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Chapter 187: Need an opportunity

"What can I rest assured, I just remind you, don't walk too close to this guy, otherwise you will definitely suffer!" Ye Shengxue's tone was a little unnatural.

"Don't you like him?"

"What a joke, how could I like him!" Ye Shengxue was poked at the center of the matter, and her tone of voice changed.

"Really don't like it?" Tao Lu smiled slightly and looked at her tightly like a torch.

Being stared at by Tao Lu all the time, Ye Shengxue snorted, "I like it because I like it, but I'm not sure to tie him to my side."

"Well, let me help you." Chen Yao said.

"You help me?" Ye Shengxue was stunned, "Then how do you help me?"

"You don't need to know this."

The two were talking, and Chen Yefeng was also back.

"What did you two talk about just now?"

"Nothing to talk about." Ye Shengxue said quickly.


Tao Lu spoke very directly, "Naturally I am talking about you."

"Talk about me?" Chen Yefeng glanced at Ye Shengxue, whose expression was a little wrong, "You won't say anything bad about me again?"

"Bah! Am I the kind of person in your heart?" Ye Shengxue's eyes widened innocently.

Looking at the two, Tao Lu shook her head slightly, as if she had seen herself at the beginning.


My situation at the time was that I didn't let two people who liked each other take the initiative to speak out, but kept trying to understand and pretend to be confused. The result was naturally self-evident.

At that time, Tao Lu remembered that there was also a person. Whenever she described him in front of others, she did not have any strengths. There were weaknesses all over her body, and it was always the case.

Tao Lu didn't understand why she was like this before, but now she understands.

Sometimes, this is not to deliberately discredit him, but to protect him well, a little selfishly.

Let his goodness belong only to himself.

and so.

It was precisely because of the same experience that she would pierce Ye Shengxue's careful thoughts with one word.

It was precisely because she had experienced this situation once that Chen Yao chose to help Ye Shengxue.

Although both of them had tacitly agreed, they still missed the most important process!

"Of course not, you are very important in my heart!" Chen Yefeng smiled and stretched out his hand to touch Ye Shengxue's head, "Hurry up and eat, it won't taste good when it's cold."

"You can control it!"

"I don't care about you, women are the most troublesome!"


Just as the two were fighting, Tao Lu spoke, "Where are you going to go after eating?"

"Ask me?" Chen Yefeng glanced at Tao Lu, who was staring at her, not understanding why she suddenly asked.

"Hey, where do you say we are going?" Simply, he threw the question to Ye Shengxue.

"how could I know?"

"Or go to the hotel?"

"Huh, the dog can't spit out ivory!"

"Who do you say is a dog?"

"saying you!"

"Then where do you want me to bite you?"

"Then where do you say we should go?" Ye Shengxue who blushed and stared at Chen Yefeng, and asked like a baby.

"Or go to the mall."

Tao Lu smiled slightly when the two began to quarrel again, but she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

A long time ago, she and that person did the same.

Unfortunately, in the end, they did not get together.

He told himself that he had gone to study abroad, and he also told himself that he met a girl studying abroad together, and the two of them had a chat.

Tao Lu also knows that maybe this is because there is no destiny.

"Do you want to go shopping in the mall?" Chen Yefeng was stunned.

I thought that the goddess of this literary club should be different from other girls, but...looks like women in the world are as dark as women.

I like to go shopping, and maybe it’s the kind of owner who has been shopping for a long time and tried it for a long time, but didn’t buy anything.



Tao Lu nodded slightly.

"What about you?" Chen Yefeng did not answer Tao Lu's question immediately, but instead looked at Ye Shengxue, who was staring at the conversation between the two.

As long as Ye Shengxue disagrees, he will never agree!

Seeing this scene, Tao Lu can also be sure.

It's not that the girl in front of me likes Chen Yefeng unilaterally. The two of them like each other. Now they only need an opportunity to let both parties confess a little deeper!

Tao Lu, who had already experienced this kind of failure once, naturally understood how to deal with this situation, and already had an idea of ​​the solution in her mind.

"What do you care about me?" Ye Shengxue gave a white look.

"I can't ask! If you go back to the hotel, we can just go back later, and then..."

While talking, Chen Yefeng also smiled and blinked.

This made Ye Shengxue a little puzzled.

Why is it so puzzling to speak from this guy if it sounds so simple and easy to understand?

For example, if Ye Shengxue applauded for love, she heard it from her roommate. She thought it was that kind of applause, but who knew it was that kind of applause.

"What do you mean?" Ye Shengxue blinked and glared at Chen Yefeng.

"Nothing." Chen Yefeng coughed dryly, and decided not to teach this Nizi badly, so as not to regret it when the time comes, and the body can't bear it.

"Let's eat first." Tao interrupted the two with a loud voice, but he did not move his chopsticks.

"Why don't you eat it?" Chen Yefeng naturally noticed Tao Lu's weird behavior, and asked in common sense, "You don't eat coriander either?"

"Yeah." Tao Lu nodded, "I hate this smell. I forgot to remind the waiter."

"It's a coincidence, I won't eat it!" Chen Yefeng felt that he had finally found a comrade, "However, this Nizi likes to eat, and also said that those who do not eat coriander are stupid forks!"

"I... when did I say it." Ye Shengxue became a little bit twisted, "Even if I said it, it's only for you, it has nothing to do with others!"

"Damn, you mean your friend is stupid?!"

"Hmph, I didn't promise your girlfriend~"

The two started a new round of bickering, but Tao Lu picked out the coriander bit by bit with chopsticks.

In fact, there was someone who helped her pick out coriander one by one just like Ye Shengxue helped Chen Yefeng pick coriander.


That person is gone.

Because of her hesitation, because of her cowardice.

and so.

Tao Lu didn't want this to happen to the two in front of him again.

and so.

She would say such words to help Ye Shengxue.

After the three people finished eating, they finally came to a shopping mall under the advice of Tao Lu and led by Chen Yefeng.

As a man, Chen Yefeng hates going to the mall very much. Even if he buys his own clothes, it takes no more than half an hour at most, and he does not bargain at all.

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