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Chapter 284: Can't stand the bombing zone anymore!

In fact, Chen Yefeng himself does not need to live on the money he earns from live broadcasting, after all, he is really not bad money.

But, who is targeting yourself?

Chen Yefeng still wants to know this. As the saying goes, he is not indecent when he comes and goes. If someone sends him to him, he has to be courteous, and he has to take revenge on the other side!

On the other side, Jiang Xuefen naturally didn't know what Chen Yefeng was thinking. She listened to the slightly sweet conversation between her little man and her little apprentice Iguodha, and she felt a little bit more in her heart.

My god, a man like this was going to be struck by lightning in ancient times, but I can only think about it. After all, this kind of thing is a very unreliable thing.

However, just when Jiang Xuefen's thoughts grew and slowly settled in his heart, just when Chen Yefeng left the airdrop.

"Swipe, brush, brush!!!"

At this moment, the entire Survival Island seemed to be the end of the world, and the long backlog of the red area, the bombing area, finally couldn't help but began to wreak havoc.

The sky full of fire fell from the sky and ravaged the entire land!

"Daughter-in-law, bombing area, be careful!" The little apprentice Igueda Yuzi quickly reminded.

"Don't worry, my teacher has never been afraid of bombing zones. The bombing zone that can blow me down hasn't appeared yet!"

However, just the second after Chen Yefeng's voice fell! ! !

A skyfire in the air is like installing an automatic navigation system, accurately hitting the place where it will step out next.


A ball of flame rose from the ground, directly enveloping Chen Yefeng.

Immediately after.

A prompt in the upper right corner also popped out instantly.


"HeiTian fell to the ground in the bombing zone..."


When the mud and gunpowder splashed by the explosion disappeared, Chen Yefeng, who had been knocked to the ground, was immediately revealed.

Different from the look just now, his appearance can be said to be as miserable as he is, it is like a beggar wandering on the street!

The fans in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"It's so funny that a bombing zone that can blow you down hasn't appeared yet!"

"Is this Brother Uncle? Sure enough, face slaps always come very fast!"

"The sky has eyes, and he finally punished this scumbag well!"

"Faithful brothers, friends who look comfortable, please type the words "comfortable" on the public screen!"

"Although...Miss Sister still insists on her uncle, but...I am very comfortable seeing this scene!"

"Bombing zone, always drop God!"


At this moment, Chen Yefeng is just as depressed as he is as depressed. If it weren’t for the promotion of civilized live broadcast and the presence of his little apprentice, he couldn’t take this little cutie away. Chen Yefeng would have sweared without hesitation. .

Although you can't swear, this doesn't prevent Chen Yefeng from saying a little bit of mantra.

"Fuck Li Liang!!!"

"Uncle brother tells the truth, who is Li Liang?"

"Li Liang is obviously the uncle of Miss Sister, otherwise, why would the eldest brother say something like Uncle Li just now?"

"Don't refuse, brother, all beings are equal before the bombing zone!"

"Slaps come too fast, like a tornado!"


Jiang Xuefen on the other side is also extremely speechless: "..."

What is this special situation? ? ?

I just thought about whether I could blow this little man to the sky. As a result, the bombing zone in the next second would help me realize it?

He really blew his little man to the ground!

Ah, this...

My god, Jiang Xuefen, I swear to the sky with my 36D, I really just think about it in my heart!

But that really happened to him!

Doesn't this mean that God is optimistic about the two of us, otherwise it is impossible to think what happens next second.

For a while, Jiang Xuefen was full of confidence again!

Seeing the miserable appearance of the animal anchor Chen Yefeng, the fans in the live broadcast room suddenly felt that the air was fresher, and the picture quality in the live broadcast room became clearer. The whole live broadcast room was filled with a harmonious atmosphere.

"Hey, my uncle's retribution is coming. It's a happy New Year brothers!"

"From the side, Miss Sister actually lived and restrained her elder brother. According to my opinion, otherwise Miss Sister would be better off me."

"Everyone, I have a bold idea. Since the eldest uncle and the youngest sister are mutually reinforcing each other, it means that he has no relationship with a woman. It is better to treat the eldest brother..."

"Upstairs, please put away your bold ideas, my uncle is my own!"

"No way, there are really male fans who like the brute like the elder brother. Those who like the elder brother are definitely the scumbags of the younger sister. That's right, I mean me!"


Looking at these gloating barrage in the live broadcast room, Chen Yefeng was half-hearted. Her own group of fans are absolutely fake fans. All of the five million people who are angry are fake fans, and there is no real fan!

