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Chapter 291: The pace has accelerated!


Could this woman see through her own mind?

When did this woman become so smart?

Isn't it said that Xiong has no brains? Why is this woman so smart!

However, after Chen Yefeng was stunned, he smiled.

Because at the iron tower where Jiang Xuefen floated past, there was actually a person jumping!

Chen Yefeng already knew what Jiang Xuefen was doing. One bottle was dissatisfied and half of the bottle swayed.

The most important point is that this woman is definitely not someone else's opponent!

This mother-in-law fell into a box for sure! ! !

Chen Yefeng was particularly excited.

I was also thinking in my heart, I don’t know if this is considered as deliberately inserting willows and willows. ? ?

If this woman falls by her side, even if she doesn't protect herself, fans in the live broadcast room will definitely complain about herself frantically.

Moreover, it must have been blamed by this woman.

But now it's different. You didn't obey the instructions. Don't blame Chen Yefeng for not knowing how to take care of the young lady!

When the time comes, it will become a box, and this woman will not be able to rely on herself. It really makes people feel extra comfortable thinking about it.

He looked at the top of the C building, known as the gun of Hextech, and immediately bent over and picked it up. Immediately picked up a handful of SKS on the top of the C-shaped building.

"Zizi, hide behind Weishi, Weishi will show you what a true Jedi Killing God is today!"

"Zizi, hide behind Master, don't let them find you, Master will protect you!"


The little apprentice Igueda Yuzi responded sweetly, his eyes rippling, and he looked at his daughter-in-law shiningly.

Regardless of the number of people at the airport, the little apprentice is not afraid at all, because the wife will protect herself!

Fans in the live broadcast room were also upset at Chen Yefeng's words.

"My eldest uncle is starting to focus on orphans again, don't you care about Miss Sister? You only know Miss Dazhizi!"

"What do you know, it's mainly Miss Da Zhizi who is big enough!"

"Big, what's big? Can you not just say half of your words, and have the ability to say everything!"

"That won't work. Positive energy is now advocated. We have to cherish the live broadcast room of Uncle Brother. What should I do if I close the live broadcast room of Uncle Brother and cannot see the lucky and handsome face of Uncle Brother?"

"Is there anything that is greater, more sacred, and more energy-correcting than human reproduction and survival!"

"The people upstairs are right. This is positive energy. This is a sacred thing. I hope those who have counseling materials can send me a copy for free. I will be grateful for it, and I will definitely read it all night!"

"Give me a copy too!"

"Then what, my friend said, he wants a copy too!"

"Upstairs, did your friend refer to yourself?"


While discussing the barrage in the live broadcast room, Chen Yefeng looked at the enemies falling on the top of the other two buildings in the C building and also started his own show.

In any case, at least in front of the little apprentice, she must not lose face. Let her know that in this world, only her master can make her eat chicken. No, only her master can lead her to eat chicken!

this moment.

With SKS in hand, Chen Yefeng also has the domineering style I have!

"Boom boom boom..."

Just listen, a series of gunshots of Hextech guns echoed over the airport.

And accompanied by the gunfire is the knockdown prompt in the upper right corner!


"HeiTian knocked down DWGNB233 with a headshot of SKS..."


"HreiTian knocked down NIuguli6868 with SKS headshot..."


Following the sound of the Hextech gun, Chen Yefeng directly knocked down two people.

The strongest technological gun, terrifying!

It perfectly explained Chen Yefeng's terrifying strength as a professional player.

And the little apprentice Iguodha, who had witnessed all this behind him, also screamed in excitement.

"Daughter-in-law, you are too much to provoke!!!"

Looking at Miss Dazhezi's incarnation as a little licking dog, the fans in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it.

"The older the older, the more irritating, the older brother is worthy of being the scumbag among straight men, and the brute among scumbags!"

"It turns out that the elder brother doesn't like the little sister, he just likes the sensible and cute little sister like Dazhezi!"

"Brothers, the eldest uncle is not a beast? Miss Dazhezi's mentality is not very mature, so he can actually do it!"

"The brute anchor Shihammer is done, brothers, with the knife in hand, follow me, kill the big brother, and grab the young sister!"

"Everyone wants to be an uncle, or everyone is an uncle!"


On the other hand, after solving the people on the top of the building, Chen Yefeng also slightly spoiled the little apprentice he had picked up and said: "Zizi, don't follow me, you go to us The two are searching for things downstairs, and I will get the others out!"

