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Chapter 263: Little apprentice conquered by food

Looking at the laughter, Chen Yefeng and the others who were happily eating, the four GMs looked inexplicable. They had such a good grades and enjoyed their food. It is simply not embarrassing enough...

Alas... the food on the table is suddenly not so delicious!

Moreover, they are college students, maybe they will go to graduate school or something in the future, but they are all going on the road of literati, and playing games is just a matter of interest.

But... I and my group can't even match their interests!

At this moment, the mentality of the four GMs collapsed!

"In fact, to be honest, I want to be able to go to university and study hard just like them back then, but just a little bit."

"Huh? Why is it so close?"

"The score of the college entrance examination was 756. I passed 75.6. Alas... it's almost."

"If you want to say that, I was actually at the grass-roots level in school!"

"Why, is your school's hairline as the standard?"

"What do you mean?"

"You have a bright hairline at a young age. I think most people may not be able to beat you!"

"Fuck you uncle!"


After eating and drinking, Gao Chao, Wu Liang and Chu Sheng Fan Tong took the lead in slipping away. Wang Yang also wanted to slip away because he was afraid that Ying Yingying would really take a group of people to KTV.

It's not that I feel sorry for the money, but I want to live a few more years. After all, I'm still young, and no one wants to be deaf at a young age, right.

However, Ying Yingying lost interest in singing after seeing so many people, which made Wang Yang relieved.

Ying Yingying dragged Chen Yuan and Xia Wenxi away. Of course, the little girl was very reluctant, because her cousin was talking and laughing with other women, and ignored her obedient, cute and charming sister.

How can this work! ! !

This is my cousin of Chen Yuan, how can you, a woman rob me!

But after Ying Yingying didn't know what to say, Chen Yuan nodded decisively and agreed.

Naturally, Chen Yefeng didn't understand how Ying Yingying handled the little girl, but women must know women best.

People are almost gone, and the remaining Yu Li and Wang Genji also got together.

"Shall we take a taxi and go back together?" Wang Genji said with no eyesight.

"There's no room for four people in a car, let's go first." Wang Yang had a headache. In fact, when playing games, Wang Genji's brain was quite bright. Why is it so dull now?

"Squeeze and sit down. I have to go back anyway. It's great to have a companion on the road, and it can save money!" Wang Genji hasn't reacted yet, and the others are not good.

In the end, Song Haoran couldn't help but stood up and said.

"Ahem, what? Our Cos club seems to have an exhibition recently. As the vice president, I need a helper. Do you think you can do it?"

Wang Genji was stunned, but still subconsciously asked: "Is it a serious exhibition event?"

"Anyway, something like Lem, Kuangsan, Mai is definitely indispensable."

"Brother, you are my own brother, and I feel that this assistant is perfect for me!" After Wang Genji heard it, he was very excited.

"Say it first, this is all voluntary help, without any compensation!"

"What kind of reward is not rewarded!" Wang Genji patted his chest, "My own brother, can I care for you to pay? Besides, I don't really have any idea about money, mainly because I want to serve everyone and classmates. !"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

"Then what, can I help? Actually, I want to serve the students in our college too!"

"Afeng, don't eat the pot and look at the bowl!" Song Haoran didn't say a word, but Wang Genji yelled directly, "See if you can't solve your own problems now, you still want to provoke new people. Trouble, I tell you, don't think you can do whatever you want if you are handsome!"

"What am I..." Chen Yefeng opened his mouth, some not knowing how to refute.

Because Wang Genji is right, it is true that he is handsome, but I can't blame it.

In order to prevent Chen Yefeng from following, Wang Genji hurriedly said: "Well, Haoran, let's take a taxi and let Afeng take a taxi by himself. Let's talk about the details of the event further on the way."

"Get one, don't you mean to save money, and Afeng also wants to help, one more person is a good thing, this is a good thing, I can just tell him in the car about the details to pay attention to!" Song Haoran said.

"He can't. You see, his fine skin and tender meat must be of the type that can't bear the bitterness. Besides, you can save a lot of money by taxiing a car. I'll go straight out!" Wang Genji He slapped his chest. At this time, he was also extraordinarily generous. It is estimated that even if he goes for a supper now, he can nod and agree without hesitation.

"Okay, then Afeng, let's take a step first." Song Haoran finished, blinking at Chen Yefeng secretly, and secretly warned when he left, "Remember to pay attention to your body at night!"

