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Chapter 294: Self-cultivation of actors

"you have!"

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

"Then what, daughter-in-law, let's run the poison quickly." The little apprentice Igueda Yuzi didn't know what to say, so he could only start to divert the attention of the two people and let them stop quarreling.

"Yes, the game is important. Let's run the poison first, and run the poison first!" Chen Yefeng didn't want to continue struggling with this problem, otherwise he would definitely be annoyed by this woman.

Therefore, he also hurried out of the airport and came to the road outside the airport.

But the result is that the road is empty, there is no less, there is no car!

"I am so special, the Blue Hole is targeting me!" Chen Yefeng was particularly depressed. This was the first time he encountered this situation!

Fans in the live broadcast room also began to criticize.

"See, this is the end of the straight man, the blue hole can't stand it anymore!"

"It seems that the green hat just now hasn't taught the elder brother a lesson. I suggest that the blue hole increase its efforts!"

"I heard what the little sister said, it seems that the elder brother has done something sorry for others. The eldest brother is really a scumbag!"

"The eldest uncle is not a scumbag, he is a beast, the beginning of chaos and the end of abandonment are simply words tailored for him!"

"I think the eldest brother will definitely get justice from the heavens later, after all, he is a scumbag. It is normal to be struck by lightning!"

"I agree with the statement upstairs, I am ready to watch the jokes of my uncle!"


Since there is no car, Chen Yefeng is depressed and depressed, so he still has to run away.

After all, they can say that they have taken down the entire airport. Naturally, there are a lot of medicines. Even if there are no cars on the road, they can definitely run into the safe area.

But despite the many medicines, Chen Yefeng was still a little flustered.

What if you just ran into the safe zone, the next circle is the Scourge circle?

Or, you won't run to the safe area at all, the safe area is always brushed, and you keep running!

Chen Yefeng has no doubt that this phenomenon will happen. After all, this woman Tian defeats herself, and it can be said that she is her own hit nemesis!

With the young apprentice Igueda and Jiang Xuefen, the three of them were running to see if they could find a car or something. Otherwise, in this game, maybe they would really be running drugs and taking drugs. Spent in between!

However, Lang Youxin's concubine has no intention, there is no more, no less, no car is real, otherwise Chen Yefeng is still calm, he would have been ascended to heaven long ago!

The three of them ran all the way and finally came to Tieqiao here!

Looking at the iron bridge in front of him, Chen Yefeng's inspiration flashed, and an unexpected thought arose in his heart!

Since I was so unlucky because of this and the woman, I must take revenge!

Well, we must retaliate, let this woman know how good she is!

Otherwise, if she doesn't resist, this woman will surely get better. Wouldn't she have less and less right to speak by then?

In terms of men and women, Chen Yefeng certainly wants to take the initiative and occupy the main place!

and so.

In order to act more like acting, Chen Yefeng also said in a serious voice: "Based on my long game experience, this kind of circle, coupled with this kind of route, usually has people blocking the bridge!"

"There are so many left at the airport, didn't you kill them all? Where are people blocking the bridge?"

"Cough cough! You are stupid, don't you have to land at the airport to block the bridge? You can get anywhere around here. You can just find a gun. The only people who land at the airport are blocked by the bridge!"

"Well, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, as a man, I will let you run first, and I will give you a gun. After you run past, I will be crossing the bridge at that time, so as to avoid the chance of being destroyed. !"

The little apprentice Igueda Naizi naturally nodded and agreed. After all, this is his own wife. Of course, everything is right. Anyway, he will definitely not harm himself!

But... Jiang Xuefen was different, and the woman couldn't help thinking.

The little man just wanted to fall into a box by himself, but suddenly the sun rose from the west, he wanted to protect himself?

Could it be that conscience discovered it? Or was it moved by your sincerity?

"Then what, are you sure what you said is true???"

"Of course it is true, but after all, I only have one person, so I may have more than enough energy but not enough energy!" Chen Yefeng said very seriously.

"What am I..."

Jiang Xuefen originally thought that the little man had discovered it with his conscience, but he did not expect that he still had a hard-to-shift nature!

This is not to say, only one can be protected, you will be knocked down by then, don't blame me!

"Why are you two quarreling again, we are all good friends, and we can't quarrel!" Iguodala stood up to stop the two.

"Okay then!" Jiang Xuefen smashed his mouth twice, always feeling a little weird, but he didn't know what was wrong.

Although she also knew that such things as blocking the bridge would happen every game, but what was wrong, Jiang Xuefen could not tell why!

After thinking about it, she didn't think about it anymore, "Well then, our safety is up to you!"

"Ahem, add one point, only one can be protected." Chen Yefeng corrected.

When Jiang Xuefen heard this, he took a deep breath, this ruthless little man, coaxing himself to die! ?

The two walked towards the front one after the other, Chen Yefeng pretended to protect them, but took up the SKS in his hand!


"I always feel that my elder brother is a little uneasy!"

"Me too, I'm afraid the elder brother will be tossing the little sister again!"

"Can Miss Sister stand up to such tossing?"

"My elder brother really is a beast!"


Looking at the barrage, Chen Yefeng also waited until the two of them walked to the center of the iron bridge before they shot.

The sound of the silenced SKS was so small that Jiang Xuefen heard the slight gunfire, but before he could react, he was shot in the shoulder, and his blood volume also dropped a lot.

"Someone beat me!!!" Jiang Xuefen, who was beaten, screamed immediately.

"Where!" Chen Yefeng's eyes were cold, pretending to be the same, "Position, I'll beat him for you!"

"I do not know either!"

"That's a shame..." Chen Yefeng sighed.

And Jiang Xuefen, who has always felt something is not right, also asked suspiciously: "Couldn't it be you?"

"How is it possible, am I so free!"

"Didn't you do it once in the game."


Chen Yefeng was a little embarrassed, this woman actually remembered!

"Don't worry, it's not me this time!" Chen Yefeng said while removing the muffler, otherwise it would be bad for this woman to see it!

At that time, I must cry endlessly with myself again!

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