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Chapter 290: One more game!

Fans in the live broadcast room frantically accused Jiang Xuefen, facing Chen Yefeng's stubborn attitude, and said leisurely: "I ask you, are you still a man?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Yefeng curled his lips, not knowing what the woman was going to say.

"I haven't tried again, how do I know..."

Jiang Xuefen's sudden sentence caused Chen Yefeng to suddenly flow down a black line.

The little apprentice Igueda Naizi said crisply: "Daughter-in-law, what are you two talking about, why don't you understand?"

"Cough cough... if you don't understand, it's best to understand you, and you won't be saved!" Chen Yefeng coughed dryly, "Well, in the strict sense, I am not a real man, so I am not believer. You can drop..."

"That elder sister made you a real man!" Jiang Xuefen drove the car, it was also quite domineering, not to mention the Queen Fan is full, at least she belongs to the kind of woman who is difficult to easily conquer.

"Ahem, don't, I'm still young, I might not be able to survive!"

"You little man is nothing to say, I don't care if I still wait for you to invite me to dinner, and also promised me a request, you said, you can't regret it!!!" Jiang Xuefen acted like a baby and let Chen Yefeng got goose bumps.

"Don't do this, I can't stand it..."

Chen Yefeng couldn't help but stretched out his hand and hugged herself. The woman acted coquettishly, and suddenly the surrounding air became a little bit colder.

After all my thoughts, Chen Yefeng didn't expect that his stupid little apprentice Iguodha and Jiang Xuefen, who is not much better than him, the combination of these two kindergarten players, could actually eat chicken!

This is so outrageous! ! !

Eating is not impossible, but this requirement must be well regulated!

Therefore, Chen Yefeng also took a step back and said, "It's not impossible to invite dinner. Requests can also be mentioned, but...I want to add one!"

"Add what?" Jiang Xuefen asked.

"I agree to a request from you. Apart from not breaking morals and ethics, I am not allowed to hit my attention!"

"No, that's not possible, you didn't say that just now!" Jiang Xuefen's purpose can be said to be very obvious, it is directed at Chen Yefeng.

And now Chen Yefeng actually prevents her from hitting her own attention, is this possible?

Of course the answer is no!

"Well, how about we bet?"

"What bet?" Chen Yefeng asked.

Jiang Xuefen smiled slightly and immediately said: "Let's make another bet, if you eat chicken in this round, you will withdraw your last treaty!"

"Huh??" Chen Yefeng was slightly stunned when he heard Jiang Xuefen's words, and almost laughed.

"You mean, you still want to play!???"

"What's the matter, can't it?" Jiang Xuefen was a little depressed. This little man actually looked down on himself so much. Is his chicken-eating skills so bad?

"Okay, of course!"

Of course, Chen Yefeng had to agree. This woman really thought that she had eaten a handful of **** luck just now, and she could continue to hit **** luck in the second game?

Good luck alone is a good thing, but it is impossible to be so lucky every time.

"But if you can't eat chicken, I will just invite you to dinner, and I won't agree to that request!" Chen Yefeng pursued with victory.

"it is good!"

Listening to Jiang Xuefen's very heroic promise, Chen Yefeng's smile almost reached the back of his head.

If this woman tried harder just now, maybe she really couldn't bear to agree, but in the end, this woman actually let out such a good opportunity!

Do you really think that good luck will always be with you? !

Tell you clearly, daydreaming!

"Daughter-in-law, let's start the next game quickly!"

Just as Chen Yefeng was thinking like this in his heart, the voice of the little apprentice Iguodha was also heard from the earphones.

This made Chen Yefeng also a little helpless. After all, this was the little apprentice he picked up by half cheating. What else could he do besides being pampered!

My stupid little apprentice, originally this was a two-person world that belonged to the two of us. I didn’t expect to be disturbed by this outsider, so you wouldn’t be angry. If you don’t be angry, let’s forget, you actually opened the door to welcome!

Actually, Chen Yefeng didn't know that the little apprentice Iguodha also had her own thoughts in his little head.

Although she also wanted to be alone with her daughter-in-law for a while, she also thought about the short-lived two-person world, where one person dominates her daughter-in-law.

However, the little apprentice Iguodala wanted to know more about the people around his wife.

For example, this young lady who always talks to her master about her own incomprehension is obviously a good friend of her own wife. If you meet her friends, you can get to know your daughter-in-law better!

Therefore, the three people with their own minds also started the second game.

Although Chen Yefeng was killed and did not believe that Jiang Xuefen would eat chicken in this round, he also became much more honest.

