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Chapter 182: Three idiots fit together, its profit is broken!

Don't be afraid with me!

This is what Chen Yefeng said when he encouraged Bai Ningxin.


Chen Yefeng in the audience looked at Bai Ningxin's smile, a little square in his heart, did this little girl misunderstand something?


As Bai Ningxin's voice fell behind, the barrage in the live broadcast room rose even more.

"It's over, my elder brother has fascinated another person!"

"My elder brother has nowhere to put the charm. If I were a woman, I would have given birth to him a long time ago!"

"It is estimated that the other contestants will cry. If you invite a big star, you will be beaten by your strength!

"What are stars? In the face of absolute strength, they are all scum!!!"

"Brother uncle is awesome!"


The other contestants in the audience looked different, especially Liu Nuo, who was very disdainful of Bai Ningxin before. At this moment, the whole person didn't know what to say.

What are your special original songs?

What is the origin of your friend?

No matter how good singing is, and talent is so high, is there really such a perfect person in this world?


Bai Ningxin on the stage, after closing her eyes for a short period of time, opened her mouth slowly when the music rang.

This is a song with a more relaxed and cheerful tune, but the lyrics can easily resonate with listeners.

"Change life,

Make yourself happy.

Give up persistence,

The weather will become good.

Every time I pass,

It's all a harvest.

What are you waiting for, make the right choice.


Just let it pass!

Don't care if it is a joke or a lie,

The road is underfoot.

It's not complicated,

Just remember that you are you...



In fact, sometimes singing requires more than solid basic skills, sometimes it also requires certain experience.

For example, Chen Yefeng sang the sorrow just now, making people who heard it want to know what happened to him, so that he can write this kind of lyrics and sing this feeling.

The same is true for Bai Ningxin now.

At first, Chen Yefeng was still worried about whether Bai Ningxin would make a mistake, but when the singing sounded, he knew that he was completely worried.

Bai Ningxin grasped the essence of this song very well.

May you leave half your life and return as a teenager.


"I'm the same boy before,

Nothing has changed.

Time is just a test,

This kind of faith in the heart has not diminished.

The boy in front of me,

Still the original face.

No matter how hard and dangerous we face,





Success or failure depends on whether the song can touch the hearts of the audience.

Even though the guest singers invited by other contestants can canvass for votes on a large scale, Chen Yefeng believes that good songs will not be buried and those who work hard should be rewarded.

From the beginning of the competition, Bai Ningxin's most controversial aspect was singing skills.

But now, after this controversy sang this song, many people have changed their views.

Many old audiences have seen and heard from the audition that Bai Ningxin has made great progress in singing compared to the beginning.

She really works hard, overcomes hard, and makes progress hard!

Instead of crying, crying, making a fuss, and posting a Weibo to get a lot of sympathy like some celebrities.

Bai Ningxin had no tears, and only told Chen Yefeng about his grievance and helplessness.

And what she showed in front of the audience was her own strong side!

"Xinxin is really working hard, I have followed her from the beginning to now!"

"Yes, it is 10,000 times better than Wang Chaoyue, who only cries to win sympathy!"

"My brother is right, people who work hard should be treated well!"


After all the contestants finished singing, after a brief interview and self-report.

Voting begins!

The whole network voting + live audience and judges guests.

On the big screen.

Bai Ningxin's votes grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Liu Nuo and Huang Yilin were closely behind her.

Liu Nuo has popular traffic niche Cai Mingjun canvassing votes, and Huang Yilin has Ye Yuyan canvassing votes not weaker than the country's goddess Zhou Yutong.

Among five people.

The votes of these three people have risen the most outstanding!


"It should be okay?" Liu Nuo looked at Bai Ningxin's crazy increase in votes, feeling nervous.

"Don't worry, the company has put a lot of effort into packaging you." Cai Mingjun smiled.


And the other side.

Although Chen Yuan was jealous, the fans in his live broadcast room started to vote for Bai Ningxin.

In addition to the little girl, Xiao Tuanzi and Xiao Damei are the same.

The popularity of the three female anchors may not be a big hit in the entertainment circle, but they all have a pivotal position in the live broadcast industry.

Three fools fit together, work together!

Under the joint canvassing of the three silly Douyu Jedi, as well as the high-quality original songs and the full support of the three judges.


Bai Ningxin led the second place with more than 500 votes and successfully won the championship of "I Want to Be a Singer"!


When the final result appears.

Liu Nuo was completely blinded, and she couldn't think of it. From the very beginning, Bai Ningxin, who was very optimistic about her, actually defeated herself.

"I don't understand, how am I worse than her? Isn't it just a few original songs? Give me time, and I can do the same!"

Although he was very angry, Liu Nuo was still very envious, envious that Bai Ningxin could have friends like Chen Yefeng.

"Don't worry, even if she gets the first place, it's useless." Cai Mingjun smiled indifferently, "Without the support of top brokerage companies, how big a wave can she afford?"

"But I'm not convinced!"

"You can't help it, who made this Chen Yefeng so good? In fact, when the three original songs appeared, the results were already obvious." Cai Mingjun said with a smile.

"The second place is also good, go back and let the company's people pack it, and you will be more popular than Bai Ningxin!"

Although Cai Mingjun was right, Liu Nuo was still very depressed.

In contrast.

Standing on the podium, Bai Ning was excited and didn't know what to do.

She had been desperate and had doubts.

But after all, there was someone who helped him when he was most difficult.

Of course.

Chen Yefeng is actually selfish. Aside from the task of developing international actresses, his own industry is also involved in the entertainment industry. As the sole heir of the Chen Group, he has to get the future for himself in advance. And pave the way.

After receiving the award, a series of processes have been completed.

Bai Ningxin looked at Chen Yefeng with excitement.

"thank you!"

"How do you thank you?" Chen Yefeng replied casually.

"Then how do you want me to thank..." Bai Ningxin's face flushed slightly as he looked at the man in front of him.

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