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Chapter 235: Super long-range sniper!

On the other side, as the only team in the airport, Su Liyang and the others came directly to the Tieqiao Bridge after searching the airport.

Su Liyang was very happy when the airdrop hit his face and the safety zone was so powerful.

In this safe area, they don't need to look for someone too deliberately. They just need to wait here and someone will send it over.

Although blocking the bridge does not necessarily take people's heads, as long as they are blocked outside, it is a steady profit!

What's more, Su Liyang still has the AWM artifact!

Even if it is against the attacker, he will definitely not counsel.

It has been a while since the four of them came to Tieqiao, but because there is still a small part of the safe area outside, they have not seen anyone for a long time.

While chatting in various ways, Su Liyang also looked around with the eight-fold AWM in his hand.

He saw three warehouses in Port P. Four people were gathering there, and there were two more ships.

From what they look like, it should be a boat to enter the airport island. At this time, boating is a very safe choice.

However, they didn't know that all of this was clearly shown by Su Liyang, who uses the eightfold lens AWM.

The four people in Port P are also very good at doing things, in order to prevent someone from looking for a boat to enter the airport, and to reduce their enemies.

They directly occupied all the two ships near Sancang, Port P!

This approach is of course correct, because the current security zone is very clear, and there is a very high probability that it will be brushed on the island of the airport.

The two iron bridges have an 80% probability that they will be defended, so taking a boat is the quickest way.

Destroying the ship and driving ashore can greatly reduce the safety of other teams entering the airport island.

At that time, they can only swim across the sea, and during this period, they are a target that can be bullied at will.

Su Liyang saw all of this through the eightfold AWM lens in his hands.

He shook the mouse slightly and kept aiming, his eyes narrowed, as if he was looking for a spot!

The AWM sniper rifle is the only sniper rifle that can ignore any level of helmet and armor and has the ability to kill with one hit!

Su Liyang had a very bold idea in his mind, blocking the bridge by himself, and no one might come for a while.

Therefore, he wanted to take advantage of this time to perform himself!

The iron bridge is about two blocks away from the sea area between Port P. If you exchange it, it will be more than two thousand meters away.

This distance can be hit with AWM, but it is as difficult as the sky!

Su Liyang was not too sure, so he kept adjusting his AWM shooting angle.

Left and right, up and down, shaking constantly.

Although it has an eight-fold view, the figure inside is a bit blurry and very small. It is naturally very difficult to hit.

Holding your breath can make the character stand still because of the quasi-centre of the person's breathing. Of course, this operation has a time limit.

Although it is the most basic operation in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, it is almost used less frequently.

"I feel there is a chance."

Su Liyang controlled the character to hold his breath, and his gaze was staring at the enemy nearly two kilometers away through the eight-fold lens.

"Opportunity? What opportunity?" the teammate asked.

"Just wait and see."

Su Liyang smiled softly and continued to calculate in his heart.

In the field of vision of the eight-fold lens, you can see the enemy moving more than two kilometers away.

In this case, even if he is an Asian sniper god, he does not have the confidence to kill with one blow.

Therefore, he must find a perfect time. If a shot is missed, it is likely that the splash from the Magnum bullet will cause the four people on the beach of Port P to alert.

At that time, I am afraid that the operation that was originally as difficult as the sky will become even more impossible to complete!

and so.

Su Liyang was waiting, he was waiting for an opportunity.

Wait for one, kill with one blow, and don't give the opponent any chance to help.

And he has this confidence in himself!

He has calculated countless times in his mind that he can use AWM to hit the enemy at a super long distance!

at last.

The four people at Port P got on the ship and began to turn the bow of the ship, preparing to move towards the airport island.

Seeing the boat slowly retreating and slowly turning around, Su Liyang's eyes were also fixed.

He could see the people who hadn't boarded the boat, walking slowly down the beach, half of his body was submerged by the sea, and his walking pace became unusually slow.

at last.

He is on board!

It's now!

Su Liyang found the perfect time to shoot. It was this man who got on the ship from the sea and stayed for this short time!

Just before the launch of the ship, Su Liyang, who had been looking in the distance for a long time, had counted countless times in his heart, and a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, he gently clicked the mouse Zuo Jian!


AWM's unique gunshots echoed over the iron bridge guarded by the Thunder team. The powerful Magnum bullets whizzed out from the muzzle of the strongest sniper rifle, AWM, and ran straight towards Port P. Cross this distance of nearly two kilometers!

