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Chapter 213: Brother, have you met an old lover again?

"Ahem!" Wang Genji on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and explained aloud: "Afeng, you forgot. In fact, Xiao Yuan has always been a member of our second team. Although it was just a name, the college league She has indeed been on the list, so this time her name is indeed on the list. This cannot be denied."

Chen Yefeng: "..."

OK, OK, this little girl is amazing!

"Hey, look, brother, look, why are there so many people in front of you? It seems that there is a good show to watch." Chen Yuan is getting bigger and bigger now, and it can be said that he has fully inspired himself as a woman. A heart of gossip that you should have.

"What to look at, squeeze in and get in quickly! Don't be like this, okay?" Chen Yefeng glanced subconsciously and saw Ning Fei and the others, who seemed to be arguing with others.

"Wait, I take back what I just said, let's go take a look!"

Chen Yuan pursed his mouth in dissatisfaction, "Brother, you are so much better than me!"

Chen Yefeng squeezed the little girl's face, and quickly walked over, but because the four members of the Sunny Team had their backs to them, Chen Yefeng did not immediately discover his former teammate.

After Chen Yefeng walked over quickly, he also slapped Ning Fei's shoulder and said, "What's the matter?"

After Ning Fei saw that it was Chen Yefeng, he immediately laughed and cursed, "Grass! Frighten me, can you say hello next time, kid!"

"Brother Feng, you are here!" Zhao Kai also laughed.

"What happened?" Chen Yuan also leaned over.

Ning Fei and the others met Chen Yuan last time, and they also liked this quirky little girl. The most important thing is that this is the sister of their own good brother. Can you talk about it, can’t let the friendship of the buddy be sublimated? ?

Therefore, Ning Fei immediately spoke to Chen Yuan.

Qing Lengyue looked at the person passing by her, and looked at his every move and was very familiar.

Although it was only a back figure, she already knew who this person was.

Just...what is he doing here?

Is it also participating in the competition?

"Scared you? Why don't you scare you to death, dare to talk to my brother like that!"

"Yes, everything you say is right!" Ning Fei said with a smile.

Chen Yefeng's face turned black, these guys I use you as brothers, you actually hit my sister's idea?

He didn't turn his head and didn't know that someone was watching him silently behind him. Chen Yefeng smiled and said, "What's the matter with you? Blocked here to prevent others from entering?"

"Nothing, just want an apology!" Ning Fei smiled and briefly described what happened to Chen Yefeng.

Who knows, after listening to Chen Yefeng, he said disdainfully: "What do you want to apologize for this little thing!?"

Ning Fei was stunned. He didn't understand what Chen Yefeng was planning to do, and why he turned his elbow out of the way.

Ning Fei didn't panic at all, because he knew what his brother was like.

Never turn your elbow out!

as expected.

Chen Yefeng spoke.

"I said, you and others may be able to theory, but you and those who are not human, there is no theory, because beasts can't understand human words.

So what they do is naturally not human affairs, nor human words. You have been in a stalemate for a long time. Is this different from playing the piano to a cow? "

After speaking, Chen Yefeng squinted at the worst expression, as if he was holding his breath for too long, causing A Tao to look like pig liver. He continued to say leisurely: "Science and nature have been read. What I do is entirely instinct.

Because they have no brains, brainless beasts, what do you have to care about with them? "

"People don't understand what you said. As a human being, you have to love Wujiang, just like me, if a dog bites you, would you still bite it back?"

"A Feng, what you said makes sense!" Ning Fei nodded in cooperation, "It seems that it is indeed my fault. If it is more true to a beast, then what is the difference between me and a beast?"

"Not necessarily!" Next to Chen Yuansi holding his cousin's arm without any suspicion, he poked his head while talking, and stretched out a slender finger to gently swing.

"I am a person who bears grudges very much. If there is a grudge, I usually take it on the spot."

"Why?" Chen Yefeng asked casually.

"Brother, you have to know, because if you don't report some grudges on the spot, you might forget it the next day when you sleep."

Chen Yefeng: "..."

What kind of ghostly logic is this my little girl?

The singing of the two brothers and sisters can be said to be seamless. Although they did not name them, anyone with a discerning eye can know who they are talking about.

This indiscriminate bombardment made LN A Tao's face even more ugly, giving people a kind of aggrieved look as if this guy had eaten Xiang.

"Who are you, what does this have to do with you?" He stared at Chen Yefeng with a black face, as if he wanted to tear him up in his heart.

