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Chapter 212: Brother, I'm a substitute player!

"I know, but I am not aiming at you, I am aiming at him!" Ning Fei pointed at the people behind Zhang Chuchen, still not stepping back.

Zhang Yaotou is big, and he doesn't want to cause trouble. If this matter makes a big deal, then what if Ning Fei and the group of people finally get to this point, what if it is in vain?

and so.

He also kept on persuading him, "I think it's better to forget it, don't make things too big, we have finally come to this step, you don't want to be unhappy because of this little thing."

"Heh!" Hearing this, the man immediately snorted with disdain: "It really is an influential team, no wonder it is so lacking in quality."

"Don't say a few words." Zhang Chuchen frowned, glared at the person behind him, and gave a warning.

"Then what should you do?"

"It's very simple, apologize, let this person in your team apologize for what he said and did just now, isn't that too much?" Ning Fei said.

As soon as Ning Fei's voice fell, the man yelled.

"I think you should have a dream! Anyway, I won't apologize anyway, you are the one who apologizes to me if I want to apologize!"

Zhang Chuchen also pouted a little helplessly, "You have seen it, and I can't help it."

"Then there is nothing to talk about."

Just as the two sides were arguing, a silver-white, more beautiful car stopped on the road.

After the car door was opened, one saw one after another, and a total of four women wearing light blue jackets came down.

The sharp-eyed fans immediately exclaimed.

"It's the Sunny Team!!!"

The Sunny Day team, one of the four major domestic teams, is different from other teams in that Sunny Day is composed of four women.

What is even more surprising is that in previous games, they fully proved a sentence, who said that women are inferior to men, and what is meant by women.

Although there are four women, their operations have surprised countless male compatriots.

"Goddess of Blue Rain, I love you! I want to give you a monkey!"

"Hey, you are a woman! Don't grab it with me!"

"Ahhhhh! Lan Yu is here to let brother hug!"

"You lunatics, stop, the goddess of blue rain is our male fan!!!"

As soon as the four people appeared, the noise became more enthusiastic than before. There were originally fewer e-sports women.

Every time a female professional player appears, in the minds of game players, they are goddesses. Now there are four sunny teams. How can it not be exciting?

Looking around, the fans of Team Sunny accounted for one-third of this place, and there were many female fans.

The four of them walked slowly along the road between the fans on both sides. One of them was about 1.6 meters tall and was relatively petite. The woman with her hair tied behind pulled the woman with pretty short hair beside her and said, "Little May, you see how popular you are."

The name of the woman speaking is Zhao Menglu, who is mainly responsible for attracting firepower in the team and acting as a sentry.

"Who is our Yueyue beauty? That must be popular!" said a woman with long wavy hair next to her.

The woman with long curly hair is a deputy sniper of the Sunny Team, whose name is Wang Tongyu.

"My elder sister is a great beauty, even I can't help it, but it's a pity that she has a harem." Said the other person who was somewhat similar to the blue rain goddess Qing Lengyue.

"Where's the harem?" Wang Tongyu, who was wavy, questioned.

"No, look..."

"Yes, so many male fans, but all of them are our harem."

"Okay, Monroe, I think you can shut up. If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb, do you know?" Qing Lengyue rolled her eyes helplessly, a little headache for her teammates.

"Slightly!" Zhao Menglu stretched out her tongue at her, then flicked her long hair and walked in front.

It just didn't take two steps before she saw someone blocking her way.

"Xiaoyu go and see what's going on."

"Why don't you go?" The girl called Xiaoyu twisted her head, very proud.

"Hey, it looks like the team uniform is LN team." Wang Tongyu said with a grin.

"Then I'll go see what's going on." Xiaoyu said nothing, and was going to see what was going on.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Menglu immediately laughed and said, "Hey, you little girl, aren't you not going!"

"Do you want to control?"

"I don't care!"

The two quarreled, and Xiaotong walked over.

"Let's go together and see what's going on." Captain Qing Lengyue said.

After the four people walked past, they used a woman's inherently sensitive sixth sense, and instantly smelled a smell of gunpowder.

"Hey!" Zhao Menglu hit Qing Ruyu next to her with her elbow.

"Your idol, Brother Chuchen, seems to be arguing with others."

"Can you shut up the eighth woman!" Qing Ruyu said helplessly.

When they were talking, the four of them had already walked to the side, and the sharp-eyed fans immediately spotted them.

"In the early morning, people from the Sunny Team came."

