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Chapter 285: This is fate

"Ms. Sister, there are a few in your place. I only have three, which may not be enough!" The little apprentice Igeda asked very intimately.

Upon hearing the question, Jiang Xuefen also opened his backpack and took a look, "I only have two here!!!"

"Hurry up, throw it away, Miss Sister, it's important to protect your daughter-in-law!" Chen Yefeng smiled when he heard the anxious voice of the little apprentice Igeda.

This little apprentice didn't hurt in vain, he was still very powerful at the critical moment!

Soon, under the guidance of Chen Yefeng, the little apprentice Igeda lost three smokes, and Jiang Xuefen also lost two smokes under the guidance of his little man.

Swipe! ! !

Brush! !

Two people, after the five smokes were thrown out, the little apprentice Igueda Yuzi also reported in a pretty good manner: "Daughter-in-law, I have lost all my smoke."

However, Chen Yefeng felt something wrong.

Just now the little apprentice said that she had three smokes, and the woman Jiang Xuefen also said that she had two smokes.

But... I seem to have heard six voices just now!

Then... what is this special situation?

"You are thinking about it. Are you sure it's three smokes, two smokes, and five smokes in total..." The anxiety in Chen Yefeng's heart became more and more serious.

"There are only three!" The little apprentice Iguodala said very seriously.

"What about you?" Chen Yefeng asked again.

"I only have two, and I threw them out!" Jiang Xuefen also said, "Don't I even know how to count? You still doubt me!"

"But, I seem to hear six voices..."

Chen Yefeng said with a black face.


The voice suddenly became quiet, and after a few seconds, the little apprentice's surprised voice sounded.

"Yeah! Daughter-in-law, it seems that I lost one more just after I checked." The little apprentice Iguodha looked at his backpack and cried.

Because she remembered that she had four throwables before, three smoke bombs, and one fragment grenade, but now the backpack was empty.

The single fragment grenade was gone, yes, that big fragment grenade disappeared so abruptly.


On the other side, the four people who came to grab the airdrop were stunned looking at the dense white mist and scarlet red mist.

"Hey, why is there so much smoke here, I can't see anything clearly!"

"Will the airdrop have been picked up in advance?"

"Let's take a look first, maybe it's just bluffing us, wanting to wait for us to go and pick it up, after all, I haven't heard any gunshots here!"

After several people discussed it, they also decided to check it out.

And at this moment, the fragmented grenade that was thrown out by the careless little apprentice Igueda Yuzi by mistake finally exploded!

Boom! ! !

The sound of a huge explosion sounded above this mountain, like a clear sky suddenly thundering.

And because of the explosive air wave, the red and blue intertwined tone spread toward the surroundings.

It looks like a beast is about to rush out of it and destroy everything!

The sudden explosion made the four people who came to pick up the airdrops suddenly stunned.

"Huh? What the **** is this? Could it be someone who wants to yin us?"

"Damn, I was almost fooled, if I hadn't kept my mind, I would be blown up!"

"Retreat first, the enemy is in the dark, we are in the light, we can't take risks!"

The four people began to retreat. After all, they didn't want the equipment they had worked so hard to find as a wedding dress for others, which made them cheaper.

As for Chen Yefeng, the whole person was stunned. Seeing that he had become a gray screen, he almost cried.

This is my little apprentice, and I can't do anything to her, I can only endure all this in silence with tears.

If this were to be replaced by my own little princess, in this case, I would definitely give her to Fa-rectification on the spot, or I would let her know how good she was at night!

But this happened to be his own little apprentice, and he was the kind of stupid and cute Teletubbies whose smoke and grenade could not be distinguished.

"You are so big-headed!" Chen Yefeng reluctantly complained.

"Daughter-in-law, are you complimenting me?"

However, Chen Yefeng suddenly didn't know what to say when the little disciple said something.'s not quite right, how do you feel that the innocent and cute little apprentice seems to be a little bit broken?

What's happening here?

Such a cute and innocent young lady can bear to be ruined, so you are still human! ! !

"Who did you learn this from!" Chen Yefeng couldn't help asking.

"Little wish taught me!"

Listening to the excited voice of the little apprentice Iguodha, Chen Yefeng a black line flowed straight down.

What the **** is this little princess in her own family doing, teaching others the first place, and being a little apprentice who was finally picked up by her brother, she was about to be brought in?

Chen Yefeng couldn't help but think for a while, if his little apprentice Iguodala became like his little princess, he wouldn't have a headache?

