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Chapter 194: Raw rice to cook mature rice?

The couple hit it off.

After Chen Yefeng and Ye Shengxue secretly walked out the door and found that no one noticed them, they also breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although leaving secretly is a bit of a sorry old professor's respect, it is better to be the focus of the audience than to be criticized frantically, right?

When the two came to the door, the person in charge of the guard greeted him immediately.

"Hello, you can't go in and out without a pass here..."

"Huh?" Chen Yefeng lighted up the listing on his chest, "Then what, the game is over."

"It's over? Shouldn't it, the result hasn't appeared yet."

"Because I suddenly remembered that there was still something urgent to solve, so I wanted to leave early."

"Leave early? All right."

The person in charge of the door looked at Chen Yefeng and Ye Shengxue strangely, and he was a little puzzled.

What is the urgent need to be resolved?

I always feel that this urgent matter looks very difficult!

Out of the stadium, Chen Yefeng still held Ye Shengxue's boneless hand very naturally.

"Where shall we go later?" Ye Shengxue looked at Chen Yefeng and asked quietly.

"How about I'll go back with you?" Chen Yefeng raised his mouth, and after showing a smile, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

For some reason, Ye Shengxue suddenly felt an unknown premonition.

"You go back with me?"


"Where to go?"

"Of course it's a hotel."

"Go to the hotel..." Ye Shengxue glanced at Chen Yefeng and blushed, "Why are you going to the hotel?"

"Of course it's raw rice to cook mature rice!!!" Chen Yefeng said solemnly, "I just happen to be hungry!"

Originally, Chen Yefeng felt that what he had hinted was quite obvious, but...who knew that Nizi's sudden words left him speechless.

"Are you hungry? Didn't you eat a lot tonight?"

"That was not what I meant!"

"Then what do you mean, and, why do you have to go back to the hotel to cook? How convenient it is for us to find a place to simply have a supper.

What do you think of skewers? I remember you like roasted wings the most, I invite you! "

Looking at Ye Shengxue, who was patting his chest with a generous appearance, Chen Yefeng was speechless inwardly: "..."

Tell me, what's the use of this kind of girlfriend! ! !


The judges are on stage.

"No matter which one of these two songs are, they can be said to be classics in the classics, especially the first one, which is simply amazing!"

"It's not enough to watch this song alone. If you watch the two songs together, then this student is indeed brilliant!!!"

"I like the first song and can even give him full marks. As for the second song, it's 9.5 points. If it weren't for this handwriting, it would be a bit sloppy. I would even give him full marks for the second song!"

"Yes, I also gave it a score of 9.5. This first poem is very good. There is no snow in the whole piece, but it can write the artistic conception of snow, that kind of strong sense of picture.

People really have to sigh.

It's just that the characters written by this contestant are a little too poor. It's hard to imagine someone who could write such a poem would actually write such characters. "

"I'll give it to 9.6. Although the writing is a little bit worse, the second song is indeed the best one. It's just that although the first song is in line with our regulations, I still don't like it."

"I propose to put the second poem in the collection of contemporary literature. I think he is much better than the first place in the previous literary competition."

"You said to be included in the collection of contemporary literary poems? I think both of them are actually eligible for selection!

"Well, in this case, hurry up and announce the first round results!" Old Professor Tao Xizhi can be said to be happy.

Although the granddaughter has been passed away, there is still Chen Yefeng!

This kid, young and gentle, is so talented. I don't know if he has a girlfriend. It just so happens that my granddaughter is not too young.


After a group of judges discussed it, they began to announce the final result.

"The highest score in the first round was Wangxue, with a combined score of 9.6. The poet, Chen Yefeng!!!"

"Crack, click, click!"

The photographer who recorded the scene put all the lights and focus on the position where Chen Yefeng just now...

It's just...Where did such a big person go? ? ?

The old Professor Tao Xizhi on the judges' stage was originally smiling. After all, Chen Yefeng represents the Magic University, represents the Magic University Literature Club, and also represents him Tao Xizhi.

This is one thing that makes him feel better.


When the old man saw the position Chen Yefeng was sitting on, he found that the position of the person just now disappeared.

What about my grandson-in-law?

"What about others?" Tao Xizhi almost jumped up from her chair.

"He said that he seemed to have settled life issues with his girlfriend." Tao Lu said what she had just heard.


Hearing her granddaughter say this, Tao Xizhi’s originally extremely excited face suddenly became dark.

This bastard, is such an important matter of choosing a spouse so casual?

Isn't my granddaughter 10,000 times stronger than those vulgar fans?

Besides, you don’t want to go on a date with the prize?

Is there anything more important than receiving an award?


And the other side.

Chen Yefeng didn't know at all, he took Ye Shengxue's little hand, and his heart was plopping.

To be honest, although Ye Shengxue does not belong to that kind of stunning beauty, it is what makes Chen Yefeng's heart moved.

She has a very comfortable and quiet temperament.

The situation between the two of them now is obviously that they get together less and more. If someone digs a corner, it would be strange that they can't cry to death.

Or just...

At this point, Chen Yefeng took a deep look at Ke Ren next to him.

"What are you looking at?" Ye Shengxue was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Chen Yefeng, always feeling that this guy was thinking about something bad.

"I'm looking at you." Chen Yefeng replied truthfully.


This sudden love word made this Nizi's pretty face suddenly red.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Do you have anything you want to tell me?" Ye Shengxue's tone was a little twisted.

"How did you know?"

"Because if you had nothing to do, you would never have this tone." Ye Shengxue rolled her eyes, looking like I knew you well.

"I think..." Chen Yefeng smiled, "Actually I think..."

"What do you think?"

"I want to do something big..."

"What's the big deal?"

"It's a very big thing!"

"Xiao Yuan is right, you will always say some weird things!"

Just as Chen Yefeng decided to showdown, but at this moment, the cell phone ringing in his pocket suddenly rang.

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