This made Chen Yefeng very puzzled. Why did he make me pay attention to my body?

Even if it is the concern between friends, why is this guy's expression so wretched! ?

However, when Song Haoran and the others also evacuated, the group of people who were still noisy and laughing just now only left Chen Yefeng and the little apprentice Igueda Zizi.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and there are few stars in the sky.

However, although it is a bit late now, this time is actually the most prosperous time in a first-tier city like Magic City. To be precise, it is the time when young people are most active.

At a glance, the beautiful men and women walked back and forth on the street, talking and laughing.

As the host, Chen Yefeng was naturally obliged to act as a tour guide and temporary caretaker in the face of a young apprentice who was unfamiliar with a foreign country.

He took his little apprentice Iguodha and walked slowly on the bustling street. Faced with the little apprentice's curious inquiries, Chen Yefeng was always very patient to explain to him.

There are surprisingly many small handicraft shops on the bustling streets. Chen Yefeng is actually not interested in these things at all, but he can't hold back the little apprentice around him.

Perhaps this is the nature of a woman. Chen Yefeng remembers that the little girl is the same. Every time she goes shopping, she will pull him to look around, but when she finally buys it, there are always so many kinds.

"Daughter-in-law, do you think this looks good?" The little apprentice Igueda Yuzi seemed to have a special liking for hairpins in the shape of bows. This time she held a blue hairpin with star points in her hand.

"Put it away and look good." Chen Yefeng said with a smile.

Igueda Xiaozi suddenly laughed when he heard it, and after thanking the merchant very politely, he gently put the issuing card back.

"Why put it back again, don't you like it?" Chen Yefeng asked with some confusion.

"Like it."

"Why don't you buy it if you like it? If you don't have money..."


When Chen Yefeng just wanted to say that he had no money to pay the bill, he saw the little apprentice sticking his tongue out.

"But, my daughter-in-law, I already have a hairpin of the same shape. It would be a waste to buy another one."

"Really? Why didn't I see you with it?" Chen Yefeng thought about it carefully. In his impression, his little apprentice seemed to have always been like this. He wore the JK costume that is very common among island students. Qi Liuhai had a long black shawl. Hair, the whole person looks youthful and beautiful.

"I forgot." Igueda Zizi grinned.

"You are really a little forgetful."

"Daughter-in-law, you despise me again."

"I really envy your young couple. Anyway, the mouth of our family is really far from yours." Seeing this scene, the shopkeeper couldn't help but sighed with youthfulness.

I think back then, my old lady was also in her youth, but how could she be fooled by others in a few words!

A few words from the boss's wife immediately made the embarrassment a bit embarrassing!

What kind of vision does this lady boss do not see that we are just mentors and apprentices, ah, yeah, just friends!

However, Chen Yefeng did not explain, after all, Lu XUN said that the explanation is to cover up, and the cover up is definitely a fact!

Before coming to become an exchange student, Iguodala had already learned Chinese by herself, and after spending so long, she could still understand and understand most complex meanings, except that she sometimes had a big tongue. meaning.

Therefore, after hearing the words of the boss's wife, the little apprentice suddenly lowered his head, afraid that you could not see her expression clearly.

Neither of them broke the deadlock, so they walked out of this small shop.

Walking on the bustling street again, the two of them seemed more silent than before.

After a long time, Chen Yefeng still spoke.

"I tell you, in fact, our Chinese delicacies are hidden in these roadside stalls. For example, the sizzling squid does not look great, but it is actually very delicious. It can be said to be one of our great delicacies. Would you like to try it?" Chen Yefeng also led the little apprentice toward the roadside stall as he spoke.

"Is it really delicious? Why does it look so ugly?"

The little apprentice Iguodala tilted his head, and three big question marks seemed to have surfaced on it.

"But my mother told me before I went out that it's better to eat less of this kind of roadside food. She said it is unhygienic."

"As a teacher, I have to talk about you well. You can do whatever you want. When you come to China, you should learn to adapt to our life here.

There is an old saying in Huaxia that is good, it is not clean and not sick. "Chen Yefeng said.

Iguodha wrinkled his nose and thought about it seriously, before shook his head seriously and said, "Daughter-in-law, this is what a **** horse means."

"Anyway, it was said by a particularly powerful ancient person, how can I play it or not?" Chen Yefeng looked at his little apprentice and asked with a chuckle.

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