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Chapter 261: while missing you

Several people smiled and discussed with excitement.

At this moment, there is nothing more exciting and happy with you now.

This way, from the initial small Internet cafes to the city Internet cafes to the division championship.

The four people have experienced too much, it can be said that they have tasted the warmth and warmth of the world.

They hadn't eaten meat for a month, they had eaten instant noodles for a week, and they had been ridiculed by others countless times. Why did they come so hard?

The purpose is to prove yourself at this moment, to prove to everyone that the path you chose is not wrong, and to prove that your efforts are worthy of yourself!


In the auditorium, when the ranking came out, the little girl Chen Yuan's eyes suddenly curved into a cute crescent dress, and her little face was full of joy.

"My brother is really amazing!!!"

Had it not been for Chen Shiyi to pull her, I'm afraid this excited little girl would have stood on the stool and cheered to the audience that this was her Chen Yuan's brother.

And the barbell-like laughter of the eldest sister Yingying Ying lingered around, fifth place, this time the school leader will definitely reward her group well.

The corner of Wang Yang's mouth twitched. When he was a childhood sweetheart, he was a real woman, and when he was a man, he was also a real man!

Can you imagine that a soft-looking girl who looks delicate and beautiful smiles like a **** Liangshan hero?

How come I have such a childhood sweetheart! ! !

"Ayang, I knew that Afeng would definitely be able to do it, and he really didn't waste my cultivation of him!" Ying Yingying stretched out her arms domineeringly and swept over Wang Yang's neck, just as hearty as she wanted.

Wang Yang looked confused: "???"

Cultivation? What to cultivate?

Do you want to point your face?

Heitian is so strong that it was a fact recognized by the whole world many years ago. It has a relationship with you, a half-hearted e-sports society, and a dime!


The wailing and cheering of the whole scene blended together. In fact, fans of every team especially hope that the team they support will win the first place. No matter how they scold them, there will still be a little bit of regret in their hearts.

However, now the leaderboard has appeared, and the result cannot be changed.

The first place was the Sunny Team, a team full of legends, a team that many big men yearned for.

The third-placed Tianjian team, from being silent to a blockbuster now, no matter how many people didn't like him before the game, but the result is like this, they succeeded, they did it!

The fifth-placed Magic City Academy is also a team of college students who are not favored before the game, and there are even many people waiting to see their jokes.

Not to mention this team is known as the least gold-rich team, and it has an agreement with the Thunder, one of the four most prosperous teams in China, to step on the opponent!

At first, no one was optimistic about them. Why can a third-rate team composed of college students stand up against the top domestic teams.

Why do you use your interest to challenge others' jobs?

He is a regular army who trains for ten hours a day. How could you be defeated by a third-rate team!

But now?

The ranking of points displayed on the big screen undoubtedly despised everyone who looked down on the Magic City Academy and the Sky Sword team before the game, and slapped them severely! ! !

"Okay, let us invite the first place in this domestic competition, the Sunny Team!

Let us welcome them with applause! "

Xi Ling shouted loudly, and the audience applauded like a tsunami.

With applause, Qing Lengyue led Qing Ruyu, Zhao Menglu and Wang Tongyu slowly to the center of the stage.


"When you say, will there be those who are handsome and long-legged gentlemen who will bring us wreaths? Medals?"

Among the four members of the Sunny Team, Zhao Menglu was the most excited.

"By the way, how much is the bonus this time? I don't like other things, I like these vulgar ones!"

"I said, can you be a bit prosperous, a bit of a city!" Wang Tongyu next to him, listening to the muttering of Zhao Menglu, rolled her eyes directly, although she was very excited at the moment, but... this woman's reaction was too great. It's too intense.

Compared with other people, Qing Lengyue is particularly calm. After all, this is not the first time she has stood on this kind of podium. The business can be said to be very skilled.

On the big screen.

At this moment, the game screen disappeared. Instead, the four figures of Qing Lengyue, Qing Ruyu, Zhao Menglu, and Wang Tongyu were all mapped into it.

"It would be great if I could do this one day!" Ying Yingying muttered enviously, and Wang Yang couldn't help but twitch at the corner of her mouth.

"You? You don't have your share of successfully eating chicken, but if you want to make a box, you are sure to win the championship, and you are the kind of doing your part!"

After Wang Yang couldn't help speaking out, he immediately felt a cold air rushing from his side.

