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Chapter 188: Tao Lu's thoughts


Under the leadership of the two women, the shopping time soon exceeded an hour.

This made Chen Yefeng, who had been fine at Xicheng Tianlan High School's penalty station all morning, a little bit sore here.

Looking at the two people with bright eyes and not feeling tired at all.

Chen Yefeng wanted to cry without tears.

Brothers, you have all seen it, this is a woman who doesn't even have the strength to twist the bottle cap, but the crazy shopping mall has inexhaustible strength! ! !

Is this a woman?

"There is a claw machine there, let's try it." Tao Lu, who was walking in front, looked at the two claw machines not far in front, and proposed.

"Okay!" Ye Shengxue yelled in agreement.

Women are always particularly interested in such small objects.

Chen Yefeng had no choice, even though he wanted to go back to the villa to have a good rest, even though he was unwilling to 10,000 in his heart, he still had to die with his girlfriend.

"Actually, catching a doll is very simple."

After exchanging some coins, Tao Lu manipulated the joystick while talking.

Under Tao Lu's meticulous explanation, both Chen Yefeng and Ye Shengxue were a little confused. Just now, this lady talked too much about physics.

It made them feel as difficult and incomprehensible as listening to the sky.

"For example, now, you can successfully catch it."

Looking at the gradually declining catch hook, Chen Yefeng curled his lips and said, "Impossible, I didn't aim at all!"

After speaking, Chen Yefeng couldn't help squeezing Ye Shengxue's face, "Baby, what do you think?"

Ye Shengxue rolled her eyes, "I think you are right!"

"Do you know what this is called?"

"what is it call?"

"This is what a hero sees alike!"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Tao Lu smiled slightly and said, "Then you can take a good look."

as expected.

As soon as Tao Lu's words fell, the slidable catch grabbed a panda doll and brought it up firmly.

Chen Yefeng: "..."

This face hit is a bit too sudden.

Ye Shengxue's eyes lit up, and he took a few coins from Chen Yefeng and followed Tao Lu's analysis, and then decisively slapped the button.

It's just a pity that the catch is not to say that the doll was successfully caught, and even the situation of catching the doll halfway down did not appear, it was not even the most basic expectation!

When Chen Yefeng saw this, he didn't mean his smile at all, "Hahaha, you can't do what others do, you are too stupid!!!"

"Huh, I don't believe it!" Ye Shengxue was naturally unconvinced, but the result was very cruel.


In the end, Tao Lu succeeded seven times ten times, and Ye Shengxue succeeded zero times ten times. The gap was directly reflected.

Looking at the pile of dolls in Tao Lu's hands, and then at Chen Yefeng, who was smiling from ear to ear, his mouth was almost to the back of his head.

Ye Shengxue was angry and stomped, "I'm not playing anymore!!!"

Tao Lu smiled slightly when she saw this, and said to Chen Yefeng: "Your girlfriend is angry, don't you hurry up?"

"I'm not his girlfriend!" Ye Shengxue's anger was in her heart. This overbearing man didn't need to comfort him. He laughed happily than anyone else. It was beyond bearable.

"It's not uncommon for you to be my girlfriend! You play first, I'll go to the bathroom." Looking at the angry Ye Shengxue, Chen Yefeng had a headache. After giving her the remaining coins, he continued The reason for going to the toilet was to find the staff responsible for the crane machine.

"Could you please help me adjust the intensity of the hook?" Chen Yefeng asked the staff straightforwardly without being wordy.

After all, these things can be adjusted, and Chen Yefeng also knows.

At first, the staff would definitely not agree, but when Chen Yefeng used his money abilities and gave a lot of money, enough to buy five times the dolls in their claw machine, the staff used a pair as an example. With a smile on his face, he agreed.

Finish these.

Chen Yefeng then returned to Ye Shengxue and Tao Lu.

At this time, Ye Shengxue still looked sullen.

Tao Lu also reminded Chen Yefeng to coax her, but... she found that she seemed to think of this man too simple.

I thought it would create some contradiction between the two, and then the boy would speak, and in the end he would definitely pierce the window paper between the two.


This guy Chen Yefeng is simply different from ordinary people.

It doesn't matter if you don't hurry up, you actually get into trouble again and again.

Smiling happier than anyone else.

This gives people the feeling that it is not like a foe, but an enemy of life and death.

Does this allow me to help these two people like this?

Tao Lu smiled helplessly in her heart.

Just when she was about to change the way to help the two pierce the window paper and be more affectionate, Chen Yefeng walked up to Ye Shengxue and stretched out her hand and gently pulled her hand.

"Don't touch me, I hate you!" Ye Shengxue shook it twice, but Chen Yefeng held it tightly.

After Ye Shengxue tried it, she didn't continue to struggle, but she felt a little bit happy in her heart.

"Well, isn't it just a doll? You want me to buy all the contents and give it to you!"

"But, I didn't catch it by myself, there is no sense of accomplishment!"

"Why don't you try again? Maybe it was bad luck just now." Chen Yefeng naturally didn't tell Ye Shengxue what he did just now.

"Are you afraid that you are going to laugh at me when I fail!" Ye Shengxue rolled his eyes.

She is now being held by Chen Yefeng like this, although she was indeed very angry just now, but now she feels a bit shy, it is this very strange feeling that keeps spreading in her heart.

"Damn, am I that kind of person?"

"Yes!" Ye Shengxue nodded seriously.

Chen Yefeng: "..."

"I swear to the lamp, I don't think I will laugh at you like I did before!"

With Chen Yefeng's assurance, Ye Shengxue started a new round of doll catching, which was different from before.

Ye Shengxue, who had no success ten times just now, succeeded nine times ten times this time!

Seeing Nizi who was half of her head bounced around with a smile on her face, Chen Yefeng also laughed sincerely.

As an outsider, Tao Lu naturally noticed the difference between the intensity of the hook and the previous one. When she thought of Chen Yefeng's excuse to go to the toilet just now, she already had a general idea in her mind.

"It looks like this guy doesn't need my help at all." Tao Lu was a little envious and sighed.

She was a little envious of Ye Shengxue, envious of her happy smile now, and a little lamented about herself, lamenting that if she was the same as her at the beginning, she might not end up in this situation.

Just, don't know how he is now?

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