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Chapter 191: Unreasonable and resistant to women's nature

Why is this guy?

He is handsome.

Although this person may be an extremely good newcomer, why do you not sit in so many empty positions? He has to be the middle of two girls.

Now it is even more openly flirting! ! !

Literary exchange, is it for you to show your affection?

"Who is this person, why haven't I seen it before..."

"I don't know, you should be a newcomer to the graduate school by looking at the pass, it looks very arrogant!"

"I heard that a freshman from Shanghai University gave an Shanghai League, so that old Professor Tao Xizhi was helpless!"

"I know that couplet, our college professor also told us, and let us try it, but..."

"but what???"

"No one can successfully pair up the Xianlian!!!"

"If he is really this guy, then this kid is a little real, but why is he so handsome, and he looks like a fool, how can he have such a good-looking girlfriend."

"I'll show him some color later and let him know how good we are."


Listening to the comments of the people around, Chen Yefeng not only heard compliments of himself, of course, he also had to wait to make him look good...

this moment.

Chen Yefeng, who originally wanted to act low-key, unknowingly became the focus of everyone.

This makes him feel very helpless.

Look! ! !

Being handsome is just that attracts hatred.

Being handsome is being targeted everywhere!


This literary competition is divided into two rounds in total.

One proposition creation, one improvisation.

In fact, Chen Yefeng didn't think it was a big deal, it was much better than the sayings of classical poems.

Every year in the literary competition, contestants will compete with poetry, and everyone hopes that they can beat the crowd and shock the audience.

Those who can truly enter this literary competition are all the best in the Chinese coefficient of prestigious universities, and they are naturally outstanding in literary attainments.

If you really want to distinguish the high and low, it is actually very difficult, so the scores usually given by the judges and teachers will not fluctuate too much.

Even the first place may only be a few points higher than the second place. This situation is very common.

As time went by, there was also a burst of opening ceremony music on the stage. Afterwards, several judges and teachers sat on the judges' seats, and in the most partial position, the old professor Tao Xizhi was sitting. .

Looking at the old guy who nodded and smiled at him, Chen Yefeng had a black line flowing down.

If it weren't for this old man, I wouldn't bother to participate in this literary competition.

Sometimes this is the case, I don't want to pretend to be forced, but there is no way, you have to pretend if you don't pretend!

"Dear students participating in the competition, good morning everyone. Today, we are very honored to have invited to this competition..."

After the person presiding over this literary contest came to the stage for a brief introduction, the lights in the whole venue suddenly dimmed, and then, the noise underneath suddenly became very quiet.

Soon, the first competition began.

With snow as the proposition, everyone composes a poem.

"Snow, I am good at this!"

"Original, it seems a bit difficult..."

After a group of people discussed a few sentences, they began to think.

"Snow? This is so difficult!" Upon hearing the request, Ye Shengxue couldn't help complaining with Chen Yefeng.

"What's the problem with this?" Chen Yefeng said disapprovingly.

"Do you think you can help Bai Ningxin write a song, so you can think that you can easily get a place in this competition?" Li Muge said lightly next to him.

However, he was embarrassed after speaking.

Because Chen Yefeng didn't even look at him, and regarded him as a transparent person.

Sometimes when faced with a person's ridicule, the best way is to choose to ignore it and leave him alone in an incompetent rage.

And Chen Yefeng is like this, which makes Li Muge a little crazy!

The game is better than me, I don’t believe you can beat me better than literature!

Thinking in his heart, Li Muge also started to brush his pen.

Looking at Ye Shengxue, who was lost in thought, and Tao Lu who had already started writing, Chen Yefeng was naturally not far behind.

Since this Li Muge provoked himself so short-sightedly, then he had to teach him a lesson.

"I thought about it!!!" Ye Shengxue thought for a while, and when he was about to share it with Chen Yefeng, he saw that the servant was writing excitedly with his head down.

Ye Shengxue wanted to take a look at it, but Chen Yefeng's characters were written like dragons and phoenixes, and he did whatever he wanted, which is the pinnacle of crazy grass fonts!


To put it bluntly, Ye Shengxue didn't even see what words Chen Yefeng wrote, but only a few of them could recognize it occasionally.

This hand crazy cursive font is really...

Has his own characteristics! ! !

"Hey, what are you writing?" Ye Shengxue finally couldn't help but ask, mainly because she was afraid that Chen Yefeng would be ashamed later. Although she would not dislike her boyfriend, she did not want him to suffer others. The cynicism.

"Just two poems!" Chen Yefeng said solemnly.

"Of course I know..." Ye Shengxue gave Chen Yefeng a white look, "I wanted to ask you what is this character?"

"This..." Chen Yefeng was stunned.

Looking at Chen Yefeng in a daze, Ye Shengxue squinted her eyes, and under the laborious recognition, the words she could recognize were still very limited.

But to her surprise, Chen Yefeng said two songs just now!

He almost emptied the ink in his stomach. He actually wrote two poems?

"Actually, you man and I are very talented. I just need to write casually to crush everyone present!"

"Hey, what do you mean by that look? You don't believe me?"

"Damn! You still stare at me!!!"

"Bah, what man? Talking so ugly!" Ye Shengxue blushed lightly.

"What man are you talking about?" Chen Yefeng smiled and blinked.

"Xiaoxue, write quickly, the time is almost up."

At this time, Li Muge suddenly spoke.

In fact, what Chen Yefeng said just now was mainly for this Li Muge. This is my girlfriend of Chen Yefeng. You should stay wherever it is cool and stop having unrealistic ideas.

However, seeing Li Muge like this, he didn't seem to hear the meaning of this, or even if he did, he still pretended to be confused.


"Ah, yes... I have forgotten myself. I blame you, so I almost forgot."

"Why do you blame me?" Chen Yefeng was puzzled!

"I don't care, I blame you!"

"Damn, can you make sense as a woman?"

"It is a woman's bounden duty to be unreasonable!"

"Okay! You have a seed!"

"of course."

"That's all right, write quickly, don't you want to hand in a blank paper?"

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