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Chapter 268: This is the world of the rich?

I don't know who sent such a barrage in the live broadcast room, which immediately evoked the approval of countless barrage. Seeing the scrolling 111, the roots of Chen Yefeng's teeth were itchy.

I am afraid that I have a group of fake fans! ! !

"What you said makes sense!" Chen Yefeng said in his heart, "Come on, give this big brother a one-month mute package."

"Trash room manager, serve Lao Tzu tea, Lao Tzu wants to drink Assam!"

"Something banned me too!"

"Nothing to do today, the housekeeper can give me a ten-minute silence package!"

After Chen Yefeng saw it, he also smiled slightly.

Such an early bird must be severely punished, otherwise how can I consolidate my position in the live broadcast room?

Looking at the banned person, Chen Yefeng also showed a gentle smile.

"Old rules, one plane will unblock the ban for you, otherwise it will be ten minutes in a dark room!"

With that said, Chen Yefeng also landed in the game and was ready to show off his skills.

Of course, Chen Yefeng did not forget to take out his mobile phone and send a message to his super-big apprentice. First, he cared about this young lady from a foreign country, and second, he was also to cater to fans.

The main reason is that no matter whether he is in single row or single row, it is almost always done from start to finish, without any difficulty, and there is still so much difficulty in bringing a girl to himself.

Especially her own little girl and stupid little apprentice, this is the perfect duo for Chen Yefeng to exercise her skills!

Needless to say, the little girl, carrying her is the same as carrying a time bomb. I don’t know when I pit myself, and the little apprentice doesn’t need to say much. If Gao Chao and the others are in Chen Yefeng In his eyes, it is a teletubbies, so the little apprentice Iguodala is a newborn baby in his own eyes.

Gao Chao and Wu Liang, the two Teletubbies, at least know what this is and what it is, and their little apprentice doesn't understand anything, just like a pendant!

Not long after the message was sent, the little apprentice Igueda Yuzi replied with a cute *^o^* expression.

"What are you doing? It's okay to take you to play games!" Chen Yefeng quickly sent a line.

And the little apprentice also quickly replied with two words: "Okay!!!"


After the voice was switched on, the little apprentice Iguodha Shizi also rang in the voice, with a little excitement and joy: "Daughter-in-law, let's start now."

After hearing the little apprentice's a little excited and shy voice, Chen Yefeng also immediately started a double qualifying.

"Brother, I want to play too!" I don't know when Chen Yuan ran behind Chen Yefeng and saw his cousin and other little sisters sweetly talk about it, the little girl's mouth was almost up to the sky!

After hearing Chen Yuan's voice, the follower in the live broadcast room also started to booze.

"Uncle, it's time to make a choice!"

"Uncle, I advise you not to step on two boats, this is wrong!"

"Uncle, if you have a conscience and forget your cousin with a little apprentice, please give me your little wish. I promise to take good care of her!"

"Upstairs, how did you take care of it? How to take care? What to take care of?"

"I suspect you are engaging in pornography, but what if I don't have enough evidence?"

"Damn, I don't need evidence, one of the people here counts as one, and all will be arrested for me!"

"Park, I want to get off, this is not the car to the kindergarten!"


"Okay, you go and clean up first, let's play together when we are done!"

Chen Yefeng thought about her cousin’s request, but still couldn’t bear to refuse. After all, when she bought her Cos clothing before, Chen Yefeng actually chose the one she likes better.

To put it bluntly, just let her cousin wear it for herself, the little princess has made such a big sacrifice to satisfy her own eyes, so naturally the brother should take more care of it!

"Uncle, talking to you, what's the matter with you, it's not enough for you to have a little apprentice, you still want to occupy our little wish by yourself, this is absolutely impossible! No!!!"

"That's right, brother, you are really not a thing. Just step on two boats, and you are still so stable. You are not afraid of overturning, ah, you are not afraid of overturning!!!"

"Xiao Yuan is also the anchor of our Douyu card anyway. Big Uncle, isn't it a bad idea for you to dominate by yourself!"

"I will be a loyal fan of Xiaoyuan from now on. Who dares to hack my Xiaoyuan, I will never end with him!?"

"Yeah, it's Tanhuang? Why are you still alive!!!"

"Emperor Tan? It was the first in the list of Princess Qiao Biluo? Didn't it mean that she ran away with the train?"