Look at other young ladies and anchors, they are all young ladies, you are great, young ladies, I think...

Look at yourself again, these fake fans are eager to **** themselves off.

At this time, the sound of the car is very close.

And listening to the sound of cars getting closer, Chen Yefeng also knew that the people who wanted to grab the airdrop had already arrived!

This is so special, what should I do now?

Even if I brought my own cousin and was restrained by nature, I didn't expect that it was the same with my little apprentice and this woman.

No, to be precise, it didn't have too much trouble to bring a little apprentice by myself, and it went smoothly. If you don't talk about eating chicken, that's nine out of ten chickens.

But after this woman came, she suddenly made herself so unlucky. Now the enemy is about to come and she was blown down by the bombing zone again, leaving two Teletubbies. What should they do?

It's over, the carry handle of the sister world, I am afraid that this world's famous name will be ruined again! ! !


"Miss Sister, my wife was blown up, you cover me, I will save him!!!"

At the moment Chen Yefeng was blown down by the bombing zone, the little apprentice Igueda Yuzi's little face was suddenly full of tension, and his heart clenched tightly.

"So what, it has nothing to do with me, this is the bombing zone, this is your own bad luck, you can't blame me!!!" Jiang Xuefen thought in his heart just now, and started to make excuses for himself to open up without paying attention.

Of course, she was fortunate that she didn't say what she had just thought, otherwise Chen Yefeng would be crazy again.

Three years ago, a sister Xi Ling had given herself a headache, but three years later, another Jiang Xuefen came!

Moreover, these two people seem to be the same age and the same figure, it is a reincarnation!

But to be honest, this situation also made Jiang Xuefen a little more comfortable. After all, this little man has been aiming at him just now, and he didn’t know how to care about himself. It’s okay to be educated. Whoever makes him come straight forward and face his own hints. Do not know how to work!

As a result, both Chen Yefeng and Voldemort's young apprentice Igueda were puzzled.

"When did I say it had something to do with you?" Chen Yefeng looked confused, always feeling that this woman had taken the wrong medicine.

The little apprentice Iguodala asked stupidly: "Miss Sister, what are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

"Uh...cough cough, it's okay, it's okay, I mean, what should we do now?" Jiang Xuefen also realized that what he said was a bit wrong, and quickly began to change his words.

After all, if you leak your mouth, the little man will definitely blame himself again. What if he ignores himself in the future? Who will he marry?

"It's not the most important thing now. Do you have any smoke? Throw it at me if you have it! Don't hesitate to lose as much as you want!" Chen Yefeng listened to those voices getting closer and hurriedly reminded him. With.

Chen Yefeng also knew that the people who listened to the voice were very close to him, and the ten seconds to pull someone out would never be too late.

So the most urgent thing now is to throw as much smoke as possible.

In addition to using the white fog after the volatilization of the smoke bombs to provide some cover for themselves, it can also give them the illusion that there has been a fight because of the airdrop.

I have to say that playing games does not only rely on operation and technology, sometimes the brain is also very important.

And playing games with your brain is often more reliable and better than pure manipulation.

Of course, no one is perfect, nothing is finished, and a handsome and smart person like Chen Yefeng also made mistakes.

This is also no way. Having such a handsome face has already caused Chen Yefeng a very headache, so it is understandable to sparse a hundred secrets.

After all, there are no gunshots here, there is only a place of smoke, anyone will be suspicious, and will not directly determine that there has been a fierce battle due to the airdrop!

Moreover, many animations have used **** facts to tell us a truth, there is no harm in smoke, this is the most basic common sense!

Listening to Chen Yefeng's flustered voice, the fans in the live broadcast room almost set off firecrackers to celebrate.

"Animal anchors also have today? It's really happy!"

"My elder brother is really anxious when I hear it. It's been a long time since I saw my elder brother in such anxiousness. Remember to bring a little wish to eat chicken once."

"Old fans all know that this is just a show effect. Do you think your uncle is really anxious? Yes, he is anxious!"

"Brothers of the pretending family, today is a good day, I will treat, scream brother Liang, Alipay will stay, each one hundred yuan red envelope!"

"I drove Ferrari when I was six, how about you?"

"My son drove a Ferrari when he was six, how about you?"


And when he heard Chen Yefeng’s words, the little apprentice Igueda Jiezi immediately took out the smoke bombs he had picked up, and asked in a sweet voice: "Daughter-in-law, Jiezi has three smoke bombs here. I want to throw them all away. Come to you?"

"Of course! As many as you lose, hurry up!" Chen Yefeng reminded.

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