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Chapter 274: Self-directed self-performance

Although there is no helmet yet, after all, my strength lies here. Even if I don’t have a helmet, wouldn’t it be enough to fool the little apprentice’s head?

Look at Jiang Xuefen's side. She didn't play games much before, but this time she came to play with Chen Yefeng, but in the end, this little man was so resistant to him.

Isn't it just being greedy for your body? It's not a big deal. It's a bit outrageous to make it seem like a matter of life.

Jiang Xuefen is not lucky here. There is no decent gun, except for pistols, which are melee and chicken rib weapons such as machetes, pans, and crowbars, which makes this woman a little depressed.

Someone has said that when God closes a window for you, he will also open a window for you.

Since the rookie didn't do well, the luck must be good. Jiang Xuefen thinks so. He didn't play very well, but he would definitely be able to pick up some good things to make up for it.

But look again now, next to Mala, if you look at it, you don't have a gun, but there are not even a lot of medicines. After walking around, you find a first aid kit, and the rest are bandages!

Looking at the bandage in the backpack, Jiang Xuefen estimated that it was more than enough to wrap himself into a mummy.

She remembers that when she played before, she had good luck, occasionally she would drop her face by airdrop, and there were guns on the ground.

But, what is this situation now, why does it become like this after teaming up with the little man.

Could it be that……

He and the little man are destined to have no relationship, no, it should be said that they are destined to fight each other! ?

I am not born, but I am old?

The script is wrong!

Now it is obvious that I was born before, my old gentleman is just right!

Can't you eat this young grass?

While Jiang Xuefen sighed leisurely, Chen Yefeng also held SKS and continued to search for supplies.

Although strength is important, items are also important.

You can't let him fight with others with his head naked, in case a blind cat hits a dead mouse and blows his head with one shot.

Without a helmet, a shot in the head will result in a spike!

As the saying goes, crayon master, this is not just talking!

However, looking at the garbage on the ground that no one else would want to take a second look at, Chen Yefeng was also particularly depressed.

Isn't this woman Tianke herself, or why after she came, her luck was so bad!

Chen Yefeng thought about it very carefully. It seemed that not only Jiang Xuefen, but Xi Ling also had a taste of self-denial.

By comparing the two, Chen Yefeng can draw a conclusion that these two women who restrain themselves a little, they have in common that they are older than themselves!

Could it be that you belong to the attribute that can only bear the young lady sister?

That's too much!

With a slight sigh, Chen Yefeng just wanted to continue searching for equipment when he saw Jiang Xuefen's figure getting closer and closer to him.

From time to time, an idea just breeds in Chen Yefeng's heart so suddenly.

If the majority of single male friends knew his thoughts, then he would definitely be ashamed of Chen Yefeng's thoughts!

God gave you a peerless face not to make you perform an orphan operation, but to give you a home for young ladies all over the world!

It's a pity that Chen Yefeng didn't think so much now. He is now immersed in this upcoming prank.

"Then what, you guys be careful, I may have misunderstood it just now, it seems that someone has fallen with us!"

"Really?" Jiang Xuefen asked casually, "Aren't you a professional player, can you make a mistake?"

"What's wrong with professional players? Professional players can't make mistakes. Although I look like Pan An, Yushu Linfeng, chic and suave, but I am also an individual after all.

I heard the footsteps just now, there seems to be someone! "

In order to be more realistic, Chen Yefeng also used a particularly solemn tone to make the two teletubbies sound like they were real.

No, after Iguodha heard this, he became nervous.

"Ah, daughter-in-law, what should we do if there is someone?"

As the little apprentice spoke, he was also looking around him to see where he could hide.

After all, my daughter-in-law has rigorously educated herself, no matter what happens, she must put Gou first!

If you can't fight, you won't fight, if you can go, you can go ahead. If you really can't, do it again!

Igueda Yuzi remembered that he once asked his wife very seriously, "Daughter-in-law, do you have to hide when you encounter an enemy?"

That's what Chen Yefeng answered at the time.

"It's not impossible to fight. If you want to fight, you can. Take off all your equipment and throw it aside, then throw whatever you throw at it, and then just shoot it!"

At that time, Iguodala was very excited when he heard it, and said with excitement: "Daughter-in-law, can we kill the enemy in this way?"

However, Chen Yefeng's words caused the little apprentice to shut his mouth obediently.

And Chen Yefeng said so at the time.

