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Chapter 262: It's so hard to be brother

"You said, we will eat and drink enough later, to celebrate, do we have to have an after-dinner entertainment show or something, bar or something, I don't like that kind of place, but KTV still has a singing voice Yes!"

"Um..." After Wang Yang heard Ying Yingying's suggestion, he was stunned. "I said, you plan to take our dog's life. We didn't provoke you, right? Such a happy day, don't you That's it!"

Everyone knows the eldest sister of the e-sports club, Renmei Yujie Fan, but that's it, people can't be absolutely perfect when the moon is cloudy and clear.

The eldest sister wailed her throat, absolutely no one can still be awake, even if you don't faint, you will have a good physical fitness!

"Fart, my old lady's voice of nature, how can you allow you to slander?" Ying Yingying's eyes widened suddenly.

"Yes, yes, the sound of nature, the voice of the rogue in the sky, referred to as the voice of nature!" Wang Yang whispered bb with a dark face.

"What are you talking about?" Ying Yingying with pointed ears frowned at once.

"Nothing is nothing, baby, just be happy."

"Oh, you hate it, so many people, who do you call baby!" Ying Yingying raised her head proudly, "Xiaoyuan, Xixi, let's ignore these stinky men!"

Wang Yang: "..."

I am... blackened! ! !


Chen Yefeng and the young apprentice Igeda Yuzi, who were following the long dragon in the line, seemed to have not noticed the episode that took place in front of them, and they still followed the line calmly.

"Look at the road, what's the matter with you." Chen Yefeng looked at the little apprentice Iguodha, whose head was down for some reason, and quickly stretched out his hand.

Thanks to his quicker response, otherwise, according to the trend just now, she would have to hit the street light pole on the side of the road.

Igueda Raezi raised his head, wrinkled his nose lightly, his face was like a dripping peach, and his voice was faint and said: "Daughter-in-law, I saw it."

"I also said that if I didn't give you a hand, you just ran into it." Chen Yefeng vomited a little speechlessly.

Of course, although Chen Yefeng is sometimes quite clever, there are always times when people are muddled. For example, now, he is muddling. It's so good. Why is the little apprentice he picked up so blushing?

Is it because of the unaccustomed nature? ? ?

"By the way, why is your face so red? Is it because our food here makes you uncomfortable, or is the climate different from yours?"

"Have it?"

"Of course." Chen Yefeng glanced carefully, "It's especially red, I said, you don't have a fever, do you want to go back to rest?"

"Daughter-in-law is feeling sorry for Da Jiezi?"

"Of course, you are my apprentice. If you are a master, how can it work!"



Under the leadership of Ying Yingying, a group of people finally chose a self-service barbecue seafood bar, 188 yuan per person, although for the high consumption of first-tier cities like Magic City, this may not be a big deal.

But there are so many people who can't stand it, and it would cost three or four thousand to count it.

"Sister, don't the school leaders want to reward our e-sports club? Just let them pay the bill this time. We helped the college win such a big honor. They can't let us celebrate and pay for it out of their own pockets, right?" Wang Genji suggested.

Strictly speaking, although this is an internal activity of the e-sports club, the honor that the e-sports club has given to the college this time is huge. For this reason, it is possible that the Magic City Academy can establish a new major. , Like what e-sports training class!

"It makes sense. When I go back and apply for it! But now what we have to do is to eat and drink. By the way, we must eliminate waste. Now the whole country is advocating the CD-ROM campaign. We are the future flowers of the motherland. We must also respond to the call, and we can't fall behind!" Ying Yingying said.

"God is the flower of the motherland..." Wang Yang's face was dark.

"What are you talking about?"

"Uh, I said you are extraordinarily beautiful today!"

"Do you think you must have saved the world in your last life?" Ying Yingying smiled and narrowed her eyes. "Otherwise, how could you meet such a good girl as me!"

Wang Yang: "..."

He wanted to say whether he had blown up the nursing home in his previous life, or how he would meet you, but after thinking about it, let's forget it. It's important to save your life.

"Brother, you must have saved the world in your last life!" Chen Yuan pouted, and said with some dissatisfaction.

Because since just now, my cousin has been talking and laughing with that little apprentice, leaving her cute and charming sister indifferent!

"Why do you say that?" Looking at the jealous little girl Chen Yuan, Chen Yefeng didn't know where she had gone wrong again.

"Otherwise, how could you have my obedient and sensible, lovely and charming sister!"


"But, brother, you won't have a sister like me in your next life!"


"Because you don't feel sorry for me!"

"I don't feel sorry for you..." Chen Yefeng's head grew stronger.