"Oh, I see, the goddess of blue rain must have come to help our early morning!"

"We Chuchen and the Goddess of Blue Rain are a perfect match in the gaming circle!"

"This group of third-rate teams that don't have long eyes, please get out of the way and don't stand in the way of others."


"It's okay to get out of the way, let your idol apologize to me first." Ning Fei embraced her arms, still looking at the person behind Zhang Chuchen reluctantly.

It seems that if you don't apologize today, none of us will leave.

Ning Fei now looks like he is going to lose all his jade and stone!

"You..." The man took a deep breath and said quietly: "I said, you guys, don't shame you, believe it or not, I will keep you in the e-sports circle."

"Who do you think you are? The e-sports circle is up to you. Whatever you say, please take a **** and take pictures of yourself, and then consider whether you are qualified to say such things!!!" Ning Fei faced that. Human threats were not afraid, and his face showed disdain at the same time.

"Good! Good! Good!"

This person said three good things in a row, and then his eyes gradually became cold and silent.

Obviously, it is impossible to make him apologize.

An influential team first blocked their way.

Now you want to apologize to him again?


What qualifications does this third-rate team member have to accept my apology! ?

Really think that you can be lawless by participating in the domestic competition?

You know, third-rate teams are always third-rate teams, and they will never be on the stage!


"How is this going?"

Qing Lengyue frowned slightly as she looked at the road blocked by several people.

"Yueyue, it's nothing. My team member accidentally bumped into them without apologizing. In fact, I don't think this is necessary for a little thing, but I don't know why they don't seem to want to go so easily."

"I hit someone, you are indeed wrong!" Qing Lengyue said.

"But... I have already apologized to them on behalf of A Tao, but unfortunately they don't seem to accept my apology."

Qing Lengyue glanced at Zhang Chuchen with a smile on his face, and said quietly: "Call me Lan Yu, or Qing Lengyue. I don't like people calling me Yueyue by the name."

The original gentle smile on Zhang Chuchen's face was slightly taken aback by this sentence, but he quickly converged it in the next second.

Zhang Chuchen glanced at Qing Lengyue, then continued smiling and said, "All right."

After speaking, Zhang Chuchen spoke again.

"A Tao, you'd better apologize quickly, otherwise it wouldn't be the case to be stuck here."

"Do you want me to apologize?" A Tao pointed at Ning Fei and the others, "Let me apologize to the four of them, it's impossible! It's just a third-rate team, isn't it just a push, and it didn't bump or touch, cheap People are hypocritical!

Besides, haven't you already apologized for me? It's because they don't accept it and shamelessly. Can this blame us? "

"Enough, don't talk about it." Zhang Chuchen frowned, and looked at the chattering A Tao very dissatisfied.

At this time, Qing Lengyue also looked at Ning Fei, Wang Wei, Wan Ming, Zhao Kai, and Zhang Yao.

The few people in front of them didn't even have a uniform uniform, and their dark eyes were telling everyone that they were likely to stay up late.


In those eyes, there was a desire for competition.

Everything is so familiar.

Maybe they are indeed a low-profile team now, but... don't know, they will become famous after this national competition!

"I don't think they want to apologize excessively. After all, you are the first thing wrong." Qing Lengyue thought for a while and said.

I heard that A Tao's face was a little hard to look.

He couldn't figure out what the team members came out to join in on this sunny day, why not just be your vase?

Really think you are a girl, everyone in the e-sports circle has to lick you around?

As he was talking, another group of people came over on the road.

The leader was Chen Yefeng, with her arm-holding cousin Chen Yuan next to her.

This made him feel quite a headache, "I said, you girl, this is a special channel for players, what are you doing with us?"

"Brother, how do you know that this is a contestant channel?!" Chen Yuan said with a smile while holding Chen Yefeng's arm.

"Nonsense, think I was the one who swept the entire gaming circle back then, OK!"

"It's okay, I'm also a contestant anyway!"

"Let me go, you girl, don't mess around, what kind of contestant are you!" Chen Yefeng couldn't help but knocked on Chen Yuanjie's forehead.

This is not our own home, you princess need to be tempered a little bit!

"Brother, I'm a substitute player!" Chen Yuan said seriously.

"Substitute? Just you?"

I saw that the little girl pinched her waist with her hands, a chest, and a mess of her shirt, she said very dissatisfied: "Brother! Do you look down on your smart, sensible, cute and charming cousin?!"

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