After all, the scene where the bombing zone was killed in the last round is still vivid!

Therefore, with the idea of ​​not being afraid of 10,000, just in case, Chen Yefeng also took the two people to choose a place like the airport.

Regardless of whether it is a competition or an ordinary game, the airport can be said to be the most dangerous place. Chen Yefeng's purpose of choosing to jump here is naturally very obvious.

Since you want to eat chicken, then I will increase your difficulty in eating chicken, so as to achieve your goal!

After all, this is the airport. There are too many uncertain factors. If enough people choose to fall here, even oneself may fall into a box. This is not because Chen Yefeng has no confidence in him, it is because Some are incapable, two fists are hard to beat four hands.

Seeing Chen Yefeng choose to punctuate at the airport, Jiang Xuefen of course also knew what this straight man was thinking.

I'm afraid I don't want to let myself fall into a box!

Although Jiang Xuefen hadn't played much before, he knew how dangerous the airport was. This straight guy was afraid that he didn't choose to jump here on purpose, just to make himself a box, so he could take the opportunity to withdraw the bet he just promised himself.

No way!

I definitely can't let him achieve his goal so easily!

Just when Jiang Xuefen was about to ask Chen Yefeng to mark a point again, and she was ready to act like a baby as long as Chen Yefeng refused, she saw Chen Yefeng and Igueda's scorpion jumping like this. Go down.

"Miss sister, don't be stunned, you should jump quickly too!" The little apprentice Igueda Yuzi looked at Jiang Xuefen, who seemed to have left for some reason, and also reminded him aloud.

Looking at the two people who had parachuted, Jiang Xuefen stared, and finally had no choice but to jump down.

After all, if you don't follow the little man, you will definitely be a box when you land. Although the airport is a bit dangerous, as long as you are careful enough and wretched enough to find a place to land, it is safer!

Anyway, at least better than acting alone!

Jiang Xuefen jumped down with Chen Yefeng and the little apprentice Iguodha, while also thinking about it in her heart.

The route in this game is not a standard airport route, and there is a slight deviation, but fortunately, the deviation is not very large, so you can still travel slowly by relying on the umbrella.

Chen Yefeng is not the only one who has this kind of thought. After taking a look, Chen Yefeng also slowly counted.

There are twelve parachutes in total, three teams!

"So many people, this woman can't fall into a box?" Chen Yefeng's mouth showed a smug smile, as if she had seen Jiang Xuefen's box.

That's right, Chen Yefeng thought in his heart. If this is to let the fans in the live broadcast room know what he is thinking, I am afraid that this straight guy should be educated, the scumbag of the scumbag!

There are so many people jumping into the airport, and I don't know which little brother will eliminate this woman. No matter who it is, I have to write down the ID and thank you.

As for the little apprentice Iguodha, who was picked up by himself, Chen Yefeng, of course, must take good care of him. After all, the little apprentice is still a child, and as the saying goes, he is a teacher for a day and a father for life. Of course, you have to protect it.

In order to make the position of the three of them look more dazzling, Chen Yefeng also took two of them and landed on the C building.

After all, the terrain in other places is really a bit complicated, and the top of the C-shaped building is different, standing high, and seeing far.

Of course, in addition to looking far away, standing high may also be the most venomous! ! !

Naturally, what Chen Yefeng wanted was the second result. He was already a little eager to see the beautiful picture of Jiang Xuefen falling into a box!

Fans in the live broadcast room also saw Chen Yefeng's thoughts at a glance. After all, the live broadcast after such a long old age, everyone knows who the uncle is.

Therefore, many fans immediately sent out barrages frantically.

"The eldest uncle is simply the beast of the beasts, the scum of the scum, I am proud to love my little sister and ashamed to learn from my uncle!"

"My eldest brother chose to jump to the airport, I'm afraid I want to let the little sister land into a box, so he can have a sweet two-person world with Miss Dazhezi!

"No way, brother is really such a brute?"

"No one really thinks that Brother Uncle can't do this kind of thing, right? Our Brother Uncle is a complete animal anchor, OK!"

"The truth upstairs is upstairs, my eldest brother needs your kind of sensible true fan!"

"The eldest uncle is a beast, brothers, please brush this sentence up for me!"


Looking at the barrage, Chen Yefeng was also depressed. Why did these people guess what they were thinking so easily?

However, it doesn't matter, what's wrong with the beast, be a beast when you are a beast, and beasts have endless strength!

It's a pity that Chen Yefeng thought very well, but the reality is cruel.

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