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Chapter 264: winter vacation

Chen Yefeng doesn't matter. Although his family is distinguished, his diet is no different from that of a normal family. It is not the kind of fish and meat, sea cucumber, abalone, and lobster.

Like when he was young, Chen Yefeng often took Chen Yuan to eat at roadside stalls. It can be said that he has been invincible since he was a child.

What's more, when faced with such a delicious food that is hard to refuse on the roadside snack cart.

Regardless of his sanitation, let him talk about mouth addiction first! ! !

"Yeah, okay, thank you wife." Iguodala nodded and agreed without thinking about it.

Chen Yefeng naturally took the little apprentice's hand and walked to the stall selling sizzling squid, and ordered a slightly smaller, slightly spicy squid.

After paying the money, the two walked aside and started to line up.

It's not that Chen Yefeng was stingy and deliberately bought a small one, it was all because of his experience of eating roadside stalls for many years.

Although the big squid looks very enjoyable, but because there are too many people in the queue, the merchants don't pay much attention to details, and they are often cooked when they are cooked. Other flavors depend on the ingredients.

This leads to the same thing made by one person, and as a result, the taste of the larger one is not comparable to that of the smaller one.

After waiting for about five minutes, Chen Yefeng got his wish and got a small iron plate squid.

He put it on his mouth and sniffed it, and it was full of drooling fragrance.

"Come on, taste it, and be careful." Chen Yefeng handed it to the little apprentice's mouth and motioned for her to take a bite.

Igueda Blushing suddenly blushed and muttered: "Daughter-in-law, I am not a child, so I'll do it myself."

"Huh?" Chen Yefeng didn't hear clearly, and continued to put the squid forward.

Smelling this mouth-watering scent, the little apprentice finally couldn't help but opened his mouth and took a small bite and swallowed, suddenly exclaimed.

"Wow, it's delicious."

"Yeah, I won't lie to you, I said it was delicious." After speaking, Chen Yefeng also laughed, and then took a big bite.

As a result, the face of the little apprentice Iguodha became even more red.

How could the daughter-in-law be like this, I just bitten it?

Doesn't he dislike himself?

The little disciple's heart was in a mess, and he felt that his face was getting hotter and hotter, as if he had a high fever.

"Hey." Qiao'er unfortunately, Chen Yefeng didn't notice the blushing face of the little apprentice at this time, and he passed the squid that he had gnawed a big bite to Igueda's mouth again.

This makes the little apprentice more entangled, what should I do?

And Chen Yefeng saw that the little apprentice hadn't talked for a while, and knew that he seemed a little too casual just now.

He is a vulgar person, so you don't need to care about these details, but the little apprentice can't do it, they are the little sisters...

My God, I just took a bite, and now the little apprentice must think that he deliberately took advantage of her.

Chen Yefeng couldn’t help but began to feel annoyed in her heart now. It’s all because of this girl, Xiaoyuan, who always took a bite of apples when she was fine, or stuffed ham sausage or something into her mouth. Try it yourself.

Over time, Chen Yefeng formed a feeling that this kind of thing is actually not a big deal.

But is it really no big deal?

The difference between men and women is not just talking about it! ! !

Looking at the silent little apprentice, Chen Yefeng felt a little upset in his heart, and quickly said, "Well, wait a minute, the master will buy another one."

After speaking, he quickly retracted his hand, and while walking to the small stall to pay, he ate this by himself.

When the second sizzling squid was ready, Chen Yefeng stuffed it directly into the little apprentice's hand, fearing that he would take another bite.

Wouldn't you become a pervert who loves to take advantage?

No, it should be said, this way you will be taken advantage of! ?

The two of them ate while walking. Perhaps it was the first time they ate, or perhaps they had never tasted such a delicious but inexpensive delicacy. Igueda squash was also eaten on iron plate squid. Sauce.

Although she looked a little embarrassed, the little apprentice seemed to be eating very happily and jumped up while eating.

The young apprentice who had attracted many people's attention with a JK costume originally made many people even more tempted to look over.

Seeing that there are a lot of lsp around, Chen Yefeng also slightly stretched out his hand to protect his apprentice, "Then what, I think it's already late. Now that we have finished eating, let's go back and wait for the master to take you out to play again. "

"Yeah, thank you daughter-in-law." After Yiguda nodded vigorously, she continued to happily enjoy the snacks her daughter-in-law bought for her.

Seeing Igueda zizi, who is like a child like Chen Yuan, eats his mouth full of oil, Chen Yefeng also has a headache.

It was impossible for him to carry a pack of tissues and wet wipes with him as a big man, so Chen Yefeng, as a master, had to go to a nearby canteen to buy a pack of tissues and wipe the corners of his mouth for the little apprentice.

