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Chapter 275: Do hair?

"Da da da da..."

There was another series of gunshots, and the prompt in the upper right corner appeared again.


"HeiTian knocked down XueFeiFei with a headshot of SKS"



"666, I understand, Brother Brother, this is intentional! It's really not something!"

"Everyone, you can talk about men's mouths, deceitful ghosts, look at it, in terms of opening your eyes and telling nonsense, my eldest brother is really a role model for my generation, no wonder he is a scumbag!

"The eldest brother is not a scumbag, this is a beast!"

"You don't understand this. Obviously, the eldest brother is hinting at the young lady. Look at the tossing young lady so hard, who can bear it?!"

"Brother, there is a kind of revenge in bed, what kind of prestige is one in the game!"

"If you are a man, you must be a man like your uncle. If you agree, please put your consent on the public screen!"

Fans in the live broadcast room are not ashamed of Chen Yefeng's behavior.

Miss sister is looking for you to play games, is it making you so toss?

Are you worthy of your conscience?

And Jiang Xuefen was also speechless again: "..."

She understood, she felt too right just now, this little man did it on purpose.

"You said, where are the people?" Jiang Xuefen took a deep breath, his tone was full of resentment, doesn't this little man want to play with him so much.

"Ahem, to be honest, the man ran too fast just now, I didn't see it clearly!"

In order to make people feel like it was true, Chen Yefeng sighed after finishing speaking, "Oh, it's a pity, if you just blocked him when pulling you up, I would definitely be able to kill him!

It's fine now, he ran away, and I accidentally injured you again! "

"Daughter-in-law, are you killed?" The little apprentice hid in a corner of the air-raid shelter. She wondered what happened, and asked tremblingly.

She felt that this place was really terrible, and someone actually knocked down the young lady twice in front of her own wife! ! !

Is this man better than his wife? ? ?

When Jiang Xuefen heard Chen Yefeng's explanation, he took another deep breath.

She understood that this little man was definitely deliberate, but she was someone who came here anyway, it is impossible to be angry about this little thing.

This little man wants to use this method to drive away himself?

Not to mention there are no doors, no windows!

I'm greedy about your body, and yesu can't keep it, I said Jiang Xuefen! ! !


"Do you think I am your stupid little apprentice? I will be so naive!?" Jiang Xuefen's helpless tone made Chen Yefeng a little embarrassed.

Seems through...


Not all women are so stupid and cute with their little apprentice, a woman like this is particularly shrewd!

However, it was not that he did not expect this result, so Chen Yefeng can naturally respond to the questioning, "What? My sister made trouble just now. To be honest, if it weren't for her, I would have taken you to eat chicken!"

In the living room, Chen Yuan, who was leaning on the sofa and eating the fruits washed by his mother, suddenly sneezed.

The little girl looked dumbfounded, "It's strange, who is thinking of me!? Is it a cousin?

Hum, no, whoever makes him dislike my food, ignore him!

Hmm...Ignore it for a second! "

Fans in the live broadcast room couldn't help it.

"Uncle, please do some personnel affairs, even if you don't like other girls, you can give it a try!"

"That is, you are still not a man, brother, even if you don't like it, you don't want to express it so obviously!"

"Brothers, how many times have I said that, the eldest brother is a scumbag, a real warm man, that will give every girl a warm home!"

"Don't blackmail my elder brother anymore, my elder brother is clearly a beast, not a scumbag!"


And YY voice.

Looking at Jiang Xuefen, whose blood volume has not been refilled for a long time, the little apprentice Igueda Yuzi also said softly: "Miss Sister, if you have no medicine, I have it here. I'll give you a little bit. Come here."

of course.

Although this is the case, the little apprentice Iguodha is also very cautious.

There is no reason, because the wife said that there are people here, and she couldn't fight, so she could only hide in the corner and shiver.

Listening to what the little apprentice said, Chen Yefeng was also deeply moved. If he hadn't already had a girlfriend, he couldn't cherish this simple little girl.

It's really a pity, but, in order to prevent the little apprentice from being sold out and help others to count the money, Chen Yefeng also secretly decided in his heart that she must be taken badly, let alone become a qualified person. Old driver, at least you have to be like your little princess.

Hmm... Anyway, you can't suffer! ! !

Chen Yefeng said nothing about the two accidental injuries, and continued to search for equipment. After all, he didn't even have a helmet.

Although I just met two first-level heads with sacred colors, he will never compromise to green!

Actually, it's strange. Although Chen Yefeng hasn't seen a green first-level head, it's a bit outrageous today.