"Yeah, good wife!" The little apprentice Igueda Naizi is naturally obedient, and there must be no other words.

Not to mention the simple things like searching things, even if the wife let herself be a human shield, it is also obligatory, and her brow will not blink.

Therefore, after hearing what his daughter-in-law said, the little apprentice Iguodha ran into Building One and searched happily.

In a short while, the voice of the little apprentice came from the YY voice.

"Daughter-in-law, here is a second-level bag... and a third-level A... I found another medical kit... and a 98K!"

Listening to the voice of the little apprentice Igueda, Chen Yefeng naturally sighed.

They all say that the color pen is lucky, and it seems that it is really correct at all. This sentence has the most profound withdrawal from my little apprentice!

Chen Yefeng is of course accustomed to this situation, but Jiang Xuefen and the fans in the live broadcast room can't calm down.

"My mother, Miss Dazhezi's luck is a bit too good!"

"What do you know? Good luck with crayons!"

"I'm also a cook, why don't I have such good luck?"

"Upstairs, **** and taking pictures of yourself, can you make our little sister Dazhezi cute?"

"You don't understand this, it's mainly because of the big brother, such a cute little sister, coupled with such a brutal big brother, so God can't stand it anymore, let Miss Dazhezi's luck better!"

"So, it's not that we are out of luck, but that we can't have brother!"


Jiang Xuefen was also depressed. He had known that he had just jumped with two people, but now it's okay. He can only hide in place and tremble, waiting for the little man's rescue!

At this time, Chen Yefeng was also holding SKS and ran to the bottom of Building 3 in a hurry.

"Da da da da da da..."

A series of footsteps came from inside the building and reached Chen Yefeng's ears through headphones.

Based on the sound of footsteps and the structure inside Building 3, Chen Yefeng directly judged the specific location of the person inside!

"He is now on the second floor, the third room on the left. Hearing the sound, he should be about to turn the window!"


"Don't blow up, my cows are gone. Uncle brother, can you not just pretend to be a cup?"

"My cow is flying in the sky. When I saw it, it turned out that the eldest brother was blowing on the ground!"

"There is one thing to say, the eldest brother is indeed the kind of person who has never been before, in terms of blowing!"

"Blow? How to blow? What to blow? Brothers, does anyone explain to me in detail?"

"Uncle brother is starting to make cups again, and my youth is back!"


"Really? It's the same as the truth!" Not only the people in the live broadcast room didn't believe it, but even the woman Jiang Xuefen was also a little skeptical of what her little man said.

The operation of identifying position by listening, not to mention professional players, usually some powerful players know it, but you can hear what people want to do by listening to the voice. Isn't it a bit too ridiculous?

"Dare to underestimate me!" Chen Yefeng smiled and didn't explain much.

At this moment, when there was a lot of questioning in the live broadcast room, only the sound of broken glass was heard, and then someone jumped off from above.

And the position where he jumped down is exactly the position Chen Yefeng just mentioned, it can be said to be exactly the same!

As a shadow of a figure jumped down from above, Chen Yefeng also used the Hextech gun in his hand to directly knock down the fallen enemy directly and mercilessly!


"HeiTian used SKS to knock down GUNGU1314..."



Fans who originally thought that Chen Yefeng was bragging in the broadcast room were shocked after seeing this scene!

This said that the individual is exactly the same as what the eldest brother just said!

"I'll do it, it's okay? Uncle, tell the truth, have you opened the perspective!!!"

"It is recommended to check the elder brother's computer, I suspect what software is installed in it!"

"I can be sure that the anchor has definitely opened the software, otherwise how could a person be so awesome?"

"Our eldest uncle is a beast. Isn't it weird that the beast's ears are easier to use? I'm afraid that the rhythmic one wants our eldest brother to cool off!!!

"I think the anchor must be on the hook! Otherwise, why can you become so good in less than half a year!"

"It's rare and weird. This is called talent. This is called genius. There is a good saying that geniuses rely on one percent inspiration and 99 percent hard work, and sometimes, that one percent inspiration But not everyone can have it!"

"It is estimated that the person with the rhythm is the navy who invited us to cool down our brother, but we also have to have a brain to take the rhythm. Our brother has just brought three obviously in the domestic competition. Teammates who do not belong to the level of what level have won the fourth place. Our elder brother has this kind of strength, and still need to open up?"

"That is, please ask some high-quality navy, otherwise no one will believe it!"

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