It's no wonder that A Tao was like this. After all, he was so proud just now, facing Ning Fei with a top-notch team, with an inexplicable sense of superiority.

After Chen Yefeng appeared, he was belittled to be a beast when he directly cooperated with Chen Yuan in a few words.

In this case, no one will be angry!

Chen Yefeng looked at A Tao and sneered coldly: "I'm so big! Have you listened well?

To be honest, my family lives in Room 1001, Building 2, Fandou Garden, Fandou Street. My father's name is Hu Yingjun, my mother's name is Zhang Xiaoli, and my name is Hu Tutu! "



Deathly silence.

After hearing this, he knew that he was playing with fools, Chen Yefeng also naturally patted Ning Fei's shoulder, and after the two of them looked at each other tacitly, they nodded at the same time.

Hututu on Turnover Street! Just ask if you are afraid after hearing it! ! !

"Don't hurry to buy melon seeds for this big brother?" Ning Fei also echoed with a smile, "Buy melon seeds, and apologize to others!"

"How about it! You are scared of my brother's background!"

Chen Yuan hugged his cousin's arm and said in agreement.

"Where is the world's first!"


Chen Yefeng smiled slightly, and when he said this, his body turned slightly. The main purpose was to see how many fans of the LN team were there.

If there is any unstoppable conflict later, if there are too many people on the other side, then you have to run quickly, if there are few people, the confidence will naturally be more sufficient.

But... when his gaze slowly moved from left to right, when he kept seeing people as his gaze went.

A familiar and unfamiliar face appeared in his pupils!

I haven't seen this face for a long time, but... it still impressed him.

It's been a long time, she seems to be the same.

this moment.

The smile on Chen Yefeng's face immediately converged, and his face also became a little quiet.

Looking at the face in front of him, he... will never forget the anger mixed in those eyes, let alone the hysterical questioning at the time.

"why why!"

"Everyone's hope, why do you give it to others?!"

"Xiaoyue." Finally, Chen Yefeng spoke.

Shouting a nickname that was once very familiar.

Qing Lengyue's eyes were indifferent, and she heard that she glanced at Chen Yefeng lightly, but did not speak.

Zhang Chuchen, who was next to him, also glanced at it, and then at Chen Yefeng, who was called Xiaoyue, not understanding the relationship between the two.

It seems...he seems to know her?

And also affectionately call it Satsuki?

Moreover, Qing Lengyue told herself bluntly just now that she didn't like the name Xiaoyue.

But why did she choose to acquiesce in the depths of her eyes when the person in front of her shouted?

Next to him was still Chen Yuan, who was holding Chen Yefeng's arm, and his head came out after seeing the person in front of him.

I couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Brother, have you met an old lover again?"

"What old lover, shut up!" Chen Yefeng helplessly, directly reached out and knocked on Chen Yuan's forehead.

Some of Chen Yefeng's previous events were known to those who had a good relationship with him.

Former world runner-up, the soul of Dragon Team!

Back then.

In that undeveloped gaming circle, Heitian Chen Yefeng and Lan Yuqing Lengyue, these two people were known as the golden boys and girls of the gaming circle at that time.

It's just that after the world game was lost to the North American side, everything has changed.

Many people didn't know what happened to the Dragon Team at that time.

Now that they have met again, does it mean that these two people are likely to continue their lead?

If this is the case, would it be too romantic?


The two of them didn't speak, just after looking at each other a few times, they each took back their eyes.

It seems to have become a pair of familiar strangers.

And Chen Yefeng's current mood is also very inexplicable, and there is also an indescribable feeling.

Is it the kind of self-blame that is hard to let go of afterwards? Or the joy of reunion after a long time?

In other words, there are both.

It is these two extremely contrasting emotions that have created this situation.

Chen Yefeng fell silent.

He yelled "Xiaoyue" and fell silent after receiving no response.

Sure enough, even after so long, she still failed to forgive herself, her eyes still only had anger, she was still blaming herself, mad at herself, and blaming her original decision.

Zhao Menglu in the Sunny Team glanced at Chen Yefeng, who was very handsome, and then at Qing Lengyue, whose emotions suddenly changed a lot, and asked, "Yueyue, who is he?"

"You know?" Qing Lengyue asked instead.

"I... how could I know, I'm yours." Zhao Menglu quickly expressed her position, as if she was afraid of being mistaken for an undercover agent sent by another team.

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