Because after walking a little two steps, he saw a green first-stage head again!

Then... Is this a swelling situation?

Could it be that God is really suggesting himself crazy?

Even the fans in the live broadcast room ridiculed him frantically.

"Brother uncle, it's cool to take your sister, and bring your hat to your old age!"

"Yeah, yeah, you think it's great for you to take a sister right now. As everyone knows, it's very possible that my sister-in-law would have gone with others Qingqing, I and I!"

"Uncle, if you don't believe me, please call and ask, maybe my sister-in-law is doing hair now!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm with my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law doesn't have hair. We just play cards in the hotel!"


Looking at the barrage, Chen Yefeng couldn't help but make a call.


The phone was quickly connected, and a familiar voice came from the other end.

"Why are you calling suddenly?"

"It's nothing, are you home?" Chen Yefeng asked slightly.

In fact, Chen Yefeng wanted to pick up Ye Shengxue by car at first, after all, it was his girlfriend.

But this Nizi refused to let her die, and refused to say anything that was not a child.

In addition, when I drove back, I bought too many things for Chen Yuan, and the small sports car was jam-packed, so Chen Yefeng had to give up.

"I came back long ago." Ye Shengxue responded.

"Then what are you doing now?"

"It's doing hair."

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Spicy next door! ! !

Let's just say that today I feel a little bit wrong, no wonder so many green first-level heads have spent a long time suggesting that they are actually true!

"Do hair? What kind of hair? Is it serious hair?" Chen Yefeng was a little depressed, and he felt like he was holding a breath in his chest, not vomiting.

"What's the mess? What are you talking about?" Ye Shengxue on the other end of the phone was also confused.

Although Xiaoyuan told herself before, her brother always likes to say something that he can't understand, but...this is a bit incomprehensible!

"It's nothing, you just relax and do haircuts, but you must do your hair seriously!"

"Is there anything wrong with doing hair?" Ye Shengxue was even more dazed.

"Then what else?" Chen Yefeng was a little amused.

It goes without saying that if there is a serious one, there must be a serious one! ! !

"You are inexplicable!"

"Anyway, take your time!"

"It's okay to hang up." Ye Shengxue found out. Men really are like this. At the beginning, they talked sweetly, but now they are together, but they said something else.

The question is, what's wrong with making your own hair? What's serious!

"Well then, you can relax anyway!"

Chen Yefeng also sighed long after hanging up the phone.

When the fans in the live broadcast room saw this, they also applauded and blessed. There is no way to be a qualified fan, but to give him the last blow when the anchor is low!

"Brother uncle is sad, just doing hair, it's not a big deal, you have to watch it!"

"That is to say, Lu xun has said that if you want to live a good life, you must have a little green on your head!"

"Actually, you don't have to be like this, brother. Think about it, you have two younger sisters with you now. If you think about it carefully, it's actually not a big deal!"

"This wave of sister-in-law has directly brought a real crit on my elder brother. This is the first time I have seen my elder brother be broken!"

"Brothers, what does this mean, my elder brother is a good, innocent man!"


Looking at the barrage, Chen Yefeng's mouth twitched slightly, and then he continued to prepare to search for equipment.

"Who did you call just now?" Jiang Xuefen couldn't help asking at this moment.


"Oh." Jiang Xuefen didn't feel that there was anything wrong. After all, his little man's appearance and temperament were all placed here. It is normal for the little girls in the university to be unable to resist.

"Is it beautiful with me?"

"Five to five."

"Are you gentler than me?"

"Five to five."

"Is it sexier than me?"

"What do you always compare you to?" Chen Yefeng was a little mad.

"I'm the woman who wants to marry you, can't I do it!"

All the fans in the live broadcast room were stunned!

"Damn, people are more popular than others, when will I be able to have the charm of brother brother?"

"I thought that my eldest brother was a scumbag and a beast, but I didn't expect it to be the young lady who posted upside down. It was sloppy!"

"Isn't my elder brother going to be your son-in-law? I heard that this is quite popular now!"

"One thing to say, if there is a Dragon King with Crooked Mouth, it must be my brother!"

"Weakly ask, the Dragon King you are talking about, does he spray water?"

"Not only spray water, but also fire!"


Looking at the barrage and listening to Jiang Xuefen's serious words, Chen Yefeng sighed slightly.

This kind of life is actually quite boring. If you don't believe it, you can try it.

Sighing, Chen Yefeng also began to search for equipment, after all, games are important! ! !

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