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Chapter 267: Whose cake was moved?

"I see..." Chen Yuan stuck out his tongue. Of course, whether she listened or not was another matter.

"Xiao Feng, I heard your sister say that you talked about a girlfriend?" Chen Shuyun took Chen Yefeng's hand and asked with a smile.

This smile immediately made Chen Yefeng feel like he was lifting a rock and hitting him in the foot. He was originally planning to save the little girl, but now it seems that he has fallen into it!

"Let's talk, how was that girl just now?"

"Very good, a talented woman from Peking University!" Chen Yefeng said.

"It's just a talented girl from Peking University. There are too many top students at Peking University and Tsinghua University in our family. It's nothing."

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Although a little helpless, it is true that the Chen Group, as a world-class enterprise, has countless talents like Peking University.

"Mom, I know my brother's girlfriend!" At this time, Chen Yuan jumped up with his hands up next to him.

Chen Yefeng was stunned on the spot, unloading his grind and killing the donkey, and yelling at the cook when he was full, right?

I just rescued the little girl from my aunt's claws, but she turned around and sold herself?

It seems that you will not be able to protect her next time! ?

However, having said that, if you are a brother and do not spoil your sister, how can you do it!

Just as Chen Yefeng was thinking about it, aunt Chen Shuyun also spoke.

"Xiaoyuan, tell mom, who is that girl, if you tell mom the truth, I will let you go this time!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Now the feeling of picking up a stone and hitting one's own foot is deeper! ! !

"It's my friend and my good best friend, she can be beautiful and gentle!!!"

Looking at Chen Yuan's serious look, Chen Yefeng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this little girl didn't say anything unreliable.

Sure enough, he has complied with the old saying, if you have a sister like this, how come your husband asks for it! ! !

"You kid, aunt is not a rigid person. What is there to be afraid of, there is food in the kitchen, and you heat it yourself."

After speaking, Chen Shuyun stood up and left slowly.

At such a time, Chen Yefeng was a little bit uncertain. Why did her aunt leave? Why didn't she continue to argue with herself? What was her situation? Did you acquiesce or did you secretly call your father to report the letter?

Chen Yefeng looked at Chen Yuan leaning on the sofa with an overly lazy look, and finally reached out and knocked on her forehead.

As a result, it immediately provoked protests from the little girl holding her forehead!

"Ah! Brother, what did I do wrong again, why did you knock on my head again? If you go on like this, you will lose your lovely, charming, sensible sister!"

Chen Yefeng smiled, and after reaching out and squeezing the little girl's face, he urged her to tidy up these big and small bags, or she would never take her shopping next time.

When Chen Yuan heard it, it was okay, and immediately a carp jumped up from the sofa, and then began to tidy up as hard as he could.

Taking advantage of this perspective, Chen Yefeng also ran back to his room first.

I thought it needed to be cleaned beforehand. After all, he hadn't lived in for a long time, but after going in, he found that it didn't seem to need to be cleaned.

This should have been cleaned by her aunt. Chen Yefeng took a look around, and then sat down on the chair, turned on his baby computer, updated the game, and started the live broadcast.

I thought I hadn't broadcast live for such a long time, maybe many viewers would give up their famous and powerful anchor, and everything would start from the beginning.

Who knows, at the moment when the live broadcast was started, Chen Yefeng suddenly found that the popularity in the upper right corner of the live broadcast room was like sesame seeds blooming, and it was rising! ! !

Ten thousand? Twenty thousand? fifty thousand? One hundred thousand? Half a million?

It hardly exerted much effort, the popularity was as simple as 500,000.

You must know that the last time the popularity was 500,000, it was when Chen Yefeng fought against the anchor hunter.

However, before Chen Yefeng greeted the audience in the live broadcast room, he found that the full screen of cheers rose from the live broadcast room.

"Uncle, do you still have the face to start a live broadcast?"

"Uncle, to be honest, what happened to our little wish? Why hasn't she been broadcast live for a long time!"

"Judging from the latest developments on Xiaoyuan's Weibo, it seems that she has become blessed. Needless to say, my elder brother definitely greeted her very well!"

In addition to some relatives who say hello, there are also some crazy rhythmic ones. After all, in the domestic competition, Chen Yefeng's appearance is too bright, and the limelight directly covers Su Liyang.

And some people don't want Chen Yefeng to surpass Su Liyang, because marketing wastes too much of their resources. If they give up easily, it will be too much for the loss, so they can only destroy anyone who threatens them.

