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Chapter 287: Set a flag first

"Heaven's law is unbearable, God's law is unbearable, brother, this is a beast!"

"Damn, I have a knife, bring me a forty-meter machete, and today I will walk for the sky!"

"The eldest brother does not have a girlfriend, let alone such a cute little apprentice!"

"But there is no way, the eldest brother has a girlfriend, such a cute little apprentice, and a clingy sister!"

"Ahhhh, what is good about the eldest uncle? Little sister likes it. I want to learn too!"

"Farewell, the eldest brother is just a beast, why don't you learn well, you just learn from him."

"If you can be so romantic and suave with your eldest brother, being a beast would actually be pretty good..."


Looking at the barrage, Chen Yefeng was speechless "..."

Can this group of fake fans watch the live broadcast well?

Jiang Xuefen was naturally not ashamed of her little man's behavior. Such a simple, cute and caring young lady could bear to tease, she was not a man.

After she picked up the things of the four people, she also gave some to the little apprentice Iguodha. After all, the little apprentice just said that good things are to be shared with good friends!

"Miss Sister, there are good things from my wife, you can pick them up together!"

Listening to Da Jiezi's voice, Jiang Xuefen was naturally not polite. After picking it up, he also thanked him.

As a result, Chen Yefeng is depressed. This looks like my equipment. You woman doesn't thank me!

"I think you should thank me, that's my thing!"

"You are already in a box. Now these things belong to no owner, which means that anyone can take it and anyone can use it." Jiang Xuefen said solemnly, "There are only two of us, Miss Dazhezi and I. In other words, the two of us have the right to use it, but the young lady gave it to me and did not compete with me. As a courtesy, of course I have to thank you."

"What am I..."

Listening to Jiang Xuefen's serious analysis, Chen Yefeng had to admit it, let alone, it made sense.

Forget it, if you don't know a woman like a woman, you're also a man anyway. Although it's still the last step, but knowing a woman seems too stingy.

"Daughter-in-law, are you still angry with scorpion?"

At this time, the little apprentice Iguodha Kiezi spoke again, his voice aggrieved and weak.

"Of course not! How can you be so stingy as a teacher? Master just teased you, so how could a teacher be angry with your apprentice!"

"Really? Thank you daughter-in-law, and invite her to come to my house another day!" The little apprentice Igeda said excitedly.

"Ahem, what? Do you have any extra rooms in your house?" Chen Yefeng said casually.

"Ah? Daughter-in-law, what do you mean by this horse?"

"Ahem, aren't you talking about being a guest? Since you are going to your house, then naturally you have to stay one night."

The fans in the live broadcast room boiled again, and a group of people couldn't wait to tear the brute anchor Chen Yefeng in half.

"Brother brother, this can be said to be a crazy hint, I have never seen such a brazen person!"

"Ms. Da Jiezi, don't be fooled, let me go and I won't let the brute like my uncle go!!!"

"Brothers, I'm sour, how about you?"

"I'm not sour, I look at you with my little wish!"

"With the knife in your hand, follow me, kill the elder brother, and **** the young lady!"

Chen Yefeng didn't expect such a big reaction in the live broadcast room. Originally, he was just teasing the little apprentice, and he didn't have this plan in his heart.

However, it seems that the fans in the live broadcast room do not buy it at all.

"Ahem, everyone calm down, I'm just talking casually, after all, the little apprentice Iguodha is in the island country, I usually have nothing to do, and I won't go." Chen Yefeng explained forcefully.

of course.

Fans in the live broadcast room will definitely not believe what he said. There is an old saying in China that is good, a man's mouth is a deceitful ghost.

Besides, you don’t usually go if nothing happens, so what about it?

Besides, what happens if you go!

Such a cute little sister, she can't stand it personally, OK!


"You two don't stay where you are now. It is estimated that the gunshots just now attracted others. You should run poison now!" After that, Chen Yefeng also reminded them both deeply, "You two are just Just run like this, the safe zone is not very far, remember not to drive, or I'm afraid you two will get rid of yourself halfway!"

"I know my daughter-in-law!" Of course, the little apprentice Iguodha was very obedient, and he was ready to run poison after picking up a few things.

"Why don't you tell me? You can't treat it differently!" Jiang Xuefen protested.

"Hurry up, too, someone will come in a little while later, you can't even run!" Chen Yefeng said with a curled mouth.

"But daughter-in-law, you have been eliminated. What should I do with the young lady? Without you, how could we have beaten the rest." The little apprentice Igeda was very depressed.

Think about it... I have been playing games with my wife for a long time, and this time, it seems that he was eliminated for the first time.

The most important thing is that he actually sent his daughter-in-law on the road to a box by himself! ! !

"Don't worry, although I have become a box for the teacher, but, after all, my experience is here. As long as you two listen to my instructions, I believe you can still improve the ranking. Although you can't eat chicken, the top five should not be a problem. !"

"But...Miss sister and I can't beat other people. What should we do if we meet someone else? We will definitely not be able to eat chicken!" The little apprentice Igueda is very regretful. I should have watched it just now. It's clear.

This is not good, an oversight, the result is that the daughter-in-law is gone and turned into a box, and the chicken that reaches the mouth just flies away.

As soon as Chen Yefeng wanted to comfort him, he heard Jiang Xuefen's domineering expression: "Don't worry, I'm actually like a master!"

"Then do you have a good wife?" The little apprentice Igueda asked aloud.

After all, in the eyes of the little apprentice, his own wife is the most powerful, and no one can easily surpass the kind!

"Uh, this is not..." Jiang Xuefen was stunned.

"Then can you kill the remaining people?" The little apprentice Igueda asked again.

"This... doesn't seem to be good..." Jiang Xuefen didn't know what to say.

This young lady just had a good impression of herself, but she was about to be completely defeated with just a few words.

"The daughter-in-law is gone, what should we do..." The little apprentice Igueda Yuzi was full of grievances, as if he was making a deep remorse for his mistake.

"Cough, cough, why don't you know how big a scorpion is, let your sister Xue take you to eat chicken this time!"

"Tsk tut..."

Listening to Jiang Xuefen's serious assurance, Chen Yefeng also tweeted, "It's because my family doesn't raise cows, or I'll be blown away by you.

You have the ability to eat one and show me, if you can eat chicken, I will eat this computer screen on the spot! "


"There is a saying, don't just set up the flag, or you will be beaten in the face."

"Is there anything wrong with Miss Sister likes to blow? Anyway, I like Miss Sister's way of blowing like this!"

"There is something wrong with you upstairs, I always feel that there is something in your words!"

"As we all know, everyone who has set the flag is usually beaten severely in the face. We generally call this situation deserved!"

"Don’t forget that upstairs, all this is based on human beings. Our elder brother is not a human being. He is a beast. Have you ever seen a beast get slapped in the face? And even if he is slapped, he will never It hurts!"

"But having said that, what if two young ladies really eat chicken!?"

"That can only mean that the elder brother is a dead waste, a shame in the world of taking sisters, and the result is that she was taken to eat chicken by taking her sister to eat chicken!"

"Uncle brother's shame is not a day or two, everyone has to get used to it."


"Zizi, we should run the poison."

Hearing Chen Yefeng's disdainful voice, Jiang Xuefen snorted coldly, and was also a little unhappy. This little man actually dared to look down upon himself, really thinking he was one of those big brains?

Today I will let you see what it means to be a woman without a beard. Today, we must let this little man know him again, lest this guy always shows no respect for himself!

"Yeah, good lady." After hearing this, the little apprentice Igueda Zizi immediately manipulated the characters to follow. The two teletubbies were ready to be staged under the gaze of Chen Yefeng and some fans in the live broadcast room. A sensational eating chicken action.

While witnessing everything, Chen Yefeng leaned gently on the chair, slowly took out a box of Xuanhemen from the drawer, took out a cigarette from it, and slowly lit it.

In fact, Chen Yefeng rarely smokes. Of course, this does not mean that he does not smoke.

It's just that Chen Yefeng just took out the firepower and lit it with a chirp. Before he took a bite, he heard the sound of the door behind him.

Originally, Chen Yefeng thought it was definitely his little princess who ran over again, but he didn't expect to find out that it was his aunt Chen Shuyun after turning his head.

"Xiao Feng!" Chen Shuyun saw his nephew leaning on a chair with a smoking cigarette in his hand, his tone was suddenly stern!

"Um...Aunty, why are you here?" Chen Yefeng smiled awkwardly, and smoothly extinguished the cigarette that had just been lit, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

What a good cigarette, I just lit it and didn't smoke a bite. It was so much wasted. What a shame.

"I came to see what clothes you need to wash, and I saw that you didn't study well here!" Chen Shuyun glared. Of course she is very satisfied with her nephew, neither humble nor overbearing, and obedient and sensible?

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