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Chapter 186: Woman really trouble


"What's the matter?" Ye Shengxue heard it, and stretched out her hand to touch her face indiscriminately.

"In your eyes!"

"In my eyes?" Ye Shengxue was stunned, "What's in my eyes?"

"You have me in your eyes!"

Hearing Chen Yefeng's sudden love words, Ye Shengxue's delicate face suddenly became red.

"Hurry up and eat!"

With that, Ye Shengxue pushed the bowl of beef noodles brought up by the waiter to Chen Yefeng, "You eat first."

"Where shall we go after eating?" Chen Yefeng was not polite, picked up his chopsticks and ate, even though he had already eaten dinner.

But after all, to accompany his girlfriend, he still has to eat something, not to mention he really likes the beef noodles in this store.

"You are more familiar than me, you lead the way, I pay and you can play as you like."

"Are you rich?" Chen Yefeng smiled in surprise, "Then after dinner, shall we go to the movies together?"

"dont see!"

"Then go to the amusement park?"

"It's all closed!"


Chen Yefeng said several things in a row, but Ye Shengxue found a reason to refuse, which made him feel helpless in an instant.


Women are still in trouble!

The two were eating and talking, but the cell phone in Li Zheng's pocket suddenly rang.

"Where are you?"

"Tao Lu?" Chen Yefeng was slightly stunned when he heard the voice coming from inside.

How does this woman know her mobile phone number?

But he didn't think too much, he said, "Is something wrong?"

"A little hungry, go to have a meal together?"

After taking a look at the time, Chen Yefeng twitched at the corner of his mouth, thinking that this woman was a fairy in the sky, who would not eat the fireworks in the world and would be hungry after a long time.

Chen Yefeng talked about the place, and then hung up.


When he was about to pick up his chopsticks to eat, he found that Nizi, who was sitting opposite, was looking at herself with almost cannibalistic eyes.


"Why do you look at me this way?"

Chen Yefeng couldn't help but swallowed, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Who is this woman?"

Ye Shengxue didn't mean anything, and asked straightforwardly.

"She is another person who participated in the literary competition with me."

"You actually participated in this literary competition!?"

Looking at Ye Shengxue's unbelievable surprise, Chen Yefeng squeezed her face across the table.

"What do you think?"

"I thought you were lying to me, deliberately looking for an excuse to see me!" Ye Shengxue whispered.

"When did you suddenly become so thick?"

"You have a thick skin." Ye Shengxue rolled her eyes, "Hurry up and eat. It won't taste good when it gets cold later."

After that, Nizi, who had been hungry for a long time, bowed her head and ate.

Although Chen Yefeng wanted to learn Ye Shengxue's feast, it was a pity... he forgot to remind the waiter not to put coriander.

Therefore, staring at the coriander floating on the beef noodles, Chen Yefeng was really hard to chopsticks.

"Eat a little and you won't die!" Ye Shengxue knows Chen Yefeng. If this stuff has a little coriander, it won't work.

He simply picked up the chopsticks and helped him pick them out bit by bit.

"I ask you, is this woman who called you good-looking?" After helping Chen Yefeng pick the coriander, Ye Shengxue also asked quietly.

"It's pretty!" Chen Yefeng didn't think much, nodded as he ate, and said vaguely: "She's Tao Lu, this woman is the goddess recognized by the Literature Club of University College!"


Ye Shengxue suddenly slapped his chopsticks on the table, and the sound made Chen Yefeng forget to chew the beef noodles in his mouth.

This Nizi...what's this all of a sudden?

"You...what are you doing?" Chen Yefeng couldn't help reaching out to touch Ye Shengxue's forehead, and muttered in his mouth, "Weird, I don't have a fever, so I suddenly got nervous."

"You are not normal!" Ye Shengxue rolled her eyes, "You are not allowed to look at other women!"

"Why?" Chen Yefeng smiled slightly.

" are my boyfriend!" Although Ye Shengxue blushed, she still answered very powerfully.

"Huh?" Chen Yefeng tried to pretend not to hear clearly, and put his ears upright.

"Boyfriend..." Ye Shengxue whispered again.

"When did I promise you to be my girlfriend? Women should be reserved!"

"You..." Ye Shengxue said, "Huh, I'm ignoring you!"

The two were fighting, but the figure was shaking next to them.

Chen Yefeng glanced sideways slightly and found Tao Lu standing in front of him.

"Find a place to sit." Chen Yefeng can be said to be very obvious.

However, he didn't know if Tao Lu understood it, or deliberately, and actually went right beside him.

Chen Yefeng was a little speechless: "..."

Secretly glanced at Ye Shengxue. As expected, this Nizi stared at herself like this, as if hesitated to speak.

"What are you eating?"

However, Tao Lu didn't seem to notice Ye Shengxue, and asked Chen Yefeng on her own.

"beef noodles!"

"What's the smell?"


Tao Lu nodded when she heard, got up and went to the bar to order a bowl.

When she came back, she sat next to Chen Yefeng again.

This made Chen Yefeng a little bit painful, and the whole person didn't know what to do. It wouldn't be right to drive away, it wouldn't be right to sit like this.

Since Tao Lu is the goddess of the Literary Club, shouldn't she be very clever, why doesn't she have such a vision?

Can't she see what she is doing now?

Obviously they are also dating!

"I'll go to the bathroom." Chen Yefeng coughed dryly and stood up directly.

But when he turned and walked a few steps, Ye Shengxue's voice rang behind him.


"What's the matter?" Chen Yefeng turned around with some difficulty and looked at Ye Shengxue, who was staring at him.

"The bathroom seems to be over there!" Ye Shengxue finished speaking and pointed out.

"Oh oh."

Chen Yefeng also fled to the bathroom as if running for his life.

Only Ye Shengxue and Tao Lu were left at the table.

There are three women in a drama, and two women are a battlefield.

a long time.

Ye Shengxue took the lead to break this tranquility, "Your name is Tao Lu?"

Tao Lu nodded slightly, smiled softly, and said, "Do you know me?"

"I saw it when he answered the phone just now."

"Then did he say anything bad about me?"

"He said that you are the goddess of your college literary club."

"That's just another name."

"I tell you, you must not go too close to this guy!" Ye Shengxue said suddenly.

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