Let's not talk about the pits or not, the main reason is that there is nothing to do and always think about it. This is the most important thing!

Faced with this situation, it is an individual who cannot stand it, OK!

When Chen Yefeng was thinking about it seriously, the woman Jiang Xuefen spoke again.

"Why don't you praise me?" The tone was full of jealousy, which made Chen Yefeng even more embarrassed, and his head was about to explode!

This woman is all right to join in the excitement, she still thinks that she is not enough to have a headache!

"What do I praise you for?"

"You can praise others, why can't you praise me!"

"Your sister's **** and no brains are also considered praises?" Chen Yefeng asked God for a while silently.

Fans in the live broadcast room also took the opportunity to booze.

"Big brother, to be honest, do you like Miss Dazhezi's big brainless woman!"

"I see, it's not that the elder brother doesn't like the little sister, he just wants to find a simple and silly woman, preferably the one who sells it and helps count the money."

"Brothers, isn't this a scumbag?"

"I have said it so many times, our eldest brother is not a scumbag, he is a complete beast!"

"Brothers, rushed to this brute live room with me!"

"Uncle brother is the pillar of our pretending family. You'd better consider taking me before you do it. I'll take the lead!"

"Brother uncle feels sad because of your black fans!!!"


"Huh? Why did you get bombed to death, my daughter-in-law!" The reaction of the little apprentice Iguodha was always so slow, and now he just saw Chen Yefeng who was killed directly because of his mistake and threw a grenade.


Jiang Xuefen also coughed twice, a little embarrassed.

It seemed that if it hadn't been for the prayer in my heart to give this little man a five-thunderstorm, this would not have happened.

It's not good now, even if it was blown down by the bombing zone, now it has been heavily compensated by my little apprentice.

Is this really pleasant? ? ?

No, this is my little man, who is going to marry in the future, how can I ridicule so mercilessly! ?

However, thinking about it, it is indeed a bit relieved, who made this little man treat himself so mercilessly.

Of course, although Jiang Xuefen wanted to laugh, she still had to hold back, otherwise what should be done if she is discovered by the little man!

Well, in order to live a happy life for two people in the future, you must hold back! ! !

Jiang Xuefen couldn't bear it, but the fans in the live broadcast room didn't care about this at all. The bad luck of the anchor was what they liked the most. Therefore, a group of fake fans in Chen Yefeng's mouth immediately laughed heartlessly.

"Now I can say that no one is convinced, and I just take my eldest brother alone. Anyone with a special sister can be eliminated by my sister!"

"Uncle brother really has you. It is simply a shame for us in the world of sisterhood. I don't think you should be ashamed. Hurry up and give your sister to the brothers. We will definitely not be so ashamed of you!!!"

"My eldest brother used to bring a small wish, but now it's so swollen. I bring two younger sisters at once. I really think that the two younger sisters can be driven by themselves? How about it, now the retribution is coming!"

"Bring two time bombs by your side, you really have your eldest brother!"

"This show works well, anyway, my single dog is comfortable watching it. I suggest you come a few more times!"

"How many times? Are you afraid that our elder brother will not be tossed badly enough?"

"Maybe your uncle likes this? The more toss, the more excited he becomes!"


Chen Yefeng, who was eliminated on the spot by a grenade by the little apprentice Igueda, could only sigh sadly.

If this were her little princess, then Chen Yefeng would have taken off the earphones and ran to her room to let her know why the flowers are so red!

However, it seems that now that my aunt is at home, even if this kind of madness really happens, she can only endure it silently, and it won't be too late to punish her when she is gone.

After all, the image of a good brother still needs to be maintained, or what should I do if my aunt takes the little girl away.

After all, Chen Yefeng also wants to have a personal company. People are always alone.

But there is no way, this is the masterpiece of the little apprentice I picked up, and this little apprentice is even worse than my little princess. What can you do?

You take a look, and you say that there are three, but four are thrown out. The little apprentice of Teletubbies is afraid that he forgot to change the mine!

The most important thing is that after my little apprentice and my little princess have known each other for so long, they have gradually turned their wishes!

This made Chen Yefeng not be able to fight, and it was impossible to say.

After all, this is my apprentice, what else can I do?

"Oh...I think someone Chen has been on the Survival Island for countless years, killing countless enemies, and how many people who are unruly towards me were killed by me with a single shot, sweeping all the enemies, but I didn't expect it.

People have stumbled, horses have stumbled, and I, Chen, will still have today, not dead in the hands of the enemy, but in the end he died in his own hands!

Maybe, this is fate! ! ! "

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