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Chapter 234: Are these teams so stable?

Listening to the crazy praise from his teammates, Lu Xian was also a bit embarrassed.

"I said, don't lick like this, I can't stand it..."

The feeling of having three dog-licking teammates is a little bit awkward!

next to.

Ning Fei, who wanted to detour to help Chen Yefeng and the others, naturally saw the prompt in the upper right corner.

"Damn, Afeng, this is weight training, and his teammate has been knocked down again!"

For Ning Fei, Chen Yefeng was naturally invincible.

It's just that this teammate is a bit too bad!

This is a team game after all, and sometimes it is difficult for one person to save the world.

While muttering, the four of them also sneaked towards the direction of the S.B team along the southern part of M City.

All the actions of the Sky Sword Team were captured, and then mapped on the big screen.

"Strange, the Heavenly Sword Team actually chose to go so far!"

Xi Ling looked at the OB screen and couldn't help but mutter.

"If it were me, I would definitely double-team the nearest Magic City Academy. After all, the two teams are holding each other, and the Heavenly Sword Team with absolute initiative can completely destroy the nearest one, otherwise it will go around. What if the far road is discovered?"

"Maybe they have their own ideas." Artest said.

The actions of the four members of the Tianjian team made both commentators very puzzled.

Shortcuts, long detours, no matter how you look at it, it’s a good deal!

Even if they are discovered, they can approach the enemy for the first time and cooperate with another team to destroy the Magic City Academy.

If you take a long detour, it will be fine if you are discovered, but it will give the enemy more time to prepare.

The two commentators were a little confused, and at this time Wang Genji had been helped up. Just in case, he stepped back a lot before starting to pack up the first aid kit.

At the three fork in the road, the airdrop that had just dropped was still billowing red smoke.

However, it seems that no other team will come.

"Or, shall we retreat? There is no need to smash them to the ground for an airdrop!" Song Haoran said.

Just as Wang Genji fell to the ground three times and was about to agree, the sound of gunfire came from M City.

"It seems that someone is driving behind them. This is an opportunity!" Chen Yefeng didn't know it was Ning Fei, but he couldn't let go of this good opportunity.

Kill you while you are sick!

The S.B team did not expect that a team of people would suddenly be killed in the back, so they were knocked down two directly after one face-to-face encounter.

The combat power was lost in half in an instant.

Chen Yefeng smiled at the prompt that he had been knocked down. He didn't think he would meet Ning Fei and the others here.

He believed that Ning Fei must also know him, and simply led Song Haoran, Wang Genji and Yu Li directly to the three.

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend. After the S.B team was attacked by the Heavenly Sword Team, the Magic City Academy also decided to rush over.

They already knew that the S.B team had been ambushed behind their backs.

This is a golden opportunity!

Although there is some meaning to take advantage of others,...this is the best time for revenge! "


"Fuck, why a group of people suddenly popped up behind, boss, what should we do now?"

"Running, what else can you do, is it possible that you won't be able to be hit by both sides?" Lu Xian was also particularly depressed.

I thought that I could securely win the four gifted babies from the Magic Capital Academy, but I didn't expect that the sky was not as good as people wanted, so I actually made a Cheng Yaojin halfway!

"No, boss, I will introduce you to my thirty-eight sister, you can't abandon me!"

"Can't save!" Lu Xian didn't have time to joke, there were wolves in front of them and tigers behind.

Although Magic Academy is the least threatening team in this competition, I would definitely not be afraid if I was just now, but the problem is that I have been double-teamed now!

"You two quickly throw everything out, and we will take your will to eat chicken!" Lu Xian stared around nervously after speaking, for fear that someone would kill him in both directions.

The two people who were knocked down when the S.B team came up, and the two teams saw it, saving lives has become a luxury.

and so,

After Lu Xian took care of another person to pick up something, he took the remaining person and chose to retreat without hesitation.

This is the game.

Everything is to make your efforts not in vain, everything is for the game!

Although Lu Xian is quite confident, this situation is obviously not something that can be resolved with confidence.

He has no way to save the two teammates while still killing the two teams in the face of the two teams' attack.

So after hesitating for a while, Lu Xian lost some smoke, pretending to be ready to save people.

Then he greeted another person in the team and drove out directly.

Chen Yefeng's attention was instantly attracted by the sound of the car's engine starting.

In an instant he knew what the other person was thinking, and just wanted to take a gun and try to get it off the car, but he didn't expect that the other person drove directly to the north and fled.