The sudden sound of gunfire made his teammates stunned.

"Ayang, is there anyone?"

"Yes!" Su Liyang replied.


"P Port!"


"Port P? Are you making us happy? This is a full 2,000 meters away. You may not be able to hear you when you shoot. You also exposed our position. In case someone on the opposite side is going to cross the bridge. Wouldn’t it be possible for them to change their course and we will be here for so long for nothing!”

However, the voice of teammates just fell.

See you!

A prompt appeared in the upper right corner instantly.


"LeiTing, SuLiYang use AWM headshot to knock down TD, LAOda"


Seeing this prompt that suddenly appeared, his teammates were stunned.

"As expected of you, AWM can really exert the greatest effect in your hands. Everyone except you can only waste this gun!!!"

"But Ayang, even if you knock it down so far, it's useless. People can help it."

"I don't do things that are uncertain." Su Liyang smiled upon hearing this.

The next second after his voice, the prompt to kill appeared instantly!

"Is it all right?"

The teammate's eyes widened, looking at the prompt, the size of his mouth could squeeze an egg.

"No, Ayang, how did you do this?"

"Damn! This is going to be famous again!"

Su Liyang heard his teammate's inquiry and explained with a smile, "I have been paying attention to them for a long time, and after checking countless times in my heart, I shot them the moment they stayed on the boat."

"I understand, because they are on the boat, when they are knocked down and dropped into the sea, they will be drowned directly." The teammates suddenly realized.

"Grass, do you want to be so showy?"

"Damn, if this is left outside, it will probably be reported a hundred times!"


And the TD team is there.

The remaining three people looked at the floating box on the sea for a long time and couldn't return to their senses.

Who can tell me, my active teammate?

Just now, such a big living person was on the boat, but in the blink of an eye, why did it become a box floating on the sea?

"Damn it, it's Su Liyang, where is the other person? Why didn't I even hear the gunshot?"

"Grass!!! He probably has a silencer, jump into the sea, don't be killed by him again!"

The remaining three people also jumped off the ship quickly, and immediately hid behind the ship, for fear of being headshot or even killed by AWM who didn't know where.

However, after waiting for a while, I couldn't hear the second shot.

At this time, the voice of the killed teammate said in amazement, "Don't hide, he shot the gun on the opposite iron bridge!"

"What the hell? On the iron bridge? Are you kidding me?"

"What lie to you!" The person who was knocked down by the TD team couldn't believe this fact, but after watching the death replay, he had to believe this somewhat absurd ending.

"Grass! Is this the Asian sniper **** Su Liyang?"

"But his shot may be luck or perhaps!"

After the three people learned of Su Liyang's specific location, they breathed a sigh of relief and licked the teammate's box on the sea with grief.

"Damn, didn't you kid just say that you don't have an eightfold lens? What is this?"

"Damn! Six drinks, six first aid kits! So fat!?"

"If it weren't for the Great God Su Liyang, we wouldn't be able to have such a fat box to lick!"

"Sure enough, there is an old saying that the teammate's box is the most fragrant!!!"


In the commentary booth, both commentators were stunned.

Under the OB from the perspective of God, each team will have a line as a mark when they fire.

This will allow them to know which team is playing which team.

The iron bridge is far from Port P.

This is a distance of nearly two kilometers! ! !

Even if ordinary people saw it, they would just silently tell their teammates to be careful of the position, to prevent the opponent from sneaking around behind, and they would not shoot at all.

On the one hand, the probability of hitting is so low that it is completely a matter of luck. On the other hand, shooting randomly when blocking the bridge is very easy to reveal your position.

You know, at the present time, even swimming can cross the sea unharmed.

Once you expose your position, isn't you telling the enemy that there is someone blocking the bridge here, so go swim, then what bridge is blocking it?


Su Liyang did the opposite. Not only did he shoot, he even got a head!

This is a super long-range kill that is nearly two kilometers apart!

This distance seems to be the longest distance in the domestic competition, right?

"Su Liyang is worthy of being the contemporary Asian sniper god, this shot deserves its name!"

While Artest sighed, he turned his head to look at Xi Ling next to him, and asked aloud, "Xiao Ling, what do you think?"

"I think... it's okay."

Xi Ling was not as enthusiastic and excited as Artest, after all, she had been commenting for a long time, and she had also experienced the era of Dragon Team rule.

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