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Chapter 192: I want to ask him for a cigarette

Ye Shengxue was a little messed up by Chen Yefeng's "your man" just now, and after reacting to it, she also concentrated on thinking about her own poem.

And Li Zheng looked at the black and white writing on his hand, and then peeked at the writing next to Tao Lu...

In such a comparison, he only felt that his self-confidence was hit hard!

This is a stubborn look at others, so what is this yourself?

What about **** shell man pushing the **** ball?

If this thing is handed in...

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to be thrown to grandma's house, to be laughed at by the stuff next to him?

No way!

He must not lose face in front of his girlfriend. Chen Yefeng shook his head, crumpled the poem-written paper and threw it on the ground, then buried his head and secretly learned Tao Lu's, stroke by stroke, slowly writing .

It's just that when he got serious and wrote slowly, he found that what he had written just a few minutes ago, it took ten minutes to finish it.

When Chen Yefeng was about to write, some people started to hand in papers one after another.

After looking at the person who handed in the paper, Chen Yefeng looked at his writing again, and finally sighed.

after all……

How could oneself be able to practice good handwriting overnight?

Ugly is a bit ugly, but anyhow...

Compared with just now, can you at least see what the word is now?

The competition should only be poetry, shouldn't you be idle to compare the beauty and ugliness of words?

But... what if it's better?

Forget it, someone else writes one, write two by yourself!

The quality is not good, the quantity will come together! ! !

Anyway, these two poems do not exist in this world at all, and no one knows when they are written.


That's it! ! !

After making up his mind, Chen Yefeng continued to do nothing, and wrote another song on the blank space left on the white paper.

Tao Lu, who was next to him, frowned in surprise when he saw Chen Yefeng who had started writing again.

this person……

Seems something?

Or is he just trying to pretend?

If you really just want to be coercive, then you have to have real materials.

after all.

In this place, ordinary people may not be able to pretend to be in a literary competition.

As someone turned in the paper, the judges and teachers began to make comments together.


Hmm... Nie Xinxin's words are still pleasing to the eye. Although she is a girl, the words she writes are full of masculine beauty. This song "Plum Blossom" is also very good, yes, yes...

I think this poem can be rated as 8.8 points. "

"I think, although this character is very good in writing and rhyming when read, it is a bit contrary to the original intent of this proposition and makes people unable to understand the artistic conception. I will give it 8 points."

"Well, I feel the same way. In any case, this poem is still so much worse than the proposition of this time. I also give it 8 points."

"Tao Lu is as good as ever. This song "Winter Snow" is full of positive style, which can make people feel that kind of mood!

Hmm...I think I can score 8.8 points. "

"Why didn't you score 9 points?" Tao Lu is Tao Xizhi's granddaughter. Although his granddaughter's poem is not perfect in his heart, he can still get a 9-point high.


"Haha, this is your old Tao's granddaughter. Of course you will give a high score, but... if you want to be recognized by all of us, your granddaughter is indeed not qualified."

"Indeed, although the artistic conception is okay, it is still full of flaws, and overall it is still a little worse. If I score, it will be 8.8 points at most."

"Huh? This poem is not bad, yes, who wrote this? Li Muge wrote it?"

"Li Muge!? Is that the student who is known as the genius of Kyoto?"

"Yes, this classmate is very talented. I think it's good. The mood and meaning of this song "Flying in the Sky" is also quite good, and it can be awarded 9 points."

"Nine points seems a bit too high..." Tao Xizhi said.

"Not high, I really deserve this score."

"Well, yes, it is also 9 points for me. This poem is a rare masterpiece at their age, Lao Tao, don't have too much personal emotion as a judge."


When the last participant turned in the answer sheet, everyone turned their eyes to the judges' stage ahead.

Watching the teachers on the judges' stage staring at the delivered answer sheet, they whispered to each other, or they were contemplative, emotional, or admired.

A group of people are very worried.

For them, being recognized is a very honorable thing.

What do you study hard for?

Isn’t it just to be recognized and to prove your efforts?

Each of these old professors is the mainstay of Chinese literature, and they are quite prestigious.

"Are you nervous now?" Chen Yefeng looked at Ye Shengxue and asked softly.

"Of course I'm nervous, what if I get eliminated!" Ye Shengxue gave Chen Yefeng a white look.

"Actually I am also nervous."

"If you are nervous, the characters you write may not be recognized by others."

Chen Yefeng: "..."

This Nizi, I must educate him another day! ! !

The wait was long and boring. Chen Yefeng naturally reached into his pocket, but when he touched the empty cigarette case, he sighed helplessly.

"What's wrong?" Tao Lu looked at Chen Yefeng who was sighing for no reason.

"Nothing..." Chen Yefeng took a deep breath and couldn't tell her that she suddenly wanted to light a cigarette to pass the time.

This kind of boring long wait without smoking a cigarette is really lonely for Chen Yefeng's old smoker.

after all.

The long wait is lonely after all.

When Chen Yefeng looked in the direction of the judges and watched a gray-haired old man smoking a cigarette and reading the words, he suddenly felt an inexplicable envy in his heart.

Why can't smoke in the competition rules, but these judges can smoke? Isn't this a privilege?

He even had the urge to stand up and walk towards the old man to smoke with cigarettes.

"What are you looking at?" Ye Shengxue hugged Chen Yefeng's arm and looked at him curiously.

"I'm looking at the old man smoking."

"What do you think of him?"

"I want to smoke with him, otherwise it will be too boring to wait."

Ye Shengxue: "???"


Looking at Chen Yefeng with a serious face, Ye Shengxue stretched out her white tender little hand and gently placed it on his forehead, muttering in her mouth: "Strange, there is no fever, why did you start talking nonsense?"

"What are you doing!" Chen Yefeng's face was dark, and he held Ye Shengxue's little hand tightly in his palm, "I'm telling the truth!!!"

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