"I don't care, there will be!"

"Well, then, in the next life, will you still be my sister?"

"Of course I am!"

Looking at Chen Yuan, who was holding her arm and leaning on her, Chen Yefeng helped her tidy up her hair.


It's so hard to be a man, it's even harder to be a man, and it's even harder to be a male **** cousin!


Due to too many people, I ended up at two tables.

As Chen Yefeng’s sister and the number one fan girl + fan, Chen Yuan is already dead by his cousin’s side. The little apprentice Igueda Yuzi is unfamiliar with a foreign country and is only familiar with herself. Chen Yefeng naturally It also made her sit next to her.

As a result, this move caused dissatisfaction with the little girl Chen Yuan.

This made Chen Yefeng very puzzled. Why is this little girl always jealous? This is not a good phenomenon.

Of course Yingying Ying is sitting on the table of the hero of the e-sports club. As a childhood sweetheart, Wang Yang wanted to lean on Chen Yefeng, but there was no alternative. Ying Yingying pulled him to her side. Depressed.

A group of people eat and drink, laugh and laugh, so happy!

Of course, Chen Yefeng was a little entangled, because he always felt that his cousin stared at him strangely.

"Daughter-in-law, this is delicious." Igueda Zi picked up a piece of roasted bacon and placed it on the plate in front of Chen Yefeng.

I don't know why, seeing his cousin, the little apprentice he picked up, was so diligent, Chen Yuan felt that his whole person was not good.

"Brother, eat this!" Chen Yuan roasted herself, and the bloodshot meat was faintly visible on Chen Yefeng's plate.

"You are not familiar with this yet!" Chen Yefeng's face turned black.

"Brother, what do you mean? Do you dislike me!" Chen Yuan pouted, unhappy and jealous all written on his face.

"How can I despise you..."

"I don't care, you must have!"


"Little wish, give me a piece too." Ying Yingying smiled and helped Chen Yefeng end, but the ending was a bit unsatisfactory.


Two tables of people ate Hesai wildly, and there were four people sitting at a table beside the two tables.

To be precise, they were four people with particularly tangled looks.

These four people are the four of the GM team who played particularly "bright" in this domestic competition.

This dazzling is also the three games of GM. Three games were eliminated by Skyfire. No one saw one or killed one. It can be said to be deadly unknown.

It can be regarded as a precedent for domestic competitions!

Moreover, this is not the most important thing. The reason why their expressions are so entangled is entirely because someone just asked them to endorse snacks!

Originally, the results were so dismal, they were not very happy, but there were people who asked them to be endorsements. It would be fine if they were only endorsements, but they still said that they are the most qualified endorsement team!

I can go to your uncle, what is the most qualified endorsement?

Just because of how much you eat?

That's how much they want to eat. Isn't it all to blame for the bombing zone? If it weren't for the bombing zone, they could leave early, could they enter the knockout seats so early?

Who doesn't want to show off in the arena!

"Oh, guys, do you think we will accept this endorsement or not!"

"Take it, it's a bit too shameful, don't take it, it's all money!"

"Come on, after all we have the money to take it, let's break up after the money is divided, and then go back to each house, find each mother, what occupation, God won't let us fight, otherwise how could it be so unlucky!"

Looking back on the game, it was horrible. Three games, three times were destroyed by the heavenly justice group. This obviously means that God does not want them to continue fighting.

These four sad people toasted and touched each other, and through the tangled emotions on their faces, people knew that they had indescribable emotion.

I thought I would be able to behead to show up in the domestic competition, but who knows, it turned into this situation.

Damn, it was shameful enough, and now there are still people asking them to endorse snacks. If this is agreed, wouldn't it be embarrassing to the grandmother's house, and it's the kind of situation where you don't have the face?

But, don’t agree, this endorsement fee is also money, isn’t it just for being famous, isn’t it just for money!

"It seems to be the Magic City Academy next to it." After the four of them clinked their glasses and drank the wine, someone noticed Chen Yefeng and the others.

After all, the Magic Capital Academy is the team with the least amount of gold, this time the result is definitely a dark horse, and it is the kind on the spire of the dark horse pyramid!

Although they may not be able to embark on a career path in the true sense because of their respective studies, their strength is obvious to all.

Especially that dark sky!

The night is approaching, everything is gone!

"It would be great if the roles of our two teams swapped a bit. What a pity, if we get a good result in fifth place, we might be able to take advantage of it, or play a live broadcast."

Of course, the four people did not bother Chen Yefeng and the others. After all, the two groups did not know each other, and even they did not put the team known as the least valuable at the time.

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