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Chapter 236: There is a battle in the dark!

"In fact, for some people, although this shot is difficult, it is not impossible to do it. As we can see just now, Su Liyang has been aiming at the iron bridge for a long time, that is to say, shooting Before, he had actually calculated countless times in his heart.

The falling degree of the bullet, how high the gun needs to be raised, and what shooting time is the most perfect, have been calculated countless times in my mind.

In general, this gun is a kind of Su Liyang's performance of his own strength, but it is not an unrepeatable operation. "

"This..." Artest was slightly stunned when he heard Xi Ling's comment.

In his eyes, this is simply whether the god-level operation is good or not, but in Xiling's eyes, it looks so-so.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Artest hesitating and stopping, Xi Ling said with a smile: "This kind of operation is really difficult, but I believe there are others who can do the same."

"But I also believe that there are certainly not many people who can do this kind of operation!" Artest said.

Xi Ling glanced at the big screen, and then whispered, "I think it shouldn't be difficult for him."

"Who is he you talking about?" Artest asked puzzledly.

"Of course I can't tell you this. In short, you have to know that in that era, they all belonged to the ceiling!"


And in the official live broadcast room,

When this ultra-long-distance sniper shot took place, Su Liyang's fans suddenly became exalted.

"Did you see, this is our family Ayang, the Asian sniper **** do you think he was playing with you?"

"The strength of our family, Ayang, lies here, your eldest brother, when you meet us, Ayang, there is only one dead end!"

"Bah, our elder brother is the former world runner-up. Su Liyang is a ball? The shameful guy in the World Championship!"

"No, no, no one, won't anyone take a runner-up and prepare to play for a lifetime, right?"

"Why does someone who doesn't even have the honor of being a runner-up in the world look down on our elder brother?"

"Brothers, the top of the key, proud of the world, there will be heaven if there is my elder brother. With a key, the brothers will follow me to Su Liyang's fans!"

"Oh, if you don't agree, you can turn on the keyboard, and whoever counsels his grandson!!!"

Ever since.

Fans on both sides once again started a peak bond fairy showdown!


And in the auditorium,

After various calculations, Su Liyang finally pulled the trigger with a shot that surpassed the distance, and the shocking kill made Wang Yang in the audience a little stunned.

"Tsk tsk, don't say anything about this kid, there is indeed an operation.

If this shot is pure luck, it's okay, but if it is calculated well, then he does have the capital to compete with Hei Tian. "

"Hmph, what's the matter? My brother can do it, and he must be better than him. If he meets my brother, he will definitely die very miserably!"

As my cousin’s number one fan girl, after hearing what Wang Yang said, of course the little girl was obliged to stand by my cousin’s side!

"Little wish, you have to know that the difficulty of this kind of long-range killing is not ordinary!

Your brother is indeed amazing, but I guarantee he dare not say that he is 100% sure that he can do this kind of operation!

This is no longer a proof of strength, this is already the most profound understanding of the game! "

After Wang Yang smiled and said to Chen Yuan, he felt that he was whizzing cold next to him, and suddenly there was a murderous look.

"You called Xiaoyuan too?" Ying Yingying stretched her head and leaned over, "Say, do you have any thoughts about our Xiaoyuan?"

Wang Yang: "..."

A black line just flows straight down.

"What do I think? You woman, don't be okay, okay!"

"You know what you think!"

"I'm the same as Heitian, I just use her as my sister!"

"People's Xiaoyuan is really Afeng's younger sister, how about you? What kind of brother are you!"

"What am I..." Wang Yang wanted to cry without tears in his heart.

What kind of evil did I make in my last life? How can I spread such a cerebral palsy thing!


And after Su Liyang carried out a wave of ultra-long-range killings, the gunfire also made Chen Yefeng, who was driving to enter the airport island from here, heard it.

no way.

As a top-notch great god, with one **** and three pits, he naturally needs to watch six directions and listen to all directions!

When the sound of this shot AWM echoed in his ears, Chen Yefeng and the four of them were in the golden twelfth house.

This caused Chen Yefeng, who originally planned to block the bridge to collect the express delivery, suddenly fell into contemplation.

"A Feng, it seems that someone has already occupied the position we want, and it seems that it is Su Liyang, he still has an AWM in his hand!" Song Haoran said, watching the disappearing kill prompt.

And Chen Yefeng stared at the kill display that slowly disappeared in the upper right corner, thinking about a way in his heart.