Therefore, the rhythm of Chen Yefeng's live broadcast room is constantly rising.

"Excuse me, is this the live broadcast room of the former world runner-up?"

"Former world runner-up, now I can't even enter the top three, what do you think now?"

"You don't really think that if you take an insignificant fifth place, you will be able to participate in the World Championship. Tell you that it is far away!"

All kinds of rhythmic barrage are like the rising tide of the ocean in the evening, one after another.

Chen Yefeng actually didn't care at all, and even wanted to laugh a little. Although it seemed that he had touched some people's interests, it was obvious that someone was doing him, but he didn't seem to care about this happening!

Although Chen Yefeng doesn’t know who wants to engage in himself, the most important thing is that he doesn’t bother to think about it. After all, even if he really knows, there is no evidence for himself. In reality, he can’t do anything about it. online.

Moreover, it seems to be a good thing that I have been involved in this way!

To be precise, as long as you have a good grasp of it, it is a wave of free and explosive traffic!

Think about that man, it was a mess at the time. If it weren't for the extreme behavior and the wrong words, I'm afraid he would have become a big brother in the whole network by now!

And now that I have so many navy soldiers coming to hack myself, it’s a bit exactly the same as that man’s situation. If I can grasp it and don’t do any drastic actions, it seems that I am going to burst into the rhythm of the live broadcast world again?

Black powder is also a fan, Chen Yefeng has always thought so in his heart. If an anchor does not even have a black fan, it means that he will not be too far away from the cold.

Of course, many previous fans are still trying their best to maintain Chen Yefeng. Although the world runner-up is not a champion, it should be worth showing off. After all, it is the highest honor of domestic FPS games in the world!

This alone is enough to show off well!

Moreover, many people felt that the return of King Chen Yefeng only needed time to prove, so they sent barrages to comfort him.

"Uncle brother doesn't care about these sprays, just spray them without getting stuck. Are the current naval forces so unprofessional?"

"Please apply for a card for the trouble of spraying our elder brother. After finishing the card, please spray it!

"Uncle don't cry, mother hug~"

"It's a male mother again?"

"Uncle, quickly hand over my little wish!"

"Upstairs, how would you feel if you saw Xiaoyuan's belly getting bigger?"

Chen Yefeng smiled slightly, and immediately said, "Actually, if you want to spray, just spray directly. You don't have to be so yin and yang!

If there is no black material, I will give you another major black material. Have you seen this software on my computer? Even Liankan's little assistant is considered a plug-in!

Plug-ins are the most taboo thing for professional players, so you can rely on this to ruin me. Of course, before that, I will give you a perfect explanation of this plug-in, and explain why this plug-in appears on my computer. Right.

Regarding plug-ins, as a former professional player, I naturally hate it in my heart, but I am curious about what plug-ins look like.

So, that night, a friend of mine came to my house and demonstrated various operations of the plug-in specifically for me.

I saw that this is not what I want, the game, everything still depends on my true strength.

So, this plug-in just stayed on my computer. To be honest, I didn't open it, it was just a friend of mine who came to my home to demonstrate the plug-in. "

Fans in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it anymore.

"Enough, brother, I feel you are suggesting someone!"

"Damn, the eldest brother is consuming the dead anchor again?!"

"Appeared, no friends!"

"Uncle, is this friend you talking about Buddha Lu Lai?!"

"My brother's name can be called whatever you like?"

"Weakly ask, at this time, no one has incense?"

"I'll come first! The incense!"



"Ahem, so, if you really want to engage me, I might as well start from this aspect. This is a plug-in software. Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway." If Chen Yefeng is shameless, it is really a world wide. No opponent can be found.

"I see, brother brother, do you still want to say that this backpack is connected to a magazine, he is just a pan?"

"I finally found out. The eldest brother is just a beast. He grabbed my little wish and consumed my brother like crazy!"

"The animal anchor is now on. Everyone has a card, and one card can have a fan card that pretends to be a family."

Chen Yefeng laughed at the furious barrage, and started to log in to the game.

During the period, he still did not forget to urge: "I said you guys are all in a daze. What are you doing? Hurry up and apply for a card for Lao Tzu, and for those who are troublesome, you should also be more dedicated. Regular navy, you have to go through the process, right?"

"All I have to do is to apply for a card. Is it possible that you are all for nothing?"

"Have you never heard a word? Bai piao was refreshed for a while, afterwards the crematorium!"


"Bai piao is cool for a while, and Bai piao has always been cool. Those who agree are troublesome to deduct 1!!!"

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