Seeing Emperor Tan's appearance, Chen Yefeng breathed a sigh of relief. Regardless, the incident was quite annoying, and even Chen Yefeng knew about it.

It is said that I ran the list overnight and bought a station ticket. Later, I thought that the train was too slow and ran away with the train. If you look at it, you have to beat others to what it looks like before this happens!

When Chen Yefeng learned of this, he couldn't help but mourn for this big brother for a few seconds.

Looking at the full screen of barrage, Chen Yefeng coughed slightly.

In fact, he hasn't played PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds much since the national competition, of course, this does not affect his pretense.

Looking at the barrage, Chen Yefeng also hurriedly started a game, and first played a game with the little apprentice he found.

Otherwise, wait for the cousin to come up later, and eat chicken with the two younger sisters alone, which is simply too much!

What's more, for a time bomb, a newborn baby, you still have to find a little touch in advance.

After entering the square, all kinds of famous aphorisms suddenly echoed in my ears!

"Dear friends, please allow me to say something, to be honest, I am not targeting anyone in this room, I just want to say that everyone in this room is rubbish!!!"

"Spicy next door! Who do you say is rubbish? If there is a kind, please jump to the airport for the master, and the master will let you know why the flowers are so red!!!"

"You are all descendants of Yanhuang, don't quarrel, can you give me Yanhuang a face?"


Listening to the various positive-energy words coming from the headphones, Chen Yefeng's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

In fact, Chen Yefeng didn't understand, why do people always like to pretend to be in front of him?

It seems that I will have to kill and kill them later and let them see how powerful they are!

"Daughter-in-law, these people are so noisy, I feel like my ears are getting calluses." At this time, the little apprentice Iguodha was a little unbearable, and complained loudly.

"In this case, let them not disturb our two-person world, how about the voice of our team?" Chen Yefeng said with a smile.

I don’t know why, when I heard Chen Yefeng talk about the world of two people, the little apprentice's cheeks flushed unconsciously, a little hot, but she nodded firmly and said: "Okay, listen to my wife!"

The two entered the team's voice. As a result, the positive aphorisms around them could not be heard, and the whole world seemed to become quiet again.

Soon, one minute of quality time passed.

"Where are we jumping?"

After the plane took off, Chen Yefeng's earphones also heard a weak questioning voice from the little apprentice Igeda.

"Hmm..." Chen Yefeng looked at the route. He originally wanted to land and kill him, but when he thought of a small Teletubbies with him, he had to mark a point on the map.

"Then jump here!"

"Where is this place?" Iguodala looked at the spot marked by Chen Yefeng and asked in confusion.

Regardless of her playing games for so long, in fact, she always fixed a place every time she landed, a small house area near the edge of the map, no matter how far the route is, Igueda will choose this place. Use this place as a starting point!

In addition to her knowledge of the environment here, another reason is naturally that she is her daughter-in-law she met here, which can be said to be a very memorable place.

"This is called a power plant, or a nuclear power plant!" Chen Yefeng explained to her with a smile.

"But, why should it be called a power plant?" Iguodala asked closely.

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Why is this little apprentice like a hundred thousand whys? How can I know why it is called a power plant? Some people call it, so I just call it. Over time, everyone calls it that way.

But even though he thought this way in his heart, Chen Yefeng explained in a serious manner: "Seeing that there is no such big chimney, in our real life, this is what generates electricity for us, so it is called by the majority of players. Power plant."

"Well, I see." Iguodha nodded, and when the plane flew over, he directly controlled the character to jump down.

I have to say that I have my little apprentice and my little princess, don't look at how bad the game is, but this superb skydiving technique is really unmatched by ordinary people, at least Chen Yefeng is a little ashamed!

How do you say this feeling...


Being skilled is a bit distressing!

Chen Yefeng immediately jumped down. Of course, in order to ensure the safety of the little apprentice, he also looked around slightly in mid-air. There was no power plant, but there was a team in the steel factory. This is undoubtedly a team for him. good news.

After all, no matter how strong Chen Yefeng is, he can only kill everyone who wants to kill him, but if the little apprentice is attacked, he may not be able to rescue him.

If there is no one in the power plant, you will have no worries!

Perhaps because the computer was not used for a long time, Chen Yefeng parachuted into the air, and the screen suddenly jittered violently.

"Grass! It looks like I have to buy a new computer tomorrow!" Chen Yefeng murmured, also stunned the fans in the live broadcast room.

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