"Of course not. The reason why the teacher asked you to do this is because when you are in the box, you will be a little more decent and a little bit, so it will not be too shameful!"

Therefore, as soon as I heard of someone, my apprentice immediately panicked.

After all, the wife-in-law's intention was very obvious at the time. If you can't fight and fight, you should resist as much as possible, although the only result of resistance is the box.

But now that my wife is not by my side, and I can't resist myself, I don't have to hurry to see where I can hide!

Listening to the little apprentice's nervous voice, and then looking at the panicking figure, Chen Yefeng also coughed, and continued to speak nonsense seriously: "Zizi, don't panic, just find a place to hide. First solve that person for the teacher, and then save you."

"Are there really some people?" Jiang Xuefen couldn't help but asked again.

She always felt something was wrong, because although Chen Yefeng said that someone had heard footsteps, she didn't hear it!

"Are you questioning the judgment of a top professional player?!" Chen Yefeng said directly and unceremoniously.

"I..." Jiang Xuefen took a deep breath, "All right, you have to protect me well."

Chen Yefeng: "..."

"Don't be so cute, I want to vomit!"

"Where do you want to vomit?"

While the two were talking, Jiang Xuefen also walked in the direction where Chen Yefeng was. After all, she now only has a machete in her hand and no gun.

Although the saying goes, no matter how high martial arts is, they are afraid of choppers, but no matter how hard a chopper is, they are also afraid of guns!

I still have to quickly let the little man shelter myself!

While thinking about it again, Jiang Xuefen quickly walked towards the place where Chen Yefeng was.

However, in the next second, something happened!

I see.

When Jiang Xuefen just appeared in Chen Yefeng's sight, Chen Yefeng immediately took out his gun and shot.

And, shoot again and shout again!

"The person is here, but I was caught. Don't come here. I'll fix him first!"

"Da da da da..."

Along with the sound of gunshots from the underground air-raid shelter, a knockdown prompt appeared in the upper right corner.


"HeiTian knocked down XueFeiFei with a headshot of SKS"


"that's me!!!"

Jiang Xuefen looked at himself when he was knocked down, and his whole body was not good!

"You ungrateful, you don't even know me? That's me!"

Jiang Xuefen almost cursed someone, but when he thought that this was his little man, he could only turn his anger into complaint.

"It's changed, it's changed, your feelings have changed, you don't even recognize me!"

Fans in the live broadcast room burst into laughter for the simple scene.

"Uncle, what are you doing! Even the little sister can do it!?"

"No, that's the professional player? Is it clear that you can't tell the enemy? You knocked you down?"

"You don’t understand. It seems that the elder brother accidentally injured the friendly army. In fact, the elder brother knocked down the young sister to help her and let her experience the feeling of being saved. The test indicated that the elder brother wanted Let the little sister as a reward, with her body, obviously, the eldest brother is on the fifth floor!"

"You are all fooled, the eldest uncle is the old scumbag. It seems to be true. In fact, he wants to deliberately knock down the young lady and stay with the little apprentice!"

"Brothers, punch me out of the live broadcast of Brother Scumbag!"

"In this wave, my first-level stone man flashed and patted the floor!!!"


"Yeah! Miss Sister, why was knocked down!" The little apprentice Iguodala looked at Jiang Xuefen who was knocked down and called out with a slow response.

This careless little confused didn't find the reminder in the upper right corner at all, otherwise she should have known that everything was done by Chen Yefeng.

At this time, Iguodha did not forget to remind his wife.

"Daughter-in-law, you quickly kill that person and save Miss Sister!"

"Ahem, wait a minute!" Chen Yefeng almost smiled, and the corners of his mouth almost reached the back of his head.

"Then what, I made a mistake. Someone did run past you just now. I was about to shoot and you suddenly rushed out. This wave is an accidental injury!

By the way, I will help you up later, and you will find a place to hide, but don't accidentally hurt you again! "

After Jiang Xuefen heard it, she was still moved in her heart. She deserved to be her little man, and she knew she cared about herself.

But I don't know why, she always feels something is wrong, I don't know why, but she has this feeling in her heart inexplicably.

Could this guy frighten himself deliberately?

When Jiang Xuefen thought this way, Chen Yefeng also ran over to pull her up, however! ! !

The moment Jiang Xuefen was helped by Chen Yefeng, she heard a solemn voice again in the earphones: "Damn! That person is over there! Take a shot at me!!!"

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