Then the two people drove a car back to the Magic University.

"Daughter-in-law, the sizzling squid is delicious, will you buy it for me in the future?"

Before parting.

Igueda Shizi seemed to have plucked up the courage to speak like this.

The breeze blew gently, and a strand of Iguodha's hair was shaken.

Chen Yefeng froze for a while, but didn't think much, "Of course, you can eat as much as you want with this thing, provided that you don't have a stomachache."

"Hee hee." After hearing this, Iguodha Xiaozi laughed happily.

Before leaving, the two also waved goodbye.

Chen Yefeng also simply returned to the dormitory arranged at the time. As soon as he entered, he saw Chu Sheng, Fan Tong, Wu Liang, Gao Chao and the others who did not know what they were looking at lying on the bed, all of them were very excited.

"What are you sneaky doing?" Chen Yefeng also raised his leg and walked over as he spoke.

It didn't matter if they didn't speak, as soon as they spoke, Gao Chao jumped out of the bed like sitting on a pin cushion.

"What are you guys doing?" Chen Yefeng looked curiously at the phone held by Gao Chao.

"Nothing, nothing, just watching a movie."

"Watching a movie? Watching a movie must be so mysterious!" Chen Yefeng frowned slightly, feeling that things must not be that simple, "Hurry up and let me have a look!"

"How can this be done? This is a good thing I have treasured for a long time. I can't look at it for nothing!"

"Then what do you want?"


Finally, under Chen Yefeng's insistence, I saw the treasure movie that Gao Chao treasured.

Gourd Baby vs. Seven Fairies Collector's Edition!


In the following time, although the Magic City Academy won the fifth place with good results, Wang Genji and the others would naturally not go to work as a professional, and everything must be based on academics.

However, in view of the fact that the e-sports club helped the college win such a big honor, the school leaders still generously allocated a large amount of funds to make a good renovation of the original e-sports club.

At this point, the e-sports club has finally become the largest club in the Magic City Academy, and it can be regarded as fulfilling Ying Yingying's big wish.

Chen Yefeng naturally had something to do to tease the little apprentice every day, either coaxing his cousin, or enjoying the various services of Chen Yuan.

No way, the life of having a sister and being very obedient and clingy is so boring and tasteless!

Time passed without knowing it, and the winter vacation came quietly.

The day before the holiday, Chen Yefeng had already invited a group of people to have a good meal, and then went back to each house to find each mother the next day.

"Brother, let's go home!" It can be seen that after the holiday, Chen Yuan is still quite happy. Besides being able to sleep in bed every day, it must be because he can finally occupy his cousin alone!

"Which home to go back to?" Chen Yefeng asked, after all, on the side of the magic city, my sister also bought a Tang Pinyichen house for two people.

"Of course it is Xicheng. Go back to our two nests!" After speaking, Chen Yuan also gave Chen Yefeng a stern look.

With the little girl, Chen Yefeng also went to Tang Pin Yichen and drove out of the car.

On the way home, I met Wang Genji. After seeing Chen Yefeng and Chen Yuan, he did not dare to recognize each other at first.

"Where, I will see you off!" Chen Yefeng naturally remained the same as before, listening to the car by the side of the road, and greeted Wang Genji.

"Station!" Wang Genji was not polite.

Moreover, today he finally saw what it means to be truly rich. Although he is a bun and doesn't know much about goods, the smooth-lined, silver-white car in front of him is obviously expensive.

Looking at Chen Yefeng sitting in the main driving position, and then at Chen Yuan sitting next to him, Wang Genji sighed slightly.


Little wish, I am the man you can never catch in your life! ! !

Such a scene of the beauty of the car, many people kept looking at it secretly, or took out their mobile phones to take pictures secretly.

Of course Chen Yefeng closed the car window directly and wanted to take pictures of my sister, but there was no door!

Looking at Chen Yefeng, who is adept at driving a vehicle, Wang Genji is also envied.

Driver's license, think about it, it seems that I haven't written the eight characters yet. Wang Genji remembers that he only took the first subject, and then went to the second subject and never went again.

The reason is that during the second training session, the instructor said, you should learn how to license an airplane, so that no one can stop you from flying.

Can you blame him? He didn't intentionally make the car off the track and almost hit a tree.

After driving Wang Genji to the station, Chen Yefeng also drove Chen Yuan to the gas station.

After all, Xicheng is also a long way from the magic capital. What if there is no gas on the way, I can't make do with the little girl in the car for one night.

"Hello, full of oil."

At the gas station, Chen Yefeng also said politely.

At this time, Chen Yuan next to him was confused and said: "Brother, what are you doing with filling up the oil?"

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