Wang Yanggang, who originally thought he was going to be rejected again, wanted to explain, but she heard Ying Yingying say seriously: "If I am too good, how can I highlight you? I am too disheveled, so you can feel at ease Take me, if I kill myself by myself, then you will have nothing to do."

"It seems that it makes sense..." Wang Yang took a moment to figure it out, not to mention, it does make sense.

Looking at the familiar figure displayed on the big screen, Wang Yang's eyes also exude inexplicable emotions.

Of course not only him, but also Lu Qingkong in the corner. He stared at the familiar figure and smiled, then sighed heavily.

Everything can't go back...



Accompanied by the applause of the audience, countless colorful neon lights flashed on the four people in an instant.

At this moment, they are the protagonists of the entire venue! ! !

"Okay, let us congratulate the Sunny Team again!!!"

Xi Ling spoke passionately in the commentary.


"Sister, are you leaving?" Chen Yefeng smiled at Chen Shiyi, who was staring at him.

Chen Shiyi also showed dozing and gentle eyes, helping Chen Yefeng and Chen Yuan to tidy up the messy corners of their clothes.

"Of course, my sister is not as leisurely as the two of you. There are many things waiting for me in the company."

"Then when will you visit me again?"

Although Chen Yefeng is no longer young, he still has a childlike character in front of his sister Chen Shiyi.

This feeling is like that Chen Yuan always likes to act like a baby when facing Chen Yefeng.

"When I miss you." Chen Shiyi said with a smile.

"When you miss me?" Chen Yefeng was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously said, "When is that?"

"This elder sister is not sure, anyway, as long as the elder sister misses you, she will definitely appear in front of you the first time."

"Okay." Chen Yefeng's tone was rare, but he couldn't help it. The entire Chen group is now being handled by his sister, and the old Chen couple are now purely a handy shopkeeper, sitting and enjoying Qingfu, enjoy the state of old age.

"Sister, work hard!"

Looking at the back of her sister Chen Shiyi leaving, Chen Yefeng shouted.

As the sun sets, the old elder who pulls Chen Shiyi's figure, the smile that turns around is still the same, indulgent and gentle.


Naturally, the awarding of awards has nothing to do with Chen Yefeng and the others. After all, it is an honor that belongs to the top three.

Although the Magic Academy won the fifth place, it was still a shame after all.

In order to celebrate the good results of the Magic City Academy, Ying Yingying is also very generous when returning to the Magic City Academy, greeting the others to claim to eat whatever she wants, and she will pay for all consumption.

"Can't tell, you are a rich woman next to you!" Chen Yefeng patted Wang Yang on the shoulder lightly, a look in the eyes that didn't see you have this talent before.

"What does it mean to be a rich woman? It's obviously that she depends on me, OK!"

"What are you talking about?" Ying Yingying, whose ears were very bright, suddenly came up suspiciously.

"Nothing, praise you for being cute!" Wang Yang twitched, and quickly found an excuse.

"If you say bad things about me behind your back, you will be dead, don't you?" Ying Yingying snorted coldly, and immediately greeted the others.

"Brother, am I cute?"

Chen Yuan leaned forward at this time and started acting like a baby after holding Chen Yefeng's arm.

"You are also cute." Chen Yefeng couldn't help but squeezed the little girl's face.

"That's not right, brother, what do you mean? I am cute too!" Chen Yuan pouted, looking like the baby was angry.

"Go and play!" Chen Yefeng had no choice but to knock on the head with her own Chen family, and hit her white forehead for a while, which made her quiet down obediently.

"Daughter-in-law, you are so amazing!"

The little apprentice Igueda also came naturally. The first time he saw Chen Yefeng, this stupid apprentice immediately gave his applause in excitement.

All this was seen by others.

by! ?

Afeng, this is not something, right, such a big little apprentice, in the end he took it like this?

No, didn't the brothers have seen his girlfriend not long ago?

Well... what's going on now?

Trample two boats?

Oh shit!

You can do whatever you want if you are handsome?

"I'm going to separate the two of them!" Gao Chao looked sad and indignant, as if he was righteous and determined not to let Chen Yefeng fall.

"Don't go up and begging to be boring, leave it to him to solve it!" Wu Liang saw this and quickly stopped him.

"Brothers, if you leave it open tonight, it will count as mine, don't ask me why, just one word for happiness, I only say it once!"

Wang Yang listened to Ying Yingying's loud voice, his face turned green. I wanted to say that I don't know her, but there is no way... The childhood sweetheart arranged by God, how pleasing to the eyes of his family, and how to throw it away Can't get rid of it!

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