Although he was very confident, he was never blind. What's more, this Su Liyang did have that strength, otherwise he would not become an Asian sniper god.

Of course.

In Chen Yefeng's heart, Su Liyang's strength is limited to what he can, only to make him feel something, and not to become a true opponent.

Moreover, he now has a 98K on his body, and he is not very afraid of Su Liyang's AWM on his equipment.

Although Su Liyang has AWM in his hands, it certainly means that he will also have a Level 3 suit, but this is all trivial.

The only thing Chen Yefeng cared about was that the three Teletubbies around him were compared with the three teammates around Su Liyang.

The gap between the teammates is not even a little bit, it is quite big!

If those people were still around him, Chen Yefeng would naturally have no worries in his heart.


After all, the Dragon Team has become a thing of the past.

"Are we taking a detour? Or..."

While Chen Yefeng was thinking about it, Wang Genji asked.

Chen Yefeng didn't speak. He manipulated the character to walk to the cliff near the Zodiac, and used the 98K eight-fold mirror in his hand to look at the iron bridge.

In this place, Chen Yefeng could clearly see that in the abandoned truck on Tieqiao, four people were there, waiting for the fish to take the bait.

And one of these four people, carrying an AWM on his back, has a third-level head, a third-level A, and a third-level bag. He is the most luxuriously equipped among the four!

This person, Chen Yefeng, naturally knew that he was Su Liyang, the strongest person created by the team's resources!

Chen Yefeng held the 98K and looked at everything around him very carefully through the eightfold lens.


A two-person motorcycle on the scooter spot at the bridge head came into his sight.

"I think we will have a greater chance of surviving across the bridge," Chen Yefeng said softly.


Chen Yefeng heard the sound of the other three people sucking air-conditioning in his earphones.

"Cross the bridge? Damn, Afeng is you stupid, or am I stupid? Opposite is the Thunder team, rushing to the bridge under their defense, what's the difference between this and delivering express delivery?" Wang Genji vomited.

"Yes, this is too risky!" Yu Li was also a little worried.

"I guess Afeng must have his own ideas." Song Haoran didn't think there was anything wrong.

After all, Chen Yefeng's strength was not at the same level as they were.

"It's still too early for the safety zone to shrink. I think if you swim into the airport island, the safety factor must be much higher than that of the bridge." Wang Genji suggested.

Although what he said was true, Chen Yefeng did not agree.

"Under AWM's defense, swimming across the sea is actually no different from sending a head off, and... if someone happens to be defending the beach face to face, the moment we came out of the sea, there was no cover at that time.

I am afraid that there will only be a dead end, and there will be no chance at all! "

"Although swimming can avoid shooting by defenders on the bridge by snorkeling, you can never snorkel all the time. You have to come up for breath.

What should I do if Su Liyang shoots him down while breathing?

At that time, you won’t even have a chance to help. It will directly become a box. Don’t forget, Su Liyang’s sniper skills are still there anyway. If you are discovered by him, the probability of forming a box will increase infinitely. Not to mention the AWM gun in his hand! ! ! "

Although Chen Yefeng didn't put Su Liyang in his eyes, but...this didn't mean he could ignore Su Liyang.

Swimming across the sea does not have the slightest resistance, facing a moving target, if Su Liyang can't kill him, then he is not worthy to be called an Asian sniper god!

After a slight pause, Chen Yefeng continued to say to the three of them, "Anyway, I think swimming across the sea is the most stupid behavior."

"Then...Should we drive back the same way and enter the island from M City?" Wang Genji proposed aloud for insurance.

"No." Chen Yefeng heard this and shook his head decisively, "Time has not allowed us to do this.

If it might work just now, but now, I'm afraid there are people guarding the bridgehead and the end of M City. "

"Do you think we can cross the bridge safely with the firepower of so many teams?"

"Then what do you say we do?" Wang Genji asked.

"Cross the bridge, just rush this bridge!" Chen Yefeng smiled, "Now there is only one team here, and the safety factor is the greatest!"

He doesn't have any pressure to speak of, but other people are different.

Especially after knowing that the Thunder team was guarding here, I became even more flustered!

"Will we become a living target at the bridge? We are all living targets. We might as well swim across the sea.

Although it is equally dangerous, but... at least, it can prevent them from licking the bag so easily. "

After Wang Genji finished speaking, he looked at the big pineapple in his hand very distressed.

I was able to pick up the airdrop the first time I participated in a domestic competition, but unfortunately this shot has not been fired yet!

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