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Chapter 183: After all, it’s for our family

"Although you have won the first place as a singer, this is just the beginning.

You know, it's impossible to have no resources and relationships in the entertainment industry. I just know a friend, why don't you try him? "

"of course can!"

Seeing Bai Ningxin nodded and agreed without hesitation, Chen Yefeng was also a little surprised.

"Do you believe me that way?"

"Because without you... there would be no me now."

After Chen Yefeng pushed Yan Fatty's contact information to Bai Ningxin and emphasized that he must be well trained, he also took the last flight from Nanhu to the magic city.

As for Bai Ningxin, because I won the first place as a singer this time, there are still many official activities waiting for her to participate.

In fact, the official also invited Chen Yefeng, but he refused.


After returning to the magic city, Chen Yefeng felt warm when he looked at the little girl standing in the airport reception hall to greet him.

Before getting on the plane, Chen Yefeng simply said on WeChat. He didn't expect this little girl to come to pick herself up so late.

"Brother is not a kid, do you need you to pick me up." After walking over, Chen Yefeng touched the little girl's head affectionately.

"That won't work!" Chen Yuan smiled, "Brother, you always treat me as a child, and I have to let you taste this feeling too!"

"Then the relationship is good, give me all your pocket money, and I will help you spend it."

"Forget it..." Chen Yuan withered decisively.

"Have you eaten dinner yet?"

"Eat!" Chen Yuan had just finished speaking, but his stomach groaned twice, "Hey, I'm hungry again!"

"That brother takes you to eat delicious food?"

"Thank you brother!"

"By the way, where's Lu Jiayu, you came out and left her in the dorm alone?"

"Of course not, her brother also took her to eat delicious food!" Chen Yuan said here, very enviously said: "Xiaoyu her brother is kind to her, every time she sends people to send a lot of good things. Both of us couldn't finish eating, a lot wasted."

"Are you suggesting that I'm not treating you badly?" Chen Yefeng twitched.

"Of course not!" The little girl shook her head decisively, "My brother is the best, gentlest and handsome man in the world!"

"Okay, don't lick it, I can't stand it!" Chen Yefeng rolled his eyes, "I'll take you to eat something delicious."

"Long live cousin!!!"

Two people finished the meal.

Chen Yuan started yelling again.

"Brother, I want to be a star too!"

"You're a hammer star!" Chen Yefeng twitched, "What's so good about a star? Can you be at ease as the little princess of the Chen family?"

"But, you wrote so many songs for that Bai Ningxin, and you are so good to her!" Chen Yuan's mouth pursed, "I don't care, I'm jealous, I need my cousin to kiss him!"

"Which kind of vinegar do you eat?" Chen Ye was very popular.

"I'm jealous anyway!"

"What do you know about this little girl!" Chen Yefeng squeezed Chen Yuan's face helplessly, "Of course I did this for a purpose!"

"What's the purpose?"

"Bai Ningxin is indeed working very hard, so it's not a big deal to help her," Chen Yefeng smiled and continued: "But... after all, of course it is for our Chen family.

Think about it, isn't there a Yuanhang Media in our family? I asked Fatty Yan to sign Bai Ningxin.

And Bai Ningxin agreed to thank me.

Think about it, she will become more popular in the future, isn't it our family who will benefit the most? "

"It seems reasonable..." The little girl thought for a while with her head held up. "But brother, I'm still a star!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Yes, I said it for a long time, my mouth was dry, but I said it all in vain.

Taking Chen Yuan back to the villa, the little girl also looked curiously.

"Brother, when did you buy it?"

"My sister bought it!" Chen Yefeng explained.

"My sister is so partial. If it doesn't work, I have to ask her to buy me a set!"

"Don't mess with our sister, this is the key, you hold it, you can come anytime you want to live!" Then, Chen Yefeng threw the spare key of the villa to Chen Yuan.

"By the way, brother, Xiaoxue will come to our college in two days!"

"Why is she here?"

"Don't worry, I didn't come to Xingshi to inquire!" Chen Yuan smiled happily, "Listen to what she said to participate in a literary competition!

And brother, do you know what will be the two days? "

"What's wrong? The end of the world?" Chen Yefeng replied casually.

"No!" Chen Yuan stomped depressed, "Brother is my birthday two days later, you don't even remember it!

You don't care about me at all!

Humph! Smelly cousin! "

Chen Yefeng patted the back of his head, and he really forgot about it.

"Then have you decided what gift you want?" Chen Yefeng finished speaking, and then added emphatically, "Say it first, you are not allowed to say that you want a little niece so inconspicuous!"

"Then I want to be a star!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

"Cough cough, then, let's wash and go to bed as soon as possible. Our sister in pajamas has already been bought for you and placed in the cupboard in that room."

"Brother, not together?"

When entering the bathroom, Chen Yuan turned his head and cast a wink at Chen Yefeng.

"BB again, screw your head off!"


Chen Yuan stuck out his tongue and ran to take a bath.


the next day.

Early in the morning, Chen Yefeng was dragged from the bed by his cousin. Seeing Chen Yuan in thin pajamas standing in front of him like this, Chen Yefeng suddenly woke up.

"You... what do you want to do?"

"Brother! You see what time is it, it's time to get up!" Chen Yuan didn't notice that he was gone, and abruptly pulled Chen Yefeng from the bed.

No way, Chen Yefeng, who was thinking about skipping classes, had no choice but to get up from the bed.

When returning to the academy with Chen Yuan, Chu Sheng, Wu Liang, Fan Tong, and Gao Chao surrounded them.

Since the end of the college league, these guys have got together.

And there is a look of hatred to see each other late.

Of course, the reason for this is needless to say. It is a profound revolutionary friendship that comes out of a box.

"A Feng is not what I said about you. It's not enough to tell your brothers about such an important thing on TV!" Gao Chao looked resentful.

"Yeah!" Chu Sheng followed blindly to join in, "You didn't tell my brothers about such a big thing. By the way, I would take the liberty to ask, Does Goddess Bai have a boyfriend? Do you think I still have a chance?"

"Isn't your goddess Miss Xia Wenxi?" Fan Tong asked puzzled.

"Ahem, goddess, those who look good are goddesses!"

"Then am I a goddess!" Chen Yuan leaned forward with a smile, but was beaten back by Chen Yefeng with a knock on his head.

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