Although Chen Yefeng had already fired, the bullets that were shot only hit the carriage. Even though there was an eruption of blood mist, he still failed to sweep the person off.

Ning Fei and the others naturally found the two of the S.B team who had escaped. They thought about the time slightly, and they knew that the other party had given up on saving people to preserve the overall situation.

After a little thought in his mind, he also said, "Okay, we can retreat!"

As a result, the two commentators on the stage became even more incomprehensible.

"After the S.B team was knocked down by two people, in order to ensure the team's ranking, it is understandable that they chose to give up two teammates.

But... why did the Heavenly Sword Team choose to retreat?

What about the two people they knocked down? Wouldn't it be given to the Magic Capital Academy for nothing? "Artest was very puzzled. After explaining so many games, today is extremely outrageous!

"It's too stable, the Sky Sword team deserves to be played step by step from the Internet cafes. Their performance in the domestic competition is really too stable. It makes people feel like a lion that has experienced battles!" Xi Ling also exclaimed.

After all, it is not easy to play from the Internet cafes step by step. No one wants to take their own efforts and future to take risks.

The people in the official live broadcast room were also particularly puzzled, but anyway, the Sky Sword Team had already retreated, as if not facing you directly, I wanted to be steady.

The S.B team also ran away in order to rank the team.

As a result, the scene of the three teams fighting here in the airdrop was actually gone so confused.

"There is still a team, be careful!" Although there was a team, Wang Genji still did not relax his vigilance.

"Don't worry, they have already withdrawn!" Chen Yefeng smiled, and then walked towards the smoke.

"Be careful!" As soon as Wang Genji finished reminding him, he saw Chen Yefeng had passed by and had not been shot.

Now, the three of them were stunned on the spot!

What the **** is this?

Wang Genji, Song Haoran, and Yuli naturally didn't know why the Heavenly Sword Team would retreat after knocking down the two of them, but they would definitely make a profit without losing two heads for nothing.

The three people hurriedly followed, and after the smoke cleared, there appeared on the ground two people from the S.B team who had been directly knocked down by the Sky Sword team from behind.

At this moment, the two of them were kneeling in a depression behind the soil slope, and they looked pitiful and pitiful.

and so.

Wang Genji took out his gun and killed them without hesitation.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

A series of gunfire sounded, and the two heads were easily reached.

"Damn, so poor!"

Since Lu Xian had taken better equipment before he left, Wang Genji opened the box and took a look at the equipment. His heart was particularly depressed, he could only lick a bullet.

However, Chen Yefeng ran straight towards the airdrop. He knew that Ning Fei and the others must have recognized themselves, otherwise it would be impossible to let these two men head.

"Here is a handful of big pineapple, whoever wants it?"

After some discussions, the three finally gave Wang Genji the hapless one.

After the airdrop was finished, the poison circle began to shrink.

In order to prevent a few encounters with Ning Fei.

Chen Yefeng took the three people back to the wooden house. After taking a look at the safe area, he drove towards the iron bridge in the southwest direction of the map.

"A Feng, why don't you go this way and take such a long road? There will definitely be people blocking the bridge!" Song Haoran asked.

This safe zone will most likely be refreshed at the airport in the end, and the blockage of the bridge in the game will definitely make you feel sick!

Blocking the bridge in the game is not the most important thing, mainly to keep you out of the safe zone, let you be eroded to death bit by bit by the poisonous fog.

In the previous game, there were only a few kills, and most of them were killed in the poison ring.

This kind of competition lacks spectacle and is difficult to mobilize the atmosphere of the scene.

Therefore, the game has changed the rules, a head of five points, the purpose is to greatly increase the appreciation of the game.

But that's it, only a dozen people were eliminated at this time.

"What are you afraid of? I have an eightfold mirror." Chen Yefeng said.

"But... does this have anything to do with others blocking the bridge?" Wang Genji asked with a puzzled look.

"It's ok."

"Damn, what about wool?!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you are right to listen to me!"


After Chen Yefeng finished speaking, he also drove three people toward the iron bridge in the southwest direction.

And shortly after the four left, the four members of the Qingtian team also drove a long way from the direction of P City and ran over.

They did not choose to go to the iron bridge in the southwest, because it would be very dangerous now.

At this time, the Sunny Team has six heads in hand, and there is no need to deliberately eliminate others, and then only need to stabilize the team's ranking.

Therefore, under the analysis and leadership of Qing Lengyue, the four preparations chose a relatively safe route to enter the airport island.

After they entered along the iron bridge, many teams drove past one after another.

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