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Chapter 273: Men are big trotter

Sighing slightly, Chen Yefeng sighed and said, "Then the three of us will jump into the air-raid shelter."

"Where is the air-raid shelter??" Igueda was stunned when she heard it, because she had never found this place on the map.

Chen Yefeng smiled helplessly, his little apprentice is really a vulnerable group among Teletubbies, and he doesn't even know where the air-raid shelter is.

But that's right. After all, the air-raid shelter does not have a building logo. For this stupid little apprentice, if you don't know it, it seems... understandable?

"Then you will fly with me later, don't get lost."


And Jiang Xuefen on the voice side is also particularly depressed. Isn't this a smelly man?

With other young ladies and sisters, I ended up hanging myself alone!


Lu XUN said well, all men are changed from eels!

Therefore, Jiang Xuefen, in order to make Chen Yefeng pay attention to himself a little bit, at least have a sense of existence, and also learned from Igudad, weakly asked: "Then what, little man, I don't know where the air-raid shelter is, you too Take me!?"

The tone was a bit coquettish and crooked. After Chen Yefeng heard it, his whole body shuddered and shuddered.

"I said, you and my sister both graduated from top colleges, don't you know English?

Open the map yourself and take a look! "

"Where, I can't see it!" Jiang Xuefen said nonsense with his eyes open.

"If your eyes are redundant, then I think you can donate them to people in need.

Also, don't you know English? Baibai has been studying with my sister for so long?

Besides, I have all marked on the map, don't you know how to read it yourself! ! ! "

Chen Yefeng's series of questioning answers made Jiang Xuefen's face green.

This ruthless little man! ! !

At the beginning, I called Xiao Tiantian, but now you are so strangely called you!

The most important thing is, why this young lady asked, what you answered was to fly with me, don't get lost, this kind of words that make people hear my heart warm.

And when you get to yourself, you are blind, you don't know English or you don't know how to read, and you are impatient to hear.

Is this a man?

Eat a man who doesn't recognize anyone!

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Xuefen kept comforting herself in her heart.

No way, who makes this guy his future husband? What else can I do except pet!

Fans in the live broadcast room can't stand it anymore.

"Fuck, brother, isn't he a thing too much? He actually treated young lady like that, and he said that he is a scumbag, and he is a complete beast!"

"Through the dialogue, I suddenly made a major discovery that my eldest brother actually has an older sister!"

"Brothers, the little wishes make people think about it, sister, that's pretty good!"

"From now on, I will be my brother-in-law's brother-in-law!"

"Uncle brother, don't worry, we both talk about each other. I call your uncle brother, you call my brother-in-law, we both owe nothing, neither one takes advantage!"

"You are a group of lsp, I am different, I am loyal to my eldest brother!"


And at this time, the little apprentice Iguodha was also a little bit unable to stand it. Although she was very happy in her heart, after all, the daughter-in-law treats herself so well, but she can't leave others in the cold, just in case she misunderstands her. What should I do if I deliberately let my wife do this.

I have to say that women are so troublesome sometimes, you are not good to her, she has various reasons and reasons.

You treat her well, she doesn't know what she is thinking.

A woman's heart is needled in the bottom of the sea, and the ancients sincerely do not deceive me!

"Daughter-in-law, you can't treat it differently. You have to be peaceful and lead people, not emotional, Xiaoyuan told me that China is the most hospitable country, how can you be like this!

Moreover, Miss Sister can't play, you have to be patient to teach it! "

"Okay, I see." Chen Yefeng listened to the little apprentice's muttering and couldn't help but curled his lips, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

This silly apprentice, don’t you see that this woman is not interested in drinking? She didn’t come for the game, she came for your master!

Sure enough, too much human charm is not good, there are always people who greet their bodies again!

"Try to be a teacher!" Chen Yefeng sighed after speaking.

There is a taste of pampering and helplessness in the tone of speech, which is relatively compared with the tone of talking to Jiang Xuefen just now. It can be said that it is one sky and the other underground. It is simply a difference of heaven and earth. It is like two people!

No, Jiang Xuefen was immediately depressed again!

This ruthless little man, thanks to his taking care of him so much in the live broadcast, it can be said that he gave him the green light all the way.

Otherwise, in this live broadcast room, one hundred and eighty times in the morning!

As a result, this little man actually treated himself like that!

Leisurely remembered the first time she visited the house of Chen Shiyi, a good friend, and met this little man for the first time.

