidence in Chen Yefeng.

After a while, Chen Yefeng followed Fatty Yan's words and brought Bai Ningxin to the place where he recorded the movie theme song last time.

Since Fatty Yan had already taken care of it, and most of the people here also knew Chen Yefeng, the two were also unimpeded along the way.

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