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Chapter 181: Shocked the audience!

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yefeng continued to watch the chorus of contestants and guests on stage.


The first round is over.

Came to the second round of guest singing assistance, which, to put it bluntly, was to help canvass votes.

This second round.

Chen Yefeng's luck was not too good, and he was the first to play.

Although it was the first one, Chen Yefeng didn't panic at all.

Slowly stepped onto the stage, indicating that the director could start singing at any time.

of course.

Just in case, Chen Yefeng still decided to canvass for Bai Ningxin, although there are many heavyweights in assisting guests.

For example, Cai Mingjun and Ye Yuyan.

However, canvassing for votes is still very necessary.

He bowed slightly to the audience, and Chen Yefeng said softly while holding the microphone.

"Hello everyone, I'm Chen Yefeng, I'm Bai Ningxin's friend, and I gave her the song you were at the same table.

Maybe I’m so kind and you guys think I have another purpose, but I’m just doing this to help her.

Her talent may belong to the middle and lower reaches of everyone I have met, but I dare to say that no one can do her hard work. "

"There are many people with musical talents, and there are many people with strength, but very few people work hard like her.

As her friend, I have witnessed her efforts, so I chose to help her. People who work hard should be treated well.

I hope you can vote for her when you vote. "


In the official live broadcast room.

At this moment, the barrage has long been taken over by people from where it came from.

For example, eight of the ten sentences in the barrage of the ocean take away the words such as brother, pretending to be forced to carry the handle.


"Uncle, hurry up, come back and start a live broadcast for Lao Tzu after singing!"

"I play with your monkey. Uncle brother, you can obviously rely on your face to eat, but do you rely on talent?"

"Needless to say, this Bai Ningxin must have been captured by her elder brother again, brothers, isn't this a scumbag?"

"Vote for vote, definitely vote. The person who pretends to force the family must help the elder brother fill up the cards!"


Not only Chen Yefeng's fans, but even Xiao Tuanzi and Xiao Damei, after learning about this incident, also encouraged fans to start cheering for Chen Yefeng.

So that the audience who didn't know Chen Yefeng, but watched the game in the live broadcast room were all stunned.

Who is this eldest brother?


On stage.

After a simple canvassing, Chen Yefeng also spoke slowly.

"The next song I bring is still my original work, and the name is-Xiaoshou."

The deep melody sounded, and Chen Yefeng sang to the music.

"When you walk into this happy field, you carry all your dreams and thoughts on your back.

With all kinds of makeup on the face, no one remembers your appearance.

Three rounds of wine pass you in the corner, stubbornly singing a bitter song.

Listen to it being drowned in the hustle and bustle, you pick up the wine glass and tell yourself.

A cup to the sun, a cup to the moonlight!

Wake up my yearning, and soften the cold window.

So you can fly against the wind without looking back.

Not afraid of rain in my heart, frost in my eyes...

A cup of respect to hometown, a cup of respect to the distance,

Guarding my kindness, urging me to grow.

So the road from north to south is no longer long

The soul is no longer nowhere to be placed..."

After singing a song, the scene fell into a brief silence.

Including the three judges, all were silent. Zhou Yutong was okay, but she just felt good. After all, she was not as good as the two people around her in music.


Jay Chou and Jie Lin are heavyweight singers, but they are different.

They even had a suspicion.

Is this the same person who sang just now?

The change of singing, the change of voice, he can switch so easily.


This lyrics...

It is really hard to let go of.

The morning sun and moonlight, tomorrow and the past.

Respect freedom and death.

a song.

Interpreted the whole life.


this moment.

No matter it was live or in the live broadcast room, everyone was stunned.

Some passers-by who watched the live broadcast were infected, and the barrage of the pretending family began to follow suit.

In an instant, the entire live broadcast interface was screened by the three characters of Uncle!


"Brothers, I've been fooled, I always thought that my eldest brother was pretending to be forceful, but I never thought he was really awesome!"

"No wonder Xiaoyuan said during the live broadcast that his cousin is the most perfect person. What's so, I don't think the word perfect is worthy of my elder brother!"

"Don't tell me, from now on I will be the stubborn fan of my elder brother. Whoever says a word is not a word, first ask if the big knife in my hand will answer!"

"My elder brother has been a fan for ten years, now he comes here uninvited!"


"If there is a chance, I would love to talk to you alone."

Jury guest Jay Chou looked at Chen Yefeng who was calm and composed and spoke slightly.

As one of the leaders in the Chinese music scene, he would like to know what exactly this young man went through to write this kind of song.

The people on the scene and in the studio were even more surprised.

Who is Jay Chou?

He actually took the initiative to find a young man to talk about it. This is a great honor!


If Jay Chou wants to invite Chen Yefeng this is just a wave, then Chen Yefeng's answer is undoubtedly a depth bomb!

"Sorry, I may not have time."

Chen Yefeng smiled slightly and shook his head gently to reject Zhou Dong's invitation.

After all, he was purely to help Bai Ningxin this time, and was not interested in other things.


"Sure enough, the eldest brother is still the elder brother, pretending to force this piece to definitely be taken!"

"Don't give Lao Tzu ink, come back to live broadcast!"

"That's right, a cousin who is Jiao Didi is waiting for you at home, you actually went to a variety show?"

"Uncle brother, if you don't cherish it, I will take away the little wish!"

"Upstairs, I suggest you eat more cephalosporin."


Jay Chou obviously didn't expect that he would be rejected. After showing an awkward smile, he also said, "It's not too late to wait for you to have time."

After Chen Yefeng nodded politely, he also slowly stepped down.

And the game is still going on.

at last.

It's the third round that will test the contestants the most.

After taking the stage, Bai Ningxin bowed slightly to the audience, and then said softly: "Next I will sing the original song-"Youth" composed by my friend Chen Yefeng."

Original song?

Is it an original song again?

Everyone in the audience looked different, and the judges looked at each other.

This man... is so good!

Everyone is singing other people's songs, but only the combination of Chen Yefeng and Bai Ningxin, all are original songs!

This is really shocking.

"In fact, I have always wanted to say that without the help of classmate Chen Yefeng, maybe I would have been eliminated long ago, let alone stand here.

I will never forget what he said to me in my most helpless moment. "Bai Ningxin said here, showing a happy smile.

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