At that time, he would still praise his sister for how beautiful you were. At that time, he still praised himself for being beautiful and his mouth was so sweet.

But now, I start to hate myself!

Sure enough, there is a saying that is too special!

Men are so big trotter! ! !

The eels are all big-tailed wolves. ! !

Fans in the live broadcast room are not too big to watch the excitement.

"Hey, I seem to smell a hint of gunpowder!"

"Brothers hurry up and call the little dull girl and the little dumpling. The four women make up a table of mahjong. Then there will be a headache for the older brother!"

"Then what should we do with Xiaoyuan? Xiaoyuan is the number one fan of my elder brother! If you call four women over, what do you ask Xiaoyuan to do!"

"I’m caught in the midst of so many women. It’s really hard for my uncle. I'm willing to help my uncle share this hard work. Please let me help you. I'm not afraid of more, I'm afraid of not enough!"

"Uncle, I advise you to be careful when you speak. With so many young ladies, you know that if you accidentally say the wrong thing, you will definitely fall into a dead end!!!"

"The eldest brother said that there are only five little sisters in the area, which is not enough. Our elder brother is a beast, and the beast will not know that he is tired!"

Seeing all kinds of barrage ridiculing himself, Chen Yefeng's lips couldn't help but twitch.

Oh shit! This group of people is really not too big to watch the excitement, do you have a bunch of fake fans?

Handsome and charming, can he blame me?


After the three people landed steadily, Chen Yefeng led the young apprentices Igeda and Jiang Xuefen towards the air-raid shelter.

Of course, by the time he landed, he had already surveyed the surroundings perfectly. This was a subconscious behavior of a top player.

Since Chen Yefeng knew that there were no people around, so in order to save time searching for equipment, he also said to the two of them: "The three of us search separately, which can save time to the greatest extent and facilitate our next actions. !"

Of course, the little apprentice Iguodala said exactly what he said to his wife, very obedient.

After hearing it, he responded sweetly, "Good~"

After speaking, the juvenile Teletubbies ran all the way to the left of the air-raid shelter.

Soon there was a voice of Igueda's broken voice: "Daughter-in-law, I have a second-level head and a third-level bag. There are two first aid kits over there, and there is a 98K! "

"You pick it up first, I'll lie to you later!" Chen Yefeng accidentally missed it, which also made the fans in the live broadcast room disgusted.

"Listen, listen, listen quickly, is this something that people can say?"

"I've found out. You don't do anything with people, Brother Brother!"

"What do you know, my eldest brother is a beast, so I don't have any problems with it!"

"Ms. Da Jiezi is so cute and innocent. My elder brother has the heart to go and deceive her. From now on, I will be the black fan of my elder brother!"

"Where is it dark, to be honest!"

"Such a cute sister, what are you all doing in a daze, let her know the sinister society of this society!"


Looking at the barrage and then at his side, Chen Yefeng was about to cry without tears.

There was no other reason, because after I separated from the two of them, the first material I saw was the green first-stage head.

Looking at this helmet with a sacred light and not annoying, Chen Yefeng took a deep breath.

I always feel like God is implying something in this secret!


It shouldn't be, how could Xiaoxue put a hat on herself!

However, as a man, although Chen Yefeng has absolute confidence in himself, he is also very responsive to this color hat, and it is the kind of heart-to-heart response.

Therefore, he chose to ignore it directly! ! !

There are only three people in such a big air-raid shelter, and I will never retreat to choose this thing! ! !

However, after Chen Yefeng took two steps forward...

Nima! ! !

Another green first-level head! ! !

The fans in the live broadcast room burst into laughter!

"I used to aim for my eldest uncle, and want to stay the same as him in the red flag at home, and the colorful flags are fluttering outside. Now I have an epiphany. Goodness is implying that my uncle has grown grass on his head!"

"Uncle, you have to be strong, don't blame your brothers, you blame your sister-in-law for being so charming!"

"There is a saying, eldest brother has a girlfriend, really shouldn’t be like this. You should keep a certain distance from your little sister. After all, you have to avoid suspicion if you already have a girlfriend. This is what a man, a really good man should do. !

Of course, if it were me, I would be fine, no one would refuse, don’t ask why, kidney treasure, it tastes great! "

Some fans madly sent barrage, teasing Chen Yefeng.

However, Chen Yefeng had a dark face and had been searching for equipment in the air-raid shelter.

Finally, he found a Hextech gun, and finally felt a little comfort in his heart.

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