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Chapter 202: Why is there an extra person?

"Rice bucket! Brother Fan, you are so sober!" Several people were amused by Fan Tong's appearance.

"It's all fake inside. There is a phonograph in the wax figure's head, and the sound comes from there!" Wu Liang squeezed a smile and explained.

"Oh~ this way." Fan Tong was relieved when he heard it, but he always felt something was wrong in his heart.

Could it be that...the wax figures are so smart now?

You can laugh yourself!

Because he vaguely saw the wax figure head rolling to the feet of Gao Chao, and smiled, and that smile was exactly the same as the smile of the person he saw on the bed before!

"Fan Tong, where did you find the wooden sword? Why didn't I see it just now?" Gao Chao stepped forward and took the wooden sword in his hand and placed it in front of him to observe carefully.

Fan Tong was even more bewildered when asked, "Didn't you give it to me?"

"How is it possible, I just walked out of it!" Gao Chao also looked blank.

"You fart, haven't you been following me just now?" Fan Tong's eyes widened. "Then you handed me a wooden sword and said it can ward off evil spirits!"

"When did I follow you? I just came out!"

"you sure?"

"Of course, can I bluff you with your IQ?"

"That's true!" Fan Tong smiled slightly, "As for our IQ, it will be two kilograms more than you when I get it out!"

However, after speaking, he felt wrong.

Who gave this wooden sword?

"It's you?" Fan Tong looked at Wu Liang, who also shook his head.

"Haoran, is it you?"

Song Haoran also shook her head.


Fan Tong stared at the wooden sword in his hand, stunned.


Extraordinarily quiet!

Several people could even hear each other's gurgling sounds.

Since it is not Gao Chao, Wu Liang and Song Haoran, there is only one possibility, there are other people here, and even... there are...

"Damn, this last scene is too evil, let's call for help and leave here!"

at this time.

Fan Tong couldn't care about the face problem, because everything just now was really incredible.

He clearly remembered that Gao Chao walked over and handed himself a mahogany sword, but now he said that there was no such thing!

Did he hit a ghost? Or hit a ghost by yourself?

Fan Tong didn't dare to think about it. He just wanted to leave this ghost place quickly.

"We surrendered! Let us go out quickly!"

"My mother called me to go home for dinner, brothers and sisters, please stop playing!"

"I won't peek at small movies anymore, let me go!"

"Brother, are you getting off work soon? Stop playing, we have to go!"

A group of people cried out in the last scene of the haunted house.


What responded to them was deathly silence.

The cry for help from a group of people did not get any response.

"It's over! I'm afraid we really hit a ghost!" Fan Tong almost cried, "I haven't lived enough, my first time has not been fulfilled, I don't want to die, I haven't released my hands yet. what……"

One person's mentality jumped, even if the others were strong and calm, they couldn't hold on, and a group of people panicked.

However, Gao Chao, who was above Jiu Jin, did not know where the courage came from. He gritted his teeth and stomped his feet to appease everyone.

"Damn! I don't believe it! These staff must be deliberate, don't panic, we can definitely get out!"


at this time.

Right next to their compartment, the door seemed to be pushed open vigorously by someone from inside.

Moreover, there is a blood-red light that seems to be shining from the inside, flashing and flashing, which is very strange.

"Huh~ It seems that someone finally came to pick us up. I said that there can be no ghosts in this world. Look at you like this!" Gao Chao breathed a sigh of relief and hurried over, pretending to be calm.

A group of people wiped their tears and quickly followed.


What awaited them was not the staff who heard the call for help and came to rescue them, but two doors.

On the two doors, there are two characters "Life" and "Death".

"The right person can leave here, and the wrong person will stay forever..."

A low voice suddenly resounded in the room.

"Pretend to be a ghost! I'm not afraid!" Gao Chao swallowed, and said strong and calmly: "Brothers, this should be the escape route for the final scene!"

Life and death?

Then I have to talk more, of course I chose to give birth!

After finishing talking, Gao Chao continued Jiujin, boldly walked to the gate of life, and gave a slight push.


There seemed to be someone behind him.

"Don't you guys cry so much, come over and help, it seems that someone is holding it on purpose."

After being yelled at by Gao Chao, a few people with a somewhat unstable mentality also hurried over.

"I'll count one, two, three, let's work hard together."

"it is good!"

The others responded in unison.




A hoarse female voice rang behind several people.

"Who of you called three! Didn't you just listen to my password!"

After Gao Chao questioned, but... immediately he realized a very important point!

There are no young ladies in this group of people, they are all big men.


Why is there a woman suddenly now! ! !


When did one more person suddenly appear in your group?

And still a woman?

"Haoran, is that you?"

Song Haoran, the women's clothing magnate, has learned to change the voice, so everyone will naturally doubt him.

"It's not me, I'm not so idle!" Song Haoran shook his head directly.

"Who is that?"

Fan Tong was stunned.

I remembered that someone had handed himself a peach wood sword just now, then this is the one who made the laugh, right?

One thought ends here.

Fan Tong stopped exerting force, and slowly turned his head trembling all over.

I see.

A "female ghost" wearing a white gauze, with no trace of blood on her face, and two blood stains hanging under her eyes, just appeared behind everyone.


When the "female ghost" saw Fan Tong turn her head, she showed blood-red teeth and smiled slightly.

It's this familiar smile again!

This made Fan Tongyi think of the wax figure that he had kicked down just now, and the woman in white on the bed!

They all showed the same smile!

"It seems that there is such a thing, let's run now, it's a bit weird here too!!!"

Fan Tong now doesn't care if someone behind the student is deliberately resisting it. There is only one idea in his mind, that is to run!

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