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Chapter 195: Chen Yuan's birthday

The ringtone interrupted the conversation between the two, and Chen Yefeng had to take out his mobile phone to connect the call.

"Where are you?"

Listening to the voice of Professor Tao Xizhi on the other end of the phone, Chen Yefeng twitched at the corner of his mouth and responded: "Then what, I have a major life issue to solve... so I have to leave early."

"What's the major event in life? Old guy, this is the greatest thing in human history, and you don't understand it after telling you!"


"You said I won first place, are you kidding me?"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yefeng didn't feel surprised at all. Although his words were indeed somewhat unsatisfactory, the two poems could definitely be regarded as a mastermind.


Taking a look at Ye Shengxue, who was staring at him with a curious look, Chen Yefeng sighed helplessly.

Apparently, things like raw rice and cooked rice have to be done another day.

"Go, go back with me." Chen Yefeng grabbed Ye Shengxue's hand, turned and walked back.

"Go back?" Ye Shengxue rolled her eyes, "It's a shame to go back with you."

"Not ashamed."

"what is that?"

"Go back to accept the award!!!"


Back to the stadium, countless lights, countless camera lenses and everyone's eyes all fell on Chen Yefeng and Ye Shengxue.

The two at this moment seem to have become the focus of the entire stadium.

After taking a look at Li Muge who was staring at himself, Chen Yefeng twitched at the corner of his mouth and said aloud: "What are you looking at? I haven't seen other girlfriends."

"You are dying!" Ye Shengxue's face turned red all of a sudden, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand and pinched Chen Yefeng's waist, but her expression was very happy.

There is a joy that cannot be hidden between the eyebrows!

"Why did you leave suddenly?" Old Professor Tao Xizhi looked at Chen Yefeng with a look of discomfort in his eyes.

He really doesn't know what is in this kid's mind. The two poems just now are obviously enough to crush all the contestants in the literary competitions of the past. Although the characters are a little bit worse, they can all be practiced!

Talented, these are not problems!

"I actually want to do something big, so..."

"What are you doing?" Old Professor Tao Xizhi took a deep breath, his tone a little unhappy.

Is there anything more important than receiving an award now?

"How can this be said."

"Go to accept the award, and the word you. Forget it, I won't say more, you can go back and practice yourself..."

"You don't understand, this is crazy cursive calligraphy!"

After Chen Yefeng and Tao Xizhi had a chat, they turned and walked towards the judges' stage.

this moment.

He is the focus of everyone's attention! ! !

"Congratulations." The chief judge said.

"Thank you." Chen Yefeng took a red certificate, flipped it through, and then closed it again.

In fact, there are not too many waves in my heart. For Chen Yefeng, isn't it normal for me to win awards?

"Do you have any comments?"

"Oh, that... I want to thank you..." This is the same as having eaten pork even though I have never seen a pig run.

Chen Yefeng didn't know how to deliver the acceptance speech, but he still took a deep breath and said a lot of acceptance speeches very officially.

For example, I would like to thank the judges, teachers, parents, etc., and possibly CCTV in the future.

After speaking, Chen Yefeng naturally did not forget to bow very modestly.

With his bow, applause suddenly rang from the audience.


People are handsome and humble, and the most important thing is that they are so talented!


When the enthusiastic applause slowly fell, Chen Yefeng still stood on the stage, and had no intention of going down.

"Do you have anything else?" Professor Wang, the chief judge, asked with a smile.

"Then what, can you smoke a cigarette?" Chen Yefeng said seriously.

People around: "???"

Is this TM still something people can say?

Actually in charge of the chief judges asking for cigarettes, can it be said can do whatever you want in the first place?

Of course, what made everyone more depressed was that Professor Wang smiled heartily, and decisively took out a cigarette and handed it out.

Naturally, Chen Yefeng thanked him very politely. After receiving the cigarette, he walked steadily off the stage and took Ye Shengxue's hand to sit in the original position.


Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye the literary contest came to an end.

The proposition of modern poetry Chen Yefeng certainly represents that Shanghai University won the first place, while the first place in classical Chinese poetry was won by Tao Lu.

In other words, in this literary competition, the college can be said to be a big victory.

This can make the old Professor Tao Xizhi on the judges' stage have a crooked smile.

After it was over, Chen Yefeng pulled Ye Shengxue directly out of the venue, and the two wandered in the noisy street market.

"I sometimes walk here with Xiao Yuan." Chen Yefeng also introduced Ye Shengxue to Ye Shengxue as he walked, "The fried chicken is super delicious!"

"By the way, does Xiao Yuan miss me?"

"Then it goes without saying, this girl yells to see you all day long!"

Along the way, Ye Shengxue asked a lot of questions, and Chen Yefeng also answered with a smile.

But at this moment.

A phone call came in, saying that Cao Cao was here.

"Who called?"

"Who can anyone else?" Chen Yefeng curled his lips helplessly and turned on his phone, with the words Cousin Xiaowan written on it.

"Then you quickly pick it up!" Ye Shengxue urged with a smile.

"Brother~" As soon as the phone was connected, Chen Yuan's sweet voice came.

"What's wrong?"


After answering the call, Chen Yefeng was a little at a loss thinking about the little **** the phone.

"What's the matter? What did Xiaoyuan say?" Ye Shengxue asked.

"She is about to celebrate her birthday."

"Birthday? Is it in the last few days? Then I have to prepare a present for her!"

"Are you not going back?"

"You can ask for leave!" Ye Shengxue said coquettishly.



Chen Yuan’s birthday is here.

As a qualified cousin, Chen Yefeng naturally chose a very good place for the little girl's birthday.

And also called Gao Chao, Wu Liang, Fan Tong, Chu Sheng, Song Haoran and others.

A group of people hit a few cars.


The scheduled Shengtian Hotel is here,

As one of the few big cities in China, the consumption level of the magic city is very high.

The Shengtian Hotel is more than ten floors high, and its exterior decoration is also very gorgeous.

Standing under this ten-storey building is a restaurant that can only be consumed by the second generation of the rich.

Facing the shadow reflected on the glass, Chen Yefeng tidyed up his clean and decent clothes.

Although he is indeed handsome enough.

But at least...

Isn’t the image justified?

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