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Chapter 184: Literary contest

"Damn, Afeng, you are not something, right? I took away my goddess Xixi, and actually took away my heart goddess again!" Chu Sheng was very depressed, "Although my name is Chu Sheng, I found that you are better than you I'm more brutal!"

"What's the mess!" Chen Yefeng's face turned green. "I and Bai Ningxin are friends! How can I be so dirty as you think, brother is that kind of person?"

While chatting, the counselor Tang Yue walked over slowly not far away.

"The old professor asked me to invite you."

After walking to the front, Tang Yue said to Chen Yefeng straightforwardly without turning around.

"Old professor?" Chen Yefeng frowned slightly, "Is that the old man with gray hair?"

"Yeah." Tang Yue nodded. "The opportunity of this literary competition is very rare, you must take it well!"

Chen Yefeng, who was thinking of finding a reason to refuse, remembered what his cousin said last night, and finally decided to participate in the competition. The reason was self-evident.


While walking, Tang Yue also talked out loud with Chen Yefeng.

"Actually, the old professor values ​​you very much. I think what he said is right. If you put all your energy on this, you will definitely achieve something."

"Thank the old professor for being so optimistic about know the situation in my family, you don't need to work hard, you have reached the end"

"Hey, I want to beat you up!" Tang Yue smiled.

Chen Yefeng: "..."

He doesn't know what to say. After all, for some people, they have been at the end point, such as themselves.

Of course.

This feeling of worrying about eating and drinking, looking handsome and surrounded by young ladies, this kind of loneliness, perhaps only one person can understand.

"Your Shanghai Federation is very remarkable! The old professors have said that several professors in the literature departments of universities across the country are also at a loss for your Shanghai Federation. They all said that they must see you if they find a meeting."

"Actually, if I said, this is just casual thinking, would you believe Teacher Tang Yue?"

"Are you pretending?"

"Of course not, I'm telling the truth."

"But I feel you are lying." Tang Yue looked at Chen Yefeng seriously, "Moreover, pretending to be a bad habit."

"But I don't seem to be able to quit." Chen Yefeng smiled.


Following Tang Yue to find the old professor, Chen Yefeng actually didn't have a good impression of this old guy in his heart.

the reason is simple.

Because this old thing dared to question himself!

"Come here." Tao Xizhi sat on the red wooden chair, still looking like a fairy-style.

But Chen Yefeng knew that this old guy had a very strange temper.

He nodded, did not speak, and sat directly on the opposite chair.

"This is the upper couplet that Xiaoyue got from you." Tao Xizhi opened the door straight to the point and placed a piece of white paper with a writing brush on the table.

"What does this mean?" Chen Yefeng asked.

"I thought about it, but I still didn't think of the next couplet. I hope you can give me an answer." Tao Xizhi looked very headache. "It's not just me, even my old friends are also helpless. Face this. Shanghai Lian is a headache."

The headache is right! ! !

This is absolutely forever! ! !

If this is not difficult for you people, how could it be called the eternal absolute.

Chen Yefeng was a little proud, but on the surface there was nothing to reveal.

He coughed slightly, and then said solemnly: "Of course, the Xianlian can't tell you. If you get the answer easily, it's really not my style."

"Oh?" The old professor smiled, "What do you mean?"

"Of course you need to think about it yourself. Do you have to deny what you have learned throughout your life, or give in to me as a junior?"

"It makes sense." Tao Xizhi smiled and nodded.

Naturally, I knew in my heart that this junior student must be dissatisfied because of the doubt that night. This was deliberately creating a problem for himself.

However, Tao Xizhi was not angry either. It is understandable that the literati are so proud.

With a hearty smile, he said: "In this case, in this literary competition, you have to represent us in the graduate school to get a good ranking."

"try your best."

Chen Yefeng replied, "If there is nothing wrong, I won't stay here."


Chen Yefeng: "..."

This old guy asked Teacher Tang Yue to call himself here just to say this?


In the next few days, in addition to live broadcast at night, Chen Yefeng just called Ye Shengxue if there was nothing to do, or just tweaking his cousin, the little girl in the province always had trouble with him.

In the past few days, Chu Sheng, Fan Tong, Wu Liang, and Gao Chao didn't know what medicine they had taken wrong. They were getting better and better for themselves, so they had all the food, clothing, shelter and transportation!

This makes Li Zheng feel very puzzled. Maybe they want to meet other beautiful young ladies through themselves?

Apart from this possibility, Chen Yefeng really couldn't think of any other reasons.


Soon, the day of the literary competition will come.

The college was attended by Chen Yefeng and the granddaughter of the old professor.

Tao Lu, granddaughter of Professor Tao Xizhi.

Known as the goddess of scholarship in the eyes of the literary society.

The goddess in the heart of a group of people who are dancing literary and ink is self-evident.

There is a very strong scroll atmosphere on Tao Lu's, and his manners are elegant and generous. Of course, apart from the fact that Chen Yefeng greeted her when they just met, there was no verbal communication between the two sides.

So Chen Yefeng was also happy to be free, otherwise he wouldn't know what to say to others.

a long time.

It was Tao Lu who broke the silence first.

"I've seen you."

"Where have you seen me?" Chen Yefeng responded casually.

"I want to be a singer."

Chen Yefeng: "..."

"Student like you will watch this kind of talent show?"

"I will also take a look at other aspects to relax myself while I am studying. I just happened to see you above." Tao Lu explained.

"Actually, I sing casually, and I don't know why it suddenly became popular."

"I have listened to the song you wrote many times."

"and then?"

"Very profound."

Hearing Tao Lu's comments, Chen Yefeng was a little modest, "Where is the world, it's the number one in the world!"

But... he didn't feel any surprises.

After all, this is the omnipotent system to help yourself. If you can't convince others, then just throw the system away.

"I heard that you are still Chen Shiyi's younger brother in the Chen Group?"

Chen Yefeng didn't know where she knew it, but he nodded.

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