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Chapter 288: bet!

"There's nothing to wash. It's so late, so aunty, don't worry about it, just rest quickly." Chen Yefeng said.

"By the way, there is something waiting for my aunt to tell you."

"What's the matter?"

"Anyway, for you, it should be a very important thing. This is what your dad told me."

"He? What important things can he do..." Chen Yefeng murmured, but after seeing his aunt stare at him, he immediately changed his words and said, "Okay, I know auntie! Go and rest quickly Right!"

"Okay, go to bed after you play for a while, it's not too early!"

"I see, aunt!"

Seeing the figure of his aunt pushing the door, Chen Yefeng was also lost in thought.

What kind of old Chen is preparing to toss himself as a son?

After thinking about it, Chen Yefeng didn't think of a reason, so he didn't think about it anymore.

If you can't stop it, let your sister go!

My elder sister goes out, one is the best!

The most urgent task now is to see how this woman brought her little apprentice to eat chicken.

After all, this woman is not the most handsome in the world. She has been the peak of her appearance throughout the ages. With a little apprentice, the teletubbies of the teletubbies, is that what ordinary people can drive?

Even with a little apprentice, she occasionally overturns the car, okay, this woman really treats herself as a piece of cake?

Are Gao Chao and Wu Liang the two Crouching Dragon and Phoenix young?

As a result, these two guys used their fame while they were away, and took their little apprentices to prepare sweetly.

These two people shouted that they are the Jedi Killing God, the overlord of Survival Island, but they fell into a box!

This shows that in this world, not everyone can bring their little apprentice to eat chicken, except for themselves, it is very difficult for others to take her to eat chicken!

Therefore, Chen Yefeng felt that this woman Jiang Xuefen wanted to bring her little apprentice to eat chicken, it was even more nonsense, and it could be said that it was the funniest joke in the world.

"Actually, I don't want to hit your self-confidence, but you may not be able to drive my little apprentice."

"I don't believe it!" Jiang Xuefen would naturally not give in easily. "As the saying goes, you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, what if? What if I accidentally take Miss Zizi to eat chicken?"

"Hehe, if you can take my little apprentice to eat chicken, I promise you ten requirements!"

"You don't need ten, just one!" Jiang Xuefen's eyes lit up, and his heart was suddenly full of strong confidence at this moment!

No matter how difficult it is to eat chicken this time, with the words of the little man, even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames ahead, you have to fight to the end!

"Whatever you want, but we have to say it in advance. Even if a request is made, it can't violate morals and ethics!"

Chen Yefeng said his request in advance, after all, he was panicked, in case this woman took her little apprentice to break common sense and succeeded in eating chicken!

"Don't worry, am I the kind of person who makes unfair demands?"


Jiang Xuefen was also embarrassed when he heard that, "Ahem, you ruthless little man, then open your eyes and watch my performance!"

"Haha, then look forward to your performance!" Chen Yefeng was already scornful of Jiang Xuefen's behavior.

Confidence is a good thing, but you have to look at your own potential. In Chen Yefeng's view, it is needless to say that his little apprentice Iguodha, a live teletubbie, is a cute girl lying down!

Needless to say, this woman Jiang Xuefen seems to have so many forks. If not surprising, this woman also belongs to the kind of woman who looks good, but is actually not good.

So, whether it's your little apprentice or Jiang Xuefen, this woman is not a piece of chicken!

Of course, it is only limited to the chicken of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, at least roast chicken, free-cut chicken, etc. They should still eat quite slippery.

"By the way, you are not allowed to cheat!" Chen Yefeng reminded.

"Cheating, how to cheat?" Jiang Xuefen wondered.

"Just open the voice to beg for mercy!" Chen Yefeng knew that after hearing the pitiful voice of the girl, some people would feel compassion, and maybe they would give the chicken they got in hand and want to give it away.

If this really happened, wouldn't I be in a big loss? ?

Chen Yefeng had no doubt that anyone would do this, so he had to say it in advance to avoid crying without tears.

However, Chen Yefeng was also wondering, why some people couldn't move their legs when they saw the young lady? Is it important to eat chicken than young lady?

If you encounter your sister begging yourself for mercy in the game, you will definitely shoot without hesitation, and beg for mercy is useless!

Because eating chicken is the top priority, women will only affect my operation and the speed of drawing swords!


"I won't do this!" Jiang Xuefen said with disdain, "I want you to be convinced of your loss. Also, shut up now and stop talking, lest it affect my next operations!"

When Chen Yefeng heard this, he was also speechless: "..."

"Didn't I say that there is still room for influence on your operation? It seems that there is no room for decline?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just literally..."

"Oh, daughter-in-law, don't quarrel with Miss Sister! Everyone is a good friend and should help each other. It is not right to quarrel!" The little apprentice Igueda Yuzi now does not know who to help, listening to the two Quarrel, the head is big.

Fans in the live broadcast room also started booing, and most of them were preparing to make things worse, and then ate melon seeds to watch the excitement.

"Uncle, to be honest, you are less and less like a man now. What is he used to doing? Just go straight up and do it!"

"Lu XUN once said that women can't get used to it, the more you get used to, the more bastard!"

"Uncle brother is pretending to be embarrassed by the brothers in the family, brothers, I feel that we should change to a leader, brother brother now shame all our faces!"

"Uncle brother is simply the scum of our pretending family, it's a shame to the family!!!"

"Brothers, spit with me!"

"Heh ~ tui!"


Chen Yefeng looked at the barrage, and his heart was suddenly speechless: "..."

This group of fake fans who watch the excitement are not too big of a problem, are they persuading themselves? It's obvious that it's a good man not to fight with a woman?

"Okay, then I'll watch you perform. If you can take my apprentice to eat chicken, in addition to promise you a request, I can also invite you to dinner!

Of course, if you can’t do it, just invite me to dinner! "

"Is it just for dinner?" Jiang Xuefen asked leisurely.

"Could it be that you still want to watch a movie?"

"Then it's too late, so did you bring your ID card?"

The two old drivers had invisibly made hundreds of tricks, and three question marks appeared on the head of the little apprentice Iguodha.

What are the daughter-in-law and young lady talking about? Why do I feel that I don't understand it? The Chinese culture is so profound and profound! ! !

"Well, if I win you invite me to dinner, if I lose, I invite you to dinner!"

In the end, the two hit it off and made a decision!

Of course, Chen Yefeng felt that he was not at a loss no matter how he looked at it. If he lost, it would be indifferent to ask for a meal. Anyway, he was also with the young lady, although this sister was a bit different.

And if I won, I have a free meal, no matter how you look at it, it is a win-win situation!

So, no matter what, Chen Yefeng is not at a loss at least!

Although this requirement does make Chen Yefeng a little difficult to do, the probability of Jiang Xuefen bringing his little apprentice Igeda to eat chicken is infinitely close to zero!

"I said, if the meal is really too monotonous, let's go to the movie after the meal, and then... huh?"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

This is too intriguing!

Fans in the live broadcast room also showed a clear look instantly.

"Miss sister, huh, if you don't understand, brothers will never support you again!"

"Ten Thousands of Blood Books, I beg Brother Uncle will have a live broadcast that day!"

"Uncle, don't listen to them, cherish your live broadcast room, and just send a video to your brother at that time!"

"Is the video wonderful? I won't watch it if it's not wonderful!"

"You old tortoises, all tortoises, come with me!"


"Zizi, we must be careful, let your master see, even without him we will definitely be able to eat chicken!

If there is someone in a while, remember to hide behind me and I will protect you! "

Listening to what Jiang Xuefen said, the little apprentice Iguodala also said excitedly: "Thank you, little sister!"

"You're welcome, we are all here to let your master know that without him, we can definitely do it."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Chen Yefeng snorted and couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at!" Jiang Xuefen was a little bit irritated.

"Cough cough!" Chen Yefeng endured for a long time before suffocating the smile in his heart. "Then what, Naizi, you actually believe what he said. I see if she can survive the finals. It’s so boring, you actually said thank you to her, you’ve lost a lot of thanks!"

"You little man, just forget it if you don't cheer for me, you actually hit me!!!"

"What's wrong, I'm telling the truth!"

"You wait, I will prove it to you!"

Jiang Xuefen was so angry in his heart, but there was no way, this little man relied on not being by his side to provoke himself so unscrupulously.

If this is by his side, would he dare to speak like this?


"Little sister is very angry, elder brother must be careful!"

"You said, what if Miss Sister stepped on dog **** and luck really took Miss Dazhezi to eat chicken?"

"What I said upstairs makes sense, I'm a little bit expecting what kind of request Miss Sister will make!"

"My brother said, you can't violate morality and ethics!"

"The reproduction of human beings is sacred, full of yearning and light. This does not violate the conditions of the uncle!"

"Damn, why can't I meet such a good thing?"

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