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Chapter 203: Frightened


Fan Tong grabbed the door from the "female ghost" directly, and the rest of the people looked at the sudden addition of people behind him, too scared.

Immediately fled frantically!


No matter how they escape, they can't find the escape route for the last scene, and there is no way to leave here.

Moreover, even the passage that just came in has been locked.


The "female ghost" chased them up without speaking, just looking at them with a smile on her mouth full of blood-red teeth.

A group of people couldn't avoid it, and they could only shiver in the corner.


the other side.

Chen Yefeng and Ye Shengxue, who had been through the last scene long ago, were sitting in the row chairs at the ticket office resting.

"The haunted house here is not scary at all!" Ye Shengxue still complained with dissatisfaction, "The life and death, I guess both can come out, boring."

Next to Chen Yefeng, he heard that the corner of his mouth twitched. He just wanted to choose a stranger, but this Nizi had to choose a dead one, saying that there might be a ghost behind and waiting to scare herself.

As a result, it came out by mistake.

The most important thing is, where are my good friends?

If you agree to cooperate with yourself, let yourself be beautiful?

As a result, no one was seen after searching for a long time!

Your sister!

He also said that holding them on their bodies, one is more unreliable than the other!

"Brother, I'm not afraid at all!" Chen Yuan, who had already passed through the barrier, also showed off his boldness with Chen Yefeng.

"Of course, who made you my sister!" Chen Yefeng smiled and praised. After all, the little girl's birthday is the oldest today.

"Hehe~" Chen Yuan smiled, also comforting the roommate next to him, because two people inside were scared and crying.

After the people in the live broadcast room heard it, they also immediately teased.

"Xiaoyuan and sister-in-law are okay. I thought I took my two twin girlfriends back then and almost died in fear."

"Twin girlfriends? I'm afraid it's not the left hand and the right hand!"

"There is one thing to say, what do you want to do when the meeting is over, let's be honest!"

"So many young ladies, what do you think?"

While chatting with the barrage, Chen Yefeng also comforted Ye Shengxue, who was very dissatisfied with the trip to the haunted house.

But... after all, I don't know how Gao Chao is doing now.

The scene tricky card has already been used, shouldn't they let them run into it?

Otherwise, it's been more than half an hour, why haven't they seen their shadows yet?


Time is passing by one minute and one second.

The haunted house conductor saw that it was late, and started counting the number of people according to the license issued by each person before entering the haunted house.

However, she soon discovered that there seemed to be a few people trapped in the haunted house and still did not come out.

Seeing that the park was about to close, she had no choice but to take out her mobile phone and call the person who was guarding the last scene of the haunted house, "Xiao Tang, it's about to close, quickly put the rest of the little girl in there. Guys take it out."

"Okay, I see." There was a lazy and even yawning voice on the other end of the phone, as if he had just woke up.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Tang stretched.

He first sorted out his makeup, found a scary-looking female ghost mask and put it on, then moved aside some of the sundries behind the gate, and then slowly Walked in.

However, because the last scene was too big, Xiao Tang, the staff member, had to look for rooms one by one.

When he saw the wax figure kicked down on the ground, he frowned.

Someone had done this before, but the perpetrator was not found, so he was fined.

and so.

After seeing this scene, he was going to give these lost little guys a little punishment, and he dared to destroy the dummy inside!

Absolutely unforgivable! ! !


at the same time.

Gao Chao, Wu Liang and a group of people were hugging each other at this time, hiding in the last compartment, all the "female ghosts" in front of them were scared to tears.

"Sister Female Ghost, please spare her life!!!"

Fan Tongyi knelt on the ground with his nose and tears, "I will definitely burn you some more paper money after I go back! You let me go!"

The "Female Ghost" tilted her head slightly, and a head rolled down from her shoulder with a click in front of the six people.

Seeing this scene, a group of people were almost shocked.

" long as I am happy, I will let you go..."

The intermittent hoarse voice came from the mouth that fell to the side of his head.

When they heard that they had a chance to survive, a group of people rushed forward and prayed for the "girl ghost" in front of them to let them go.

"I'll come first!" Fan Tong immediately began to tell a joke.

When other people saw this, they all started their own performances.

after all……

Now it is a matter of life and death! ! !

It is not important at all to lose face!

Soon, Fan Tong Wu Liang and the others finished their performance, and the "female ghost" nodded in satisfaction, and immediately looked at Gao Chao.

"You... just... kicked me down, you have to... pay me... a... new head..."

Although Gao Chao was on his head with Jiu Jin, he was not afraid of heaven and earth, but he was really desperate now.

Because when the "girl ghost" chased them just now, it was exactly the same as in the movie, floating away!

"They all make me happy, why are you indifferent?"

"I...I don't know what to perform!" Gao Chao cried.

"In that case, stay with me!"

"I didn't mean it! Sister, please let me go, I promise I will never do bad things again!"

Upon hearing this, Gao Chao immediately began to beg for mercy.

At this time.

Xiao Tang has heard the movement.

Looking for a faint begging for mercy, Xiao Tang gently opened the door.

At this moment, a stray wind blew, and the "female ghost", together with the head on the ground, disappeared like a bubble.

After pushing the door open, Xiao Tang also saw Gao Chao who kept begging for mercy.

It seemed that this little guy seemed to be frightened, and he was lying on the ground, not daring to raise his head.

Thinking of frightening his Xiao Tang, he had no choice but to squat down and pat Gao Chao's shoulder lightly.

"Hey, get up! I'm here to pick you up, and you can go out safely now."

After the latter heard the sound, he slowly raised his head.

Gao Chao thought that the female ghost was kindly relieved.


Little Tang didn't know that the mask he was wearing was exactly the same as the image created by "Scene Tricky Card" just now.

and so……

The scene that made Xiao Tang stunned happened.

I see.

After Gao Chao raised his head, he watched the head that had fallen off and ran back to the neck of the "female ghost".

Immediately it was black, and he passed out in shock.

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