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Chapter 266: Aunt Chen Shuyun

When he slipped away, Chen Yefeng didn't know why these people looked at him like this. Could it be that what he had just pointed out was wrong?

Isn’t the dancing machine just follow the rhythm and step on the icon under your feet? ?

Why do you always look at me with that look! ! !


I must be jealous that I am too handsome! ! !


Chen Yefeng found out about shopping in the mall. The little girl Chen Yuan is her senior. No, it should be said that all women are her seniors!

The tenth-floor shopping mall went back and forth. Although there was an elevator, Chen Yefeng felt that none of his legs belonged to him.

But the little girl next to her had nothing to do. She held her arms and looked around. Her physical strength was countless times better than her.

Of course, with Chen Yefeng's previous promise, Chen Yuan also opened his arms to buy.

"Brother, what do you think of this?"

"It's fine."

"Brother, what do you think...what about this?"


"Brother, I think this is pretty good too! It's so tangled, which one should I choose!"

Chen Yefeng looked at the excited little girl, smiled slightly, and said, "Buy everything, brother will pay you!"

"Thank you brother!" Chen Yuan's excited tail was about to rise to the sky.

No way, this is the pain of the rich, you don't need to think about what to buy, which one you want to buy!

It can be said that you can never imagine the suffering of the rich! ! !

Why do you say that? Because the two bought too much in the end, they couldn't get it. Thanks to the store's help to get all the things they bought into the car.

note! It's moving! ! !

Have you ever seen buying clothes instead of picking, not lifting, but moving?

Many people have seen it, but in first-tier cities like Magic Capital, this is a normal thing. After all, there are too many top rich second generations here, and it looks like Chen Yefeng. The temperament knows that a very unusual person is definitely a super rich second-generation. In addition to envy, everyone can only roar, and the hatred of the father is not shared!

The back of the sports car was so full that Chen Yuan, who had originally wanted to lie down for a while, had no choice but to sit in the position of the co-pilot.

"Brother, I've been shopping for so long, so tired." After getting on the car, Chen Yuan finally said what Chen Yefeng was saying at this time.

You know how tired you are! ?

I ran at least three times on the upper and lower floors!

It's almost like having just finished a marathon!

"Brother, I'm sleepy and want to sleep." Chen Yuan's voice was incomprehensible and lazy, and the interest in visiting the mall had already flown out of the sky.

However, Chen Yefeng was not calm, looking at his cousin who was wearing a JK uniform, his expression changed!


Could this little girl hint at herself?


I, Chen Yefeng, is actually the kind of rabbit who eats grass around the nest?

Just as Chen Yefeng was thinking like this in his heart, then he heard a uniform breathing sound from the side.

After a closer look, she realized that this little girl actually fell asleep deeply after she finished speaking.

Chen Yefeng decisively stretched out his hand and slapped himself twice. Of course he didn't slap him cruelly. He had no tendency to self-harm.

I was just ashamed of the nasty thought in my heart just now!

Such a cute cousin, can you bear the heart?

But then again...

This little girl sleeps when she says she sleeps, and she doesn't feel wronged at all when she says you are a pig! ?

No way, Chen Yefeng next to him had to gently start the sports car and drove slowly towards Xicheng.


When Chen Yuan woke up from the co-pilot, Chen Yefeng had already taken her back to Xicheng.

Shouting the little girl who was a little confused, Chen Yefeng took her to a familiar noodle shop. After all, people are iron rice or steel, and they panicked if they didn't eat any meal. They didn't eat anything for so long, and accompanied Chen Yuan. After shopping for so long, Chen Yefeng's stomach groaned just now when he drove.

Of course, being hungry actually makes him more energetic to drive.

"Brother, you are not right!" Chen Yuan, who was yelled by Chen Yefeng from the co-pilot, thought he was home, but after getting out of the car and taking a look, he suddenly pursed his mouth in dissatisfaction!

"Brother, you came here as soon as you got home. As expected, the male college won't stay!"

"What are you thinking about?" Chen Yefeng, with a black face, looked at a serious little girl with her head up, and decisively rewarded him with a brain collapse!

"Brother, I'm afraid you are hungry, so I will bring you something to eat first!"

"Then you brought me here?" Chen Yuan obviously didn't believe Chen Yefeng's nonsense, "You clearly came to see Xiaoxue!"

"What about the couple, can that be a problem!" Chen Yefeng's old face blushed, and his cousin pierced his mind. He was actually quite embarrassed.

Of course, he would never admit it!

After again using Chen's head knocking to reward Chen Yuan with several brain collapses, Chen Yefeng took the little girl into the noodle shop.

There was no one in the noodle restaurant at this time. Ye Jiaxing was leaning on the counter waiting for his daughter to come back, because he wanted to tell Ye Shengxue a big event, which can be said to be a lifelong event!

He received a call just now, and today his daughter will be at home. If it weren't for the restaurant, he would have been greeted at the station.

Seeing someone coming, Ye Jiaxing quickly walked over from the counter and asked them what they wanted to eat.

"Uncle Ye, you don't know me!" Chen Yuan asked with a smile after ordering two beef noodles and more meat.

"You are our Xiaoxue's friend!" Chen Yuan and Ye Shengxue did not go here for a while, and they naturally became familiar with each other over time.

Ye Jiaxing smiled kindly, "I haven't seen him for a long time, and I've become pretty again. Our Xiaoxue is back today, just wait for you to come and play!"

"Thank you Uncle Ye." Although Chen Yuan was eccentric, he was very polite. After thanking him, he watched Ye Jiaxing return to the kitchen.

"Brother, you have heard that, Xiaoxue will be back today, she must be happy in her heart!" Chen Yuan pouted, and the baby looked angry.

"Yo!" Chen Yefeng was also happy when he heard it. "Listening to you, did you ask for me?"

"Of course!" Chen Yuan was proud of his chest, and the shirt on his chest was also shaking. "But brother, how nice it is that you just drove to pick up Xiaoxue!"

"I also think, the problem is that you have bought so many things, how can there be a place for her to sit, is it possible to put her in the trunk after receiving it?" Chen Yefeng vomited.

"Of course not, this is my best friend, my future sister-in-law, how can you do this!" Chen Yuan asked.

"Then put you in the trunk?" Chen Yefeng said with a curled mouth.

"Brother, how can you treat your cute, charming, obedient and sensible sister like this!" Chen Yuan raised his head in dissatisfaction and made a protest voice, "Brother, I'm your sister. No matter, I actually want to put me in the trunk!"

"What's wrong, do you think ordinary people can get in my trunk?"

"Brother! Are you willing?" Chen Yuan hugged Chen Yefeng's arm and looked at Chen Yefeng with aggrieved eyes.

"Of course I'm not willing, so I didn't even pick up my girlfriend!"

"Hey, hey..."

Looking at the little girl who was smirking in front of her, Chen Yefeng also helplessly reached out and rubbed her head.

No way, who made this her own little princess, what else can she do besides pets?

Soon, Ye Jiaxing brought two bowls of beef noodles with a lot of beef.

"Thank you Uncle Ye." Chen Yuan thanked him, and after receiving it, he first handed it to Chen Yefeng, and then ate with relish after serving the second bowl by himself.

"You girl, what are you polite with your uncle? You come here just like you come to your own home. Just tell your uncle what you want to eat!" Ye Jiaxing looked at Chen Yuan with a simple smile.

And after Chen Yuan thanked him, he also urged: "Brother, you eat quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold!!!"

After the two brothers and sisters had eaten, Ye Jiaxing didn’t intend to ask for money. He said everything was his family, what money he wanted, although Chen Yefeng also wanted to say, Dad, what you said is too right, I am your future son-in-law. But after thinking about it, he still didn't have the embarrassment to say it, mainly because this kind of thing is a bit too abrupt, and it takes a little time for others to prepare!


After dinner, he drove the little girl back to the house in Xicheng. Chen Yefeng realized that he had bought so many things. Although it cost more than 100,000 yuan and not much money, the problem was a little too much. !

"Xiaofeng, what are you doing?" Aunt Chen Shuyun couldn't help asking after seeing Chen Yefeng and Chen Yuan moving everything to the main living room.

"Aunt, why are you back!" Chen Yefeng hadn't seen her aunt for a long time, and immediately smiled and greeted him.

"Ah! Mom!" Chen Yuan was still enthusiastic about going to other things, but the first time he saw his mother, he immediately turned around and wanted to escape, because the little girl had gone to the Magic City Academy. I dyed a long pink hair back, but can she keep this color obediently? No, two strands of blue are dyed on both sides.

"You girl, come back!" Chen Shuyun gave a roar of the Hedong lion, and Chen Yuan shuddered immediately, obediently restrained.

"Mom, arrest me!"

Seeing her little princess stretched out her hands and looked like she was ready to accept punishment, Chen Yefeng also hurriedly helped her end: "Auntie, you can't blame Xiao Yuan, it's mainly the college leaders who made it!

"What kind of school can she dress up like this? Colorful, like a second-rate!" Chen Shuyun hesitated slightly when she heard what her nephew said.

And next to Chen Yuan, there was an expression that you must save me!

Chen Yefeng had no choice but to play the emotional card, "Then what, aunt, sit down